Metóda kľúčového slova (z angl. keyword method) je v súčasnosti jedna z najviac diskutovaných mnemotechnických stratégií. Táto štúdia skúma jej efektivitu v porovnaní s mechanickým učením pri nadobúdaní slovnej zásoby u 61 študentov slovenskej strednej školy. Dáta boli získané z dvoch testov slovnej zásoby a vyhodnotené použitím Mann-Whitneyho U testu. Zistili sme, že skupina s metódou dosiahla signifikantne lepšie výsledky ako skupina s mechanickým učením. Participanti boli tiež požiadaní o písomnú spätnú väzbu na používanie metódy. Na záver sú podané návrhy na zlepšenie vyučovacieho procesu. and The keyword method is nowadays one of the most discussed mnemonic strategies. This study investigates its effectivity in comparison to rote learning for vocabulary acquisition in 61 Slovak high school students. The data were obtained from two vocabulary tests and analysed using Mann-Whitney U test. We found out that the keyword group obtained significantly higher scores than the rote-learning group. Participants were also asked to provide a written feedback on the use of the method. Finally, suggestions are made to improve the learning process.
The study offers a basic overview of the manuscripts of the ars memorativa treatises in late medieval Czech lands. On the basis of the surviving evidence it is possible to prove that during the 15th century this ancient art (however suspicious and cumbersome it may seem today) was known and practiced here. It coexisted with general (often primarily medical) set of advices on efficient studying some of which openly criticize the art of memory for being too impractical. Besides copies of Italian and West European art of memory models, there is a number of these treatises and shorter treatments of the art composed in the Czech lands. Each of them includes specific features and innovations not encountered elsewhere. The manuscript context of ars memorativa shows that it was not seen as a part of rhetoric theory intended for a restricted number of intellectuals but as a means of storing and recuperating important information actively used especially by students and preachers. and Lucie Doležalová.