Orientální ústav AV ČR uspořádal od 30. března do 1. dubna 2016 již 13. výroční konferenci Evropské asociace taiwanských studií (European Association of Taiwan studies - EATS). Téma konference „Mocní a bezmocní“ koresponduje s výzkumným záměrem „Moc a strategie politického a společenského řádu“, který ústav řeší od začátku roku 2015. Úvodní přednášku „The Powerful and the Powerless: Re-Examining and Reframing Taiwan’s History“ přednesl prof. Bruce Jacobs z Monash University., The 13th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) took place in Prague between March 30 and April 1, 2016. The main theme of the conference was Powerful and Powerless. The conference was a collaboration between the EATS Board and the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences., and Táňa Dluhošová.
Diskusní příspěvek upozorňuje na některé slabiny studie Jiřího Macháčka k charakteru mocenského uspořádání Velké Moravy, a to jak po stránce metodologické a metodické, tak po stránce faktické. and The discussion paper highlights certain methodological and methodical weaknesses in Jiří Macháček’s article on the possible nature of the power arrangement in Great Moravia.
Bruno Latour’s article challenges the preconceived notions with which the scholars have approached the Great Divide between prescientific and scientific cultures. In order to account for the immense effects of science and technology without assuming a single grand cause for them, he suggests to focus on many, small unexpected and practical sets of skills to produce images, and to read and write about them. However, only those changes that intervene favorably in the agonistic situation in science should be considered. Crucial in this respect is the emergence of numerous “immutable mobiles” - easily transported, accumulated, combined, yet lasting objects - which made possible the mobilization of new scientific inscriptions and of new ways of looking at and presenting them. They help to constitute an optically consistent visual culture with such technologies as printing press. Their combination on the surface of paper and subsequent mobilization of allies can usher in bureaucratic mode of domination over the world and people in the scientific field. The effects of science and technology thus become a question of a shift in power relations enabled by the manipulation of inscriptions., Bruno, Latour., and Obsahuje bibliografii