Large animal models to explore the safety and tolerability of novel therapeutic approaches for Huntington’s disease (HD) are in exploration to achieve higher translational reliability in future studies. Recently, a Libechov minipig has been established as one new transgenic (Tg) large animal model for HD. We here discuss the advantages and limitations in using this model in HD with regards to breeding, housing, handling, and with respect to homology to humans and ethical considerations. A group of TgHD and wild type (WT) female minipigs (n = 36) was used to gain first evidence about abovementioned aspects. It is concluded that Libechov minipigs may fulfill an important role to bridge the gap between rodents and non‑human primates in the translation to humans. and S. Schramke, R. Schubert, F. Frank, M. Wirsig, M. Fels, N. Kemper, V. Schuldenzucker, R. Reilmann
Zánětlivý pseudotumor je vzácná patologie neznámé etiologie vyskytující se nejčastěji v oblasti orbity a plic. Zcela raritně můžeme identifikovat ložisko zánětlivého pseudotumoru intrakraniálně. Predilekční lokalizace v nitrolebí je baze lební a kavernózní sinus. V naší kazuistice prezentujeme případ 43leté pacientky, u které jsme diagnostikovali konvexitární, extraaxiální, kontrastem se sytící expanzi. Pacientka podstoupila operační zákrok s extirpací procesu. Histologické vyšetření stanovilo diagnózu zánětlivého pseudotumoru. Nemocná je půl roku po operačním výkonu bez obtíží., Inflammatory pseudotumour is a rare pathology of unknown aetiology, located predominantly in the orbita and lungs. Intracranial localisation is infrequent. The most frequent intracranial localisations include the cranial base and cavernous sinus. In the present paper, we present a case report of a 43-year-old woman diagnosed with a contrast-enhancing extra-axial lesion of the convexity. The patient underwent a surgery and the lesion was extirpated. The diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumour was verified by histology. The patient is free of any symptoms one year after surgery. Key words: inflammatory pseudotumor – meningiom The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and J. Adamkov, P. Kašparová, T. Česák