The text examines school failure and the underachievement of boys in the light of the wider context of gendered, un/equal opportunities in the education system and process. Recent findings from international research reports are raised in a discussion to confirm or refute theories of the marginalization of boys and young men. Based on relevant Czech statistical data, the article contributes to opening up Czech sociological debate on gendered educational and life courses., Iva Šmídová., tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Předmětem studie je teoretická analýza feministické antropologie jako relativně autonomního výzkumného směru a svébytné antropologické disciplíny. Zvláštní pozornost bude věnována vývojovým proměnám feministické antropologie. Cílem studie je přispět k ap- likaci genderového přístupu na výzkum sociokulturních jevů. Proto je feministická antropologie analyzovaná jako přístup, který v opozici k tradičnímu androcentrickému studiu člověka vnáší do vědy o kultuře „ženský hlas“ a genderovou perspektivu., The subject of this study is a theoretic analysis of feministic anthropology as a relatively autonomous research approach and an independent anthropological discipline. Special attention will be paid to evolutionary changes of feministic anthropology. The study aims at enhancing the use of gender approach when researching socio-cultural phenomena. That is why feministic anthropology is analysed as an approach which – as opposed to the traditional androcentric study of man – brings into cultural science a “woman’s voice” and gender point of view., Václav Soukup, and Literatura
Sociology and sociological theory have been effective in analyzing societal and institutional conflict and violence, but less so in analyzing the specifics of interpersonal violence. This article examines the sociological significance of domestic violence. This relationship, or sometimes its neglect, is underlain by several tensions and paradoxes, which in turn have broader implications for sociology, sociological theory and social theory. These matters are examined through: the possible paradox of violence and intimacy in the phenomenon of domestic violence; the importance of the naming and framing of such violence; explanation, responsibility and agency; and gender, hegemony and discourse in men’s violence to known women, as part of a multi-faceted power approach., Jeff Hearn., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu