The microcirculation plays a crucial role in the interaction between blood and tissues both in physiological and pathophysiological states. Despite its critical role in numer ous diseases including diabetes, hypertension, sepsis or multiple organ failure, methods for direct visualization and quantitative assessm ent of human microcirculation at the bedside are limited. Orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) imaging is a relatively new noninvasive method for assessment of human microcirculation without using fluorescent dyes. Recent clinical studies using OPS imaging in various pathological states have shown a wide spectrum of different clinical applications with evident impact on the diagnosis, treatment or prognosis assessment. Thus, there is a great effort to validate OPS imaging for various clinical purposes. The principles of OPS imaging, validation studies, its advantages, limitations, methods of quantitative assessment and current experience in clinical practice are discussed., V. Černý, Z. Turek, R. Pařízková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Muscarinc receptor-mediated signaling takes part in many physiological functions ranging from complex higher nervous activity to vegetative responses. Specificity of action of the natural muscarinic agon ist acetylcholine is effected by action on five muscarinic receptor subtypes with particular tissue and cellular localization, and coupling preference with different G-proteins and their signalin g pathways. In addition to physiological roles it is also implicated in pathologic events like promotion of carcinoma cells growth, early pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases in th e central nervous system like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, intoxications resulting in drug addiction, or overactive bladder in the periphery. All of these disturbances demonstrate involvement of specific muscarinic receptor subtypes and point to the importance to develop selective pharmacotherapeutic interventions. Because of the high homology of the orthosteric binding site of muscarinic receptor subtypes there is virtually no subtype selective agonist that binds to this site. Activation of specific receptor subtypes may be achieved by developing allosteric modulators of acetylcholine binding, since ectopic binding domains on the receptor are less conserved compared to the orthosteric site. Potentiation of the effects of acetylcholine by allosteric modulators would be beneficial in cases where acetylcholine release is reduced due to pathological conditions. When presynaptic function is severly compromised, the utilization of ectopic agonists can be a thinkable solution., J. Jakubík ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
We studied the relationship between blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS, ms/mmHg) in adolescents. We examined 34 subjects aged 16.2±2.4 years who had repeatedly high causal BP (H) and 52 controls (C) aged 16.4±2.2 years. Forty-four C and 22 H were of normal weight (BMI between 19-23.9), and 8 C and 12 H were overweight (BMI between 24-30). Systolic BP was recorded beat-to-beat for 5 min (Finapres, controlled breathing 0.33 Hz). BRS was determined by the cross-spectral method. The predicting power of BMI and BRS for hypertension was evaluated by sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operating curve (ROC - plot of sensitivity versus specificity). H compared with C had lower BRS (p<0.01) and higher BMI (p<0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis (p<0.001) revealed that a decreased BRS (p<0.05) and an increased BMI (p<0.01) were independently associated with an increased risk of hypertension. No correlation between BMI and BRS was found either in H or in C. Following optimal critical values by ROC, the sensitivity, specificity and area under ROC were determined for: BMI - 22.2 kg/m2, 61.8 %, 69.2 %, 66.0 %; BRS - 7.1 ms/mmHg, 67.7 %, 69.2 %, 70.0 %; BMI and BRS - 0.439 a.u., 73.5 %, 82.7 %, and 77.3 %. Decreased BRS and overweight were found to be independent risk factors for hypertension., K. Krontorádová, N. Honzíková, B. Fišer, Z. Nováková, E. Závodná, H. Hrstková, P. Honzík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Molekulární genetika vstoupila na antropologické kolbiště koncem 60. let, ale teprve přímá analýza archaické DNA (aDNA) z fosilních pozůstatků od 80. let umožnila přesnější vhled do evoluce našeho druhu ve středním a mladém pleistocénu. Navzdory různým „Jurským parkům“ totiž DNA po smrti organismu rychle degraduje a časové okno její možné analýzy je poměrně omezené. Navíc jsou vzorky kontaminovány DNA okolních organismů. Nicméně velice záhy se pozornost paleogenetiků soustředila na naše příbuzné - neandertálce. Analýza jejich genomu ukázala, že ~2 % jejich DNA se vyskytuje v genomu anatomicky moderního člověka s výjimkou subsaharské Afriky a celkový rozsah tohoto přenosu může dosahovat až 20 %. Křížení s neandertálci lidem zřejmě umožnilo snadnější adaptaci na chladnější podmínky eurasijského kontinentu, současně však přineslo i výskyt některých chorob. Překvapení přinesla sekvence aDNA izolovaná z článku prstu nalezeného v Denisově jeskyni na Altaji. Ukázalo se, že tento jedinec patřil k neznámému druhu odlišnému jak od moderních lidí, tak i od neandertálců. I tito hominini přispěli až 6 % svojí DNA do genomu některých současných populací člověka (JV Asie, Oceánie). Podle nejnovějších poznatků byl tok genů mezi homininy středního a mladého paleolitu poměrně složitý, byla např. detekována příměs neandertálské DNA v genomu denisovců, kteří navíc získali další sekvence od dalšího, blíže neurčeného druhu hominina. Posledním příspěvkem paleogenetiky do obrazu naší evoluce je sekvence mitochondriální DNA získaná ze zhruba 400 tisíc let starých fosilních pozůstatků heidelberského člověka (Homo heidelbergensis) ze Sima de los Huesos (Šachty kostí) z krasové oblasti Atapuerca ve Španělsku, která ukazuje na příbuznost tohoto druhu., Molecular genetics entered the arena of anthropology at the end of the 1960s, but only direct analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) from fossils since the 80s has permitted a better insight into the evolution of our own species. Despite the rapid decomposition of DNA starting immediately after death, molecular geneticists are now able to retrieve and sequence aDNA tens or even hundreds of thousands years old. Paleogenetic studies of ancient humans and their relatives have revealed a rather complex picture of Middle and Upper Pleistocene hominins (Neanderthals, Denisovans, ante-Neanderthals etc.) and gene flow among them. New and exciting findings changing our views of the evolution of our own species are appearing with an accelerating pace., Miloš Macholán., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This review concerns the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the pathogenesis of different models of experimental hypertension (NO-deficient, genetic, salt-dependent), which are characterized by a wide range of etiology. Although the contribution of NO may vary between different models of hypertension, a unifying characteristic of these models is the presence of oxidative stress that participates in the maintenance of elevated arterial pressure and seems to be a common denominator underlying endothelial dysfunction in various forms of experimental hypertension. Besides the imbalance between the endothelial production of vasorelaxing and vasoconstricting compounds as well as the relative insufficiency of vasodilator systems to compensate augmented vasoconstrictor systems, there were found numerous structural and functional abnormalities in blood vessels and heart of hypertensive animals. The administration of antihypertensive drugs, antioxidants and NO donors is capable to attenuate blood pressure elevation and to improve morphological and functional changes of cardiovascular system in some but not all hypertensive models. The failure to correct spontaneous hypertension by NO donor administration reflects the fact that sympathetic overactivity plays a key role in this form of hypertension, while NO production in spontaneously hypertensive rats might be enhanced to compensate increased blood pressure. A special attention should be paid to the modulation of sympathetic nervous activity in central and peripheral nervous system. These results extend our knowledge on the control of the balance between NO and reactive oxygen species production and are likely to be a basis for the development of new approaches to the therapy of diseases associated with NO deficiency., J. Török., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Expression of parvalbumin (PV) and transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV1) receptors in the lumbar dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRG) was evaluated in control animals and in rats after acute carageenan-induced knee joint inflammation. PV is a calcium binding protein that acts as a calcium buffer, affects intracellular calcium homeostasis and may thus influence signal transduction and synaptic transmission. TRPV1 receptors are viewed as molecular integrators of nociceptive stimuli and modulate spinal cord synaptic transmission beside their function in the peripheral nerve endings. In naive rats, 13 % of the L4 DRG neurons had PV immunopositivity (PV+) and 36 % expressed TRPV1 receptors (TRPV1+). The soma of the PV+ neurons was of medium to large size, while the TRPV1 receptors were expressed in small diameter neurons. The co-localization of the PV and TRPV1 immunoreactivity was minimal (0.2 %). There was no significant change in the PV+ (11 %), TRPV1+ (42 %) and PV+TRPV1+ (0.25 %) expression, or shift in the neuronal size distribution 28 h after the unilateral peripheral inflammation, both when compared to controls and when ipsilateral to contralateral sides were evaluated. Thus under the given experimental conditions, no change in somatic TRPV1 receptors and PV expression in L4 DRG neurons was found., G. Zachařová, J. Paleček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Spontaneously Diabetic Torii (SDT) fatty rats, a new obese diabetic model, reportedly presented with features of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) after 32 weeks of age. We tried to accelerate the onset of NASH in SDT fatty rats using dietary cholesterol loading and noticed changes in the blood choline level which is expected to be a NASH biomarker. Body weight and biochemical parameters were measured from 8 to 24 weeks of age. At 16, 20, 24 weeks, pathophysiological analysis of the livers were performed. Hepatic lipids, lipid peroxides, and the expression of mRNA related to triglyceride (TG) synthesis, inflammation, and fibrosis were evaluated at 24 weeks. Hepatic fibrosis was observed in SDT fatty rats fed cholesterol-enriched diets (SDT fatty-Cho) from 16 weeks. Furthermore, hepatic lipids and lipid peroxide were significantly higher in SDT fatty-Cho than SDT fatty rats fed normal diets at 24 weeks. Hepatic mRNA expression related to TG secretion decreased in SDT fatty-Cho, and the mRNA expression related to inflammation and fibrosis increased in SDT fatty-Cho at 24 weeks. Furthermore, SDT fatty-Cho presented with increased plasma choline, similar to human NASH. There were no significant changes in the effects of feeding a cholesterol-enriched diet in Sprague-Dawley rats. SDT fatty-Cho has the potential to become a valuable animal model for NASH associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity., Y. Toriniwa, M. Muramatsu, Y. Ishii, E. Riya, K. Miyajima, S. Ohshida, K. Kitatani, S. Takekoshi, T. Matsui, S. Kume, T. Yamada, T. Ohta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The purpose of this study was to investigate plasma concentrations of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) during and after real and simulated space flight. Venous blood was obtained 3 min after the beginning and 2 min after the lower body negative pressure maneuver in two cosmonauts preflight (supine), inflight, and postflight (supine) and in five other subjects before, at the end, and 4 days after a 5-day head-down tilt (-6°) bed rest. In cosmonaut 1 (10 days in space), plasma cGMP fell from preflight 4.3 to 1.4 nM on flight day 6, and was 3.0 nM on the fourth day after landing. In cosmonaut 2 (438 days in space), it fell from preflight 4.9 to 0.5 nM on on flight day 3, and stayed <0.1 nM with 5, 9, and 14 months in space, as well as on the fourth day after landing. Three months after the flight his plasma cGMP was back to normal (6.3 nM). Cosmonaut 2 also displayed relatively low inflight ANP values but returned to preflight level immediately after landing. In a ground-based simulation on five other persons, supine plasma cGMP was reduced by an average of 30 % within 5 days of 6° head-down tilt bed rest. The data consistently demonstrate lowered plasma cGMP with real and simulated weightlessness, and a complete disappearance of cGMP from plasma during, and shortly after long-duration space flight., A. Rössler, V. Noskov, Z. László, V.V. Polyakow, H. G. Hinghofer-Szalkay., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The concentration-dependence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (BHP) inhibitory effect on oxygen consumption in isolated rat liver mitochondria was measured in the presence of various respiratory substrates. Strong inhibitory effect at low concentrations of BHP (15-30 μM) was found for oxoglutarate and palmitoyl carnitine oxidation. Pyruvate and glutamate oxidation was inhibited at higher concentrations of BHP (100-200 μM). Succinate oxidation was not affected even at 3.3 mM BHP. Determination of mitochondrial membrane potential has shown that in the presence of NADH-dependent substrates the membrane potential was dissipated by BHP but was completely restored after addition of succinate. Our data thus indicate that beside peroxidative damage of complex I also various mitochondrial NADH-dependent dehydrogenases are inhibited, but to a different extent and with different kinetics. Our data also show that succinate could be an important nutritional substrate protecting hepatocytes during peroxidative damage., R. Endlicher ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury