Glukokortikoidy jsou známé a v klinické praxi používané již řadu let, přesto se jejich postavení v léčbě infekčních nemocí neustále vyvíjí. Přehledových prací, které by se tématu jejich využití v této oblasti věnovaly, je však velice málo. Předkládaná práce shrnuje dosavadní poznatky o možném využití glukokortikoidů v terapii infekčních nemocí. Přes známou kontraindikaci těchto látek u akutních infekcí byly nalezeny oblasti, v nichž výsledky klinických hodnocení naznačují možný prospěch. Vzhledem ke složitosti problematiky a někdy kontroverzním závěrům by však každému podání glukokortikoidů pacientovi s infekční nemocí mělo předcházet pečlivé zvážení a posouzení individuálního prospěchu a případných rizik plynoucích z léčby., Glucocorticoids have been known and used in clinical practice for many years now, still their position in the treatment of infectious diseases is continuously developing. Still there are only few review papers focusing on their use in this area. This article summarizes the present knowledge of possible use of glucocorticoids in therapy of infectious diseases. Despite the known contraindication of these agents in the case of acute infections, there have been areas identified where the results of clinical assessments indicate possible benefit. Given the complexity of the problems and sometimes controversial conclusions, each administration of glucocorticoids to a patient with an infectious disease should be preceded by a careful consideration and assessment of an individual benefit and possible risks following from the treatment., and Lucie Hromádková
The acute destructive pneumonias (ADP) occupy up to 80% of the total number of pneumonias. They require constant improvement of treatment strategy. Nowadays the use of surfactants is a part of most treatment protocols. The aim was to study the features of the solid phase bronchoalveolar lavage in children with the ADPs in the dynamics of complex treatment with exogenous surfactant. Material and methods: We examined 39 patients of contaminated surgery. We identified 2 groups of patients. The patients of first group (n=27) had pulmonary pleural form of ADP, the second group (n=12) had pulmonary form of ADP. All patients got classical treatment and the earlier draining of pleural cavity. We used as an antiseptic reamberin 1.5% by 10 ml/kg and endobronchially injected exogenous surfactant Bl in dose12 mg/kg body weight a day, 6 mg/kg every 12 hours. All the children were made a bronchoscopy to obtain BAL to study the crystallization properties. The solid phase of BAL was studied by method of cuneal dehydration. Results: All facies before treatment were divided into two groups according to classification of facies of biological fluids. Only the facies of the second and the third types were detected there. It was revealed that the sizes of the zones of the facies were different in the comparison groups before treatment and after. And the level of crystalline structures and amorphous aggregates were different in the groups with different degrees of inflammation. Conclusion: So, we can assume that the change in surfactant system is characterized by changes in the morphological structure of solids phases of BAL. And the morphological structure of BAL depends on the chemical composition of BAL., Yuliya Modna, Tatiana Tananakina, Elina Dyka, Ievgen Mozhaiev, Pavlo Borodin, and Literatura