Problém závěrečné fáze mladšího (salzmündského) stupně kultury nálevkovitých pohárů (KNP) v Čechách je zde řešen na podkladě typově i kvantitativně dostatečně reprezentativního nálezového souboru z výzkumu sídelního areálu u Brozan nad Ohří. Formy keramiky plně odpovídají tvarům diskutovaného stupně, od souborů, které toto období reprezentují, se ale ve třech znacích, jež zároveň umožňují zařazení až na samý závěr české skupiny KNP, liší: prvním je faktická absence typické „salzmündské“ vhloubené výzdoby, druhým přítomnost nových tvarů, příbuzných tvarům badenizovaných skupin KNP severně od Čech, třetím výskyt keramiky klasického stupně badenské kultury. Publikovaný soubor zároveň svědčí o dvojkolejnosti kulturního vývoje v Čechách v období středního eneolitu, dané paralelní existencí mladší KNP a badenské kultury od jejího staršího, bolerázského stupně až do nástupu klasického stupně. and The text deals with the topic of the final phase of the late (Salzmünder) phase of the Funnel Beaker culture in Bohemia, studied on the basis of the assemblage from the Brozany nad Ohří site, representative both in terms of type and quantity. The acquired material included pottery that may on one hand be unambiguously connected with the phase in question, but on the other hand, however, differs in some attributes from the existing assemblages representative of the phase. The presence of shapes typical for the classic phase of the Baden culture, new pottery types and actual absence of the typical “Salzmünder” incised decoration enable its classification into the very end of the Funnel Beaker culture in Bohemia. The published assemblage also attests to the continued double-track nature of the cultural evolution at the outset of the Bohemian middle Eneolithic, characteristic by the simultaneous existence of the incoming Baden culture and the outgoing Funnel Beaker culture also during the classic phase of the Baden culture.
This diploma thesis based paper focuses on the problems of settlement archaeology and a spectrum of archaeological artifacts, which were excavated during a salvage archaeological excavation at Olomouc-Slavonín-„Horní Lán“site. The site is known to have been occupied multiple times and during different periods from prehistoric times tillthe present. This study discusses issues of early Medieval settlement at this site-the main part is concerned withSlavonic pottery analysis, then the study deals with the analysis of the structure of Slavonic settlement, characterof features and its placement in a range of settlement area. Slavonic settlement at Olomouc-Slavonín-„Horní Lán“is characterized by the absence of typical Slavonic earth-houses, therefore the settlement at this site supports the hypothesis of the existence of other house forms in use during the early Medieval period. The basic analysis of archaeological material from this site is supported by the statistical analysis. Statistical analysis defines the main tendenciesin the investigated data; it shows initially invisible structures and contexts and thus it aids in the final interpretationof investigated structures at the Olomouc-Slavonín-„Horní Lán“ settlement., Adéla Balcárková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V letech 2007–2014 byl prováděn detektorový průzkum v lokalitě Sedlec 4 (okr. Ústí nad Orlicí). Podařilo se získat soubor předmětů, které byly jednotlivě archeologizovány v areálu sídliště, a orbou rozvlečený bronzový depot obsahující kruhový šperk, růžicovitou sponu a kruhové disky s poutkem. Depot náleží horizontu Kosmonosy s datací Ha A1-2. and A metal detector survey conducted at the Sedlec 4 site in the Ústí nad Orlicí district, East Bohemia, in 2007–2014 produced an assemblage of artefacts individually ‘archaeologised’ on the grounds of the settlement, and a bronze hoard dispersed by ploughing, containing ring ornamentation, a rosette fibula and round disks with a loop. The hoard belongs to the Kosmonosy horizon dating to Ha A1-2.
Plošný výzkum v pískovně nedaleko obce Vlíněves, okr. Mělník, který probíhal v letech 1999–2008, zachytil vedle množství nálezů z různých období zemědělského pravěku též nálezy z doby kultury se zvoncovitými poháry. Nálezy byly dokumentované v sídlištním kontextu, diskutovány jsou jejich nálezové souvislosti a rozmístění na ploše výzkumu. Srovnání nevelkého množství podobných nálezových situací může naznačovat, že nízké zastoupení zahloubených sídlištních objektů v českých lokalitách je spíše důsledkem jejich původní funkce a využití v rámci sídelního areálu než redukcí v průběhu archeologizace a případných zásahů do terénu včetně archeologického výzkumu. and Area excavation in the sand-pit near the Vlíněves municipality, Mělník distr., accomplished in the years 1999–2008, yielded – apart from a number of finds from different periods of the agricultural prehistory – also finds of the Bell Beaker culture. Finds of this culture, recorded in settlement context, are presented and their find context and spatial distribution within the excavated area discussed. Comparison of the few similar find situations may suggest that the low incidence of sunken settlement features at Czech sites is due to their original purpose and use within the settlement area rather than their reduction during archaeologization or potential terrain interventions including archaeological excavation.
This article builds on the emerging tradition of transnationalism in migration research, which considers both migrants’ ‘making a home’ in their host societies and their continued attachments to their places of origin as parallel processes. It examines the factors that influence migrants’ simultaneous negotiation of ‘belonging’ in the home and host societies. This question is particularly significant in the ‘liquid’ context of free intra-EU mobility. The analysis is based on semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted in 2014–2016 with 41 Czech migrants who had moved to the United Kingdom in 1990–2015. Building on existing research of Central and Eastern European migration, the article shows that despite their diverse trajectories, most interviewees strive for ‘grounded’ lives with a family and a predictable future. Their sense of ‘belonging’ is affected by their reasons for coming to and staying in the UK, but especially by the presence or absence of agency; whether the migrant’s decision to stay was voluntary or dependent. Aspects of the individual’s migration situation and personal characteristics are also shown to structure migrant belonging. The concept of a ‘leap of faith’ is introduced to capture the role of a conscious commitment to settling in the host country, both physically and mentally, and thus re-gaining ‘control’ over one’s migration trajectory in cases when the decision to stay was not made independently.
Příspěvek přináší shrnutí poznatků o raně středověkém pohřbívání v aglomeraci hradiště v Libici nad Cidlinou. Díky soustavnému, více než jedno století trvajícímu zájmu archeologie máme k dispozici poměrně ucelený obraz vývoje významného raně středověkého centra. Rozlišení tří hlavních chronologických horizontů umožňuje sledovat v kontextu pohřebišť i dynamiku vývoje celé lokality. Na základě srovnání jednotlivých pohřebišť se autor pokouší o vymezení sociotopografie celé aglomerace hradiště a zároveň poukazuje na limity tohoto poznání založeného pouze na archeologických pramenech. and This paper provides a summary of knowledge relating to Early Medieval burial within the agglomeration of the fortified enclosure at Libice nad Cidlinou. Thanks to consistent interest on the part of archaeology for more than a century, a relatively complete picture is now available of the development of this important Early Medieval centre. The discernment of three main chronological horizons makes it possible to trace the development dynamic of the entire site in the context of the cemeteries. On the basis of a comparison of the individual cemeteries the author attempts to define the sociotopography of the whole enclosure agglomeration, and at the same time show the limits of this understanding based purely on the archaeological material.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the circumstances revealed by the archaeological study of extinct medieval villages whose ground plans were staked out systematically, using some of the standard schemes of the times: that is, the possible direct proportion of the area, farmed by the individual homesteads, and the expanse of the plot of yards of these homesteads, or rather the width of the yards with respect to the village square. For the initial phase of the analysis were used the available early textual and cartographical sources from areas where such research was made possible by the earlier interconnecting of information about the history of settlement that allow for studying the older stages of social structure of the communities.
This article presents the results of a 2019 rescue excavation of an Upper Palaeolithic settlement at Kouty III in Hlinsko u Lipníka in Central Moravia. The excavation took place due to a planned enlargement of the local greywacke mine. Lithic artefacts were found in Quaternary sediments redeposited by slope processes. The density of artefacts was quite low; therefore, it was not possible to recover them using a standard archaeological excavation and most of them were collected on the mounds of dirt beside the trenches excavated by a mechanical excavator, or during an excavation of the Eneolithic barrows situated in the south-western part of the site. A total of 106 lithic pieces were found during this excavation. Eighteen of the artefacts lacked a patinated surface, thus they were attributed to the Eneolithic period. A collection of 88 patinated lithics was classified as Aurignacian based on technological and typological characteristics. Most of the artefacts were made on erratic flint, however radiolarite, quartzite, spongolite and Moravian Jurassic chert were present as well. The technology was based on production of blades and bladelets from Upper Palaeolithic prismatic cores. These bladelets could have been used as components of composite tools. One tool set is similar to the neighbouring site Kouty I (Škrdla 2007) and consists of nine burins, three splintered pieces, one thick end scraper and two tool fragments. A bifacial triangular point that was found at Kouty I (Demidenko et al. 2018) and at several other surface sites in the surrounding area, were not found here. Despite this fact it is possible to classify this site as Evolved Aurignacian of the so-called Morava River type (Klíma 1978), which is quite common in this region.