The article presents the results of the social-anthropological field research realized in the town of Tachov and several adjacent villages (especially Lesná, Mýto). It focuses on the mapping of the so called small history, identified through the biographical method, that is, stories related to the lives of the interviewed persons. It analyzes the situation during and after the return migration and final settlement of the region, as it is presented in the memories of the participants of the provesses of settlement, as well as their descendants. The article is structured into several blocks according to the priorities of the narratives, ascertained during the field research. These priorities are: memories of the industry of the pre-war era, the theme of return migrants and settlers, their integration and mutual relations with other ethnic groups. At the same time, it was possible to create an image of the spontaneous tale-telling repertoire. The main purpose of the research was to follow-up with the researches of the region realized in the 1970s and 1980s and to supplement them with new data.
Cílem práce je prostudovat vztah kultury, archeologické kultury a sociální identity (etnicity). Tyto jednotlivé klíčové pojmy prodělaly v průběhu vývoje archeologických i antropologických teorií bouřlivý vývoj, což však ne všichni současní badatelé reflektují. Proto je zde podán stručný přehled historie vzniku a obsahu antropologické a archeologické kultury a etnicity. Prostor je také věnován etnoarcheologickému přínosu při studiu stylu hmotné kultury. Závěrem je, že archeologická kultura nepředstavuje odraz sociální identity a etnicity minulých populací, a že pojetí archeologických kultur jako interpretačních jednotek původních společností je třeba revidovat. and The aim of the work is to study the relationship between culture, archaeological culture and social identity (ethnicity). These individual key terms have a stormy history in the development of archaeological and anthropological theory, a fact that is not reflected by all contemporary researchers. For this reason, the essay includes a brief overview of the history of the emergence and content of anthropological and archaeological culture and ethnicity. Attention is likewise paid to the ethnoarchaeological contribution in studying the style of material culture. The conclusion reached by the author is that archaeological culture does not reflect the social identity and ethnicity of past populations and that the concept of archaeological cultures as interpretive units of original societies needs to be revised.
The representative full-text digitalized HetWiK corpus is composed of 140 manually annotated texts of the German Resistance between 1933 and 1945. This includes both well-known and relatively unknown documents, public writings, like pamphlets or memoranda, as well as private texts, e.g. letters, journal or prison entries and biographies. Thus the corpus represents the diverse groups as well as the heterogeneity of verbal resistance and allows the study of resistance in relation to the language usage.
The HetWiK corpus can be used free of charge. A detailed register of the individual texts and further information about the tagset can be found on the project-homepage (german). In addition to the CATMA5 XML-format we provide a standoff-JSON format and CEC6-Files (CorpusExplorer) - so you can export the HetWiK corpus in different formats.