Theory of acoustic waves interaction with material and boundary. Damping velocity, damping, elasticity moduli, frequency spectra, basic characteristics of structure composition of material. Structuroscopy of most common composite iron - graphite (cast iron). Example of structuroscopy of intermetallic compounds. Measurement possibility of rubber composite properties, nanogeopolymers with nanofillers. Trend of further research. and Teorie interakce zvukových vln s materiálem a rozhraním. Rychlost zvuku, útlum, moduly pružnosti, frekvenční spektra jako základní charakteristiky strukturní skladby materiálů. Strukturoskopie nejběžnějšího kompozitu železo - grafit (litiny). Příklad strukturoskopie intermetalických sloučenin. Možnosti měření vlastností kaučukových kompozitů, nanogeopolymerů s nanoplnivy. Směr dalšího výzkumu.
The study focuses on the subject that Lévi-Strauss never devoted himself to in a systematic way. The essence of his view on the urban space can be found in few pages of his travel book Tristes Tropiques (English version is entitled World on the Wane). In spite of this fact, the study tries to show that the opinions on the urban space delivered in this work are important for us to under stand the basis of his method, as well as to get closer to the places where his thinking opens to the new perspectives of the anthropological studies. When analyzing these opinions, we find that on the one hand they confirm the primary trend of his method, which is the orientation towards unconscious models; on the other hand, however, we see the role of collective conscience in a new light. Similarly, we will have to correct the idea about the relation between structures and their demographic substance. In his work La Pensée sauvage (The Savage Mind) Lévi-Srauss presented this relationship as a conflict of two sides, from which the second one, the demographic substance always ends up pre dominating: it decomposes the structural organizations and leads the community to the historical time. Lévi-Strauss’ reflections about the city indicate that the demographical substance could have a different function in his thinking. Thanks to the concentration of a big amount of people, a city can in its organization of space display the unconscious trends of mind. The last part of the study aims to discover in Lévi-Strauss’ opinions on the South American cities the indication of what could be called the anthropology of present or even future times. and Miroslav Marcelli.
We evaluated the effects of N G -nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME) (50 mg/kg/day) and 7-nitroindazole (7NI) (10 mg/kg/day) administered from 10th-16th week of age either individually or together on cardiovascular system of Wistar rats and SHR. Systolic blood pressure (sBP) was measured weekly by the plethysmographic method. For morphological studies, the animals (n=10) were perfused with a fixative (120 mm Hg), and thoracic aorta and carotid and co ronary arteries were processed for electron microscopy. For functional investigation (n=10), aortic rings were used in an or gan bath. In Wistar rats, L-NAME evoked an increase of sBP; hype rtrophy of the heart and arterial walls; an increase in cross-sectional areas (CSA) of endothelial cells (EC), muscle cells (SMC), extracellular matrix (ECM), and a decrease in acetylcholin e-induced endothelial-dependent relaxation (EDR). 7NI evoked sBP-independent hypotrophy of the heart and arterial walls, a decrease in CSA of EC and SMC without affecting the CSA of ECM, and a mild decrease in acetylcholine-induced EDR. 7NI and L-NAME administered together evoked lower effect on BP and trophicity of the heart and all arteries, and a similar de crease in acetylcholine-induced EDR compared to L-NAME alone. In SHR, 7NI did not evoke any effect on the studied parameters., F. Kristek, M. Drobna, S. Cacanyiova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Structural changes of thoracic aorta (TA), carotid (CA) and iliac artery (IA) were assessed in Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) aged 3, 17, and 52 weeks. Systolic blood pressure (sBP) was measured by plethysmography weekly. After perfusion fixation the arteries were processed for electron microscopy. The wall thickness (WT), cross-sectional area (CSA), inner diameter (ID), and WT/ID in all arteries and volume densities of endothelial cells (ECs), muscle cells (SMCs), and extracellular matrix (ECM) in TA were measured and their CSAs were calculated. In 3-week-old SHR compared to Wistar rats, sBP did not differ; in the TA, all parameters (WT, CSA, ID, WT/ID, CSA of SMCs, CSA of ECs, and CSA of ECM) were decreased; in CA, WT and CSA did not differ, ID was decreased, and WT/ID was increased; in IA, WT, CSA, and ID were increased. In 17- and 52-week-old SHRs, sBP and all parameters in all arteries were increased, only ID in IE in 52-week-old SHRs and CSA of ECs in the TA in 17-week-old SHRs did not change. Disproportionality between BP increase and structural alterations during ontogeny in SHR could reflect the flexibility of the arterial tree to the different needs of supplied areas.
The article treats of the discussion of democracy in the Czech intellectual context of the first half of the 20th century. Its starting point is the thesis that the nature of this discussion is determined by two clearly defined types of approach. One of them understood democracy as the concerning the general level which alone enabled free discussion and the dignified life of citizens (E. Beneš, E. Rádl, F. X. Šalda, F. Peroutka, K. Čapek and others). The second approach is an attempt to found democratic social-political practice on reflected philosophical theory. This conception is represented by T.G. Masaryk and J.L. Fischer. Masaryk is the “ontotheologian” of democracy which is, for him, an expression of the active presence of Providence in history. J. L. Fischer is the “onto-epistemologist” of democracy. He understands democracy as the realisation of the hierarchical Order of Reality, interpreted along the lines of structural functionalism. For Masaryk a crisis of democracy is ex definitione impossible, for Fischer it is a real threat because “pathological structures”. In both cases, however, there is an attempt to legitimise everyday reality by Transcendence.
Czechoslovak republic was founded and grew as a parliamentary demo¬cracy whose theoretical ideological conception was Masaryk’s idea of democracy. Masaryk was convinced that democracy, expressing the meaning of modern Western humanity, could not find itself in a crisis as such. Only democrats could fail. However, the factual development of the Czechoslovak state in the 1920’s and 1930’s manifested signs of a crisis. The question thus became one of sustainability of Masaryk’s ideas. One of the serious attempts at their critical reflection is the structurally functionalist conception of crisis of democracy offered by Josef Ludvík Fischer, a sociologist and a philosopher, who saw the root of the problem in a structural pathology, not an individual failure. The crisis can be resolved, according to Fischer, by constituting a “composable society” which respects the order of reality. Masaryk and Fisher agree that democracy needs be built on a global understanding of what there is as a whole.
The paper deals with properties of structured procedures from a mereological point of view, i.e. with respect to their constitutive elements. As a result, it is argued that procedures amount to structured complexes (wholes) made of uniquely determined parts and that the part-whole relation is of the partial-ordering type. However, such a mereology is not a standard one: the principle of extensionality and the idempotence law do not hold there. and Marie Duží
Microscopic techniques, such as polarising microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM/EDS), were used in combination with petrographic image analysis with the aim of a quantitative determination of the mineral composition, rock microstructure, and degree of metamorphism of selected quartz-rich metamorphic rock types. Sampled orthogneiss rock types are mainly composed of feldspar, quartz, biotite, and amphibole. The grains are less isometric, elongated, having smooth boundaries, and showing a weak preferential orientation. The deformation and recrystallization characteristics of quartz indicate high-temperature recrystallization (the grain boundary migration recrystallization mechanism). Schist and phyllite rock types are preferentially very-fine to fine-grained, showing a strong shape preferred orientation. Their sedimentary origin was indicated by the presence of graphite. The deformation and recrystallization characteristics of the quartz indicate low temperature conditions of their metamorphism., Šárka Šachlová, Vladimír Schenk and Zdeňka Schenková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V súčasnej situácii, ktorú niektorí považujú za všeobecnú krízu hodnôt a totálny relativizmus a druhí zase označujú ako víťazstvo slobody, kedy je spor medzi modernistami a postmodernistami sporom o to, či existuje alebo neexistuje aspoň jeden spoločný oporný bod, na ktorom by sme mohli v duchu Newtonovho výroku postaviť celý náš vesmír, sa myšlienkami vraciame do minulosti. Je pozoruhodné, že už v antickom Grécku môžeme pozorovať obdobný spor tomu dnešnému a to medzi relativizmom a metafyzikou, keď relativisti odmietali predstavu existencie akejkoľvek od človeka nezávislej hodnoty a naopak metafyzici sa snažili obhájiť platnosť hodnôt existujúcich za hranicou nášho sveta. Spoločným menovateľom súčasného a minulého sporu je práve hľadanie otázky na to, či je všetko závislé od vôle človeka a platnosť má potom iba arbitrárny charakter alebo naopak existuje určitá štruktúra hodnôt poznateľná rozumom, ktorej platnosť je všeobecná a nie je závislá od ľudskej vôle. Podstatu tohto sporu sme sa
snažili ukázať aj v našom článku, kde čitateľovi najskôr ozrejmíme jeho teoretickú podstatu na báze analýzy vzťahov jednotlivých princípov a následne sa teoretický problém budeme snažiť vysvetliť aj pomocou
analýzy a komparácie súčasného platného právneho poriadku s poriadkom prvej ČSR a súvisiacej judikatúry v oblasti notárskych zápisníc ako exekučných titulov resp. ich staršími verziami vykonateľných verejno-notárskych listín.V celom článku sa preto pýtame na povahu samotnej štruktúry hodnôt a princípov, ktorých vzájomné vzťahy sú buď základom pre správnu aplikáciu princípov (platónska predstava), alebo sú skôr výsledkom ustálenej aplikácie princípov (sofistická predstava). and Some consider the current situation a general crisis of values others a victory of freedom. The general dispute is being led between the modernists and the postmodernist. The main conflict is based in the question whether there is at least one common point of convergence. This dispute brings us back to the ideas of the past. It is noteworthy that already in ancient Greece we can observe a similar dispute between relativism and metaphysics, where relativist refused to accept the idea, that there exists an independent value, which is not dependent on the will of man.On the other hand metaphysics tried to defend the validity of the structure of the values which exist beyond our world. The common denominator of the current and past issues of the dispute is the question if everything is dependent on the will of man, or if there is a structure, which is general and is not dependent on
human will. The essence of this dispute is presented in the whole article, first theoretically then by way of analysis and comparison of the legal systems of the ČSR and nowadays Slovakia. Therefore we ask ourselves throughout the whole article about the nature of the structure of values and principles
which could be the basis for the correct application of the principles in their mutual relations (platonic idea) or about the structure which resulted from the application of such principles (sophistic perception).