We characterize Banach lattices E and F on which the adjoint of each operator from E into F which is order Dunford-Pettis and weak Dunford-Pettis, is Dunford-Pettis. More precisely, we show that if E and F are two Banach lattices then each order DunfordPettis and weak Dunford-Pettis operator T from E into F has an adjoint Dunford-Pettis operator T ′ from F ′ into E ′ if, and only if, the norm of E ′ is order continuous or F ′ has the Schur property. As a consequence we show that, if E and F are two Banach lattices such that E or F has the Dunford-Pettis property, then each order Dunford-Pettis operator T from E into F has an adjoint T ′ : F ′ → E ′ which is Dunford-Pettis if, and only if, the norm of E ′ is order continuous or F ′ has the Schur property.