Anomálie urachu jsou vzácné. V literatuře najdeme práce pojednávající spíše o jednotlivých případech než velké soubory nemocných. Optimální léčba zůstává předmětem debat. Uvádíme kazuistiku 13měsíční dívky s infikovanou cystou urachu. Jedná se o onemocnění s dobrou prognózou při včasně zahájené adekvátní léčbě, může se však manifestovat i jako život ohrožující sepse či peritonitis, pokud dojde k ruptuře cysty., Urachal anomalies are rare. Literary data include case reports, studies analysing data from large groups are not available. Optimal treatment remains a matter of debate. The disease has a good prognosis when adequate treatment is initiated early. It can however also manifest with a lifethreatening sepsis or peritonitis. We report a case of 13-month-old girl with infected urachal cyst., Jana Horáková, Jan Starczewski, Miloš Fiala, Vladislav Smrčka, Jiří Kubále, Aleš Petřík, and Literatura
Autoři popisují případ 78leté ženy s masivní hemoptýzou, zdrojem které byla hypertrofická bronchiální tepna anomálně odstupující z a. thoracica interna. CT angiografie provedená na multidetektorovém CT přístroji ektopickou bronchiální tepnu zobrazila. Následná selektivní embolizace dané tepny akrylátovým lepidlem vedla k zástavě hemoptýzy. Nemocná neměla recidivu krvácení během 24měsíčního sledování. Anomální odstup bronchiální tepny není vzácný a proto je nutné na něj myslet zejména v případech, kdy není patrná žádná tepna zásobující bronchy v normální anatomické lokalizaci. CT angiografie provedená na multidetektorovém CT přístroji má vysokou úspěšnost v detekci odstupu bronchiálních tepen a slouží k navádění při jejich katetrizaci a embolizaci., The authors describe a case of a 78-year-old woman with massive hemoptysis, which was from to hypertrophic bronchial artery anomalously originating from the internal thoracic artery. CT angiography performed on multidetector CT shows anomalous origin of the right bronchial artery. The bronchial bleeding was treated with embolization. The patient had no recurrent bleeding during 24 month follow-up. Ectopic origin of bronchial arteries is not rare, therefore it is necessary to consider it especially in cases when no bronchial artery arises between the upper margin of the fifth thoracic vertebra and the lower margin of the sixth thoracic vertebra. Currently, multidetector computed tomography has a crucial role in diagnostic algorithm of massive or recurrent hemoptysis and is used as a guidance for endovascular embolization therapy., Vendelín Chovanec, Miroslav Lojík, Jan Raupach, Vladimír Koblížek, Jiří Máslo, Ondřej Renc, Antonín Krajina, and Literatura 16
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) treatment of neonatal mice results in a selective damage to the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and development of obesity with increased adiposity at sustained body weight in the adulthood. Feeding pattern of the MSG obese mice is unusual. Our previous results showed that after 24-h fasting, MSG mice consumed negligible amount of food in several hours and therefore, it was impossible to register the effect of peptides attenuating food intake such as cholecystokinin (CCK) or cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide. To overcome this problem, two findings were used: firstly, orexigenic effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) was attenuated both by CCK or CART peptide in lean fed mice and secondly, orexigenic effect of NPY was preserved in fed rats with MSG obesity. In this study, short-term food intake in fed lean and MSG obese C57BL/6 male mice was measured after simultaneous central administration of orexigenic NPY with either CART peptide or peripherally administered CCK. Anorexigenic action of exogenous CART peptide was preserved in MSG obese mice. On the other hand, satiety effect of exogenous CCK was completely lost in MSG obese mice. In conclusion, effective leptin signaling in ARC is necessary for satiety effect of CCK., B. Železná ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
During a survey of 23 wet heathland sites in Flanders (north Belgium) in 1999 and 2000, using both manual nest searching and pitfall traps as sampling techniques, we found 28 ant species. One species (Myrmica lonae) was new to the Belgian fauna and several rare species were encountered. Three ecological groups could be distinguished based on soil preference: the first group of species was characteristic of sandy soil, the second contained species that were more numerous on peat soil (with Sphagnum spp.), and the third group of species had no soil preference. Ant nest numbers increased strongly between 1999 and 2000, especially on the plots that were inundated during the winter of 1999-2000, but the number of ant species did not differ significantly between years. Ant nest density showed an optimum at a Purple Moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) cover of about 45%; the number of species did not show such an optimum. Pitfall traps yielded more species than manual nest searching; in particular temporary social parasites, species with a large foraging range and winged females from the surrounding habitats were missed by the latter technique. Finally, we give some recommendations for the conservation of, and suitable management measures for, ants on wet heathland.
The sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis is an important pest of sugarcane and ants are one of its main predators. The practice of burning sugarcane straw in situ after harvest has been gradually replaced in Brazil by other practices. However, it is unknown whether ants can control the abundance of this borer in the presence of straw. In this study, we assessed the diversity and species composition of ants attacking different stages of the pest’s life cycle. Specifically, we asked whether the species richness and abundance of ants varies during the course of day and a year. We established one-hectare plots at random locations in a sugarcane plantation. Once a month, we collected 20 samples of each stage of the D. saccharalis life cycle and randomly distributed these samples as bait on plants spaced 20 m apart within a plot. Ants were collected daily in the morning and afternoon over a period of 12 months. We identified several aspects of ant feeding behaviour that may affect their biological control of the borer: (1) the greatest number of ants were collected from baits consisting of the immature stages of the sugarcane borer, (2) ants were most active in the morning and (3) their activity varied from month to month. Solenopsis saevissima and morphotypes of Crematogaster sp.7 and Pheidole sp.35 are potentially important predators of borers in sugarcane crops in which the straw is not burnt., Roseli de Fatima de Oliveira ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Investigations of the interactions between aphids and ants in multispecies ant communities and an experimental investigation of some ethological aspects of ant-aphid interactions were carried out in mixed forests at Novosibirsk Academic Centre, from 1998-2002. The eight species of ants investigated were characterized by different levels of territorial organization and interaction with aphids, which were associated with different degrees of specialization of the worker ants. The most myrmecophilous species of aphids (24 out of 33 species identified) were associated with the red wood ants. By placing Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in aphid colonies it was shown that only ants with large protected territories attacked the adults and larvae of the predator. Other species of ants either protected aphids only from adult ladybirds or did not guard them at all. Moreover, only individuals of Formica s. str., which has specialized workers, did not switch to collecting protein food. However, aphids make up a considerable part of the prey of ants, in which non-myrmecophilous aphids predominate (about 60-100% of the aphid prey). Moreover, ants only killed unattended or damaged myrmecophilous aphids. Formica s. str., which has the highest level of social and territorial organization, provides aphids with the most services and is the dominant species forming symbiotic relationships with aphids in the communities studied.