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25492. Šťastných sedmnáct: Paupásnké (polo)pravdy
- Creator:
- Novotný , Vojtěch
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25493. Stát jako nositel sekularizace?
- Creator:
- Šejvl, Michal
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- moderní stát, sekularizace, Böckenfördeho teze, historická sociologie, Michel Foucault, pastorální moc křesťanství, governmentalita, modern State building, secularization, Böckenförde’s thesis, historic sociology, Christian pastoral power, and governmentality
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Tento článek představuje polemiku s některými tezemi Pavla Holländera vyjádřenými v jeho článku „Soumrak moderního státu“. Konkrétně se snaží ukázat, že některé „skryté kódy“ moderního státu jsou spíše než znaky, které by splňovaly současné státy, weberovskými ideálními typy, představujícími jisté tendence v politickém uspořádání Evropy objevivší se někdy od 12. do 20. století. Zejména pak polemizuje s Böckenfördeho představou, že moderní stát vznikl v procesu sekularizace a stal se jejím „vehiklem“. Místo toho prezentuje názory historických sociologů (jako Anderson, Tilly, Ertman či Gorski), podle nichž stát vznikl díky „militaristicko-fiskálním“ krokům podniknutým přibližně od vrcholného středověku. Tyto teze pak doplňuje názory Michela Foucaulta, především představou governmentality, rozvinutou v jeho díle „Securité, Territoire, Population“, která nastupuje někdy od 16. století poté, co jí připravila půdu pastorální moc křesťanství. Moderní stát je pak chápán „jen“ jako jedna z „epizod“ ve vývoji governmentality. and This article is a polemic with some theses presented by Pavel Holländer in his article “Twilight of Modern State”. In particular it tries to show that some features of modern state according to Holländer are not fulfilled by contemporary European states and these features could be rather perceived as Weberian ideal types or tendencies and inclinations presented during the development of European political entities from 12th to 20th century. First of all the article argues against Böckenförde’s thesis about the creation of state in the process of secularization and thesis that state is a vehicle of secularization. It presents an alternative “military-fiscal” theory of European state-building (Tilly, Ertman) connected with disciplinary theory of Gorski. At the same time it uses Foucault’s concept of governmentality as a kind of successor of Christian pastoral power to show that modern state is “only” an episode of governmentality.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25494. Stát jako obr na hliněných nohou. Opožděné poznámky k seriálu o budoucnosti státu
- Creator:
- Kysela, Jan
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- state, limited power, human rights, international community, european integration, globalization, stát, omezená moc, lidská práva, mezinárodní společenství, evropská integrace, and globalizace
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Článek volně navazuje na diskusi o roli státu a jeho tradičních atributech, jež probíhala v loňském „Právníku“. V současném světě jsme konfrontováni s různými typy států, např. moderními, postmoderními a postkoloniálními. Liší se mírou centralizace veřejné moci a povahou politického národa. V Evropě nacházíme státy velké svými úkoly a vzbuzeným očekáváním, avšak slabé díky různým omezením. Někdy jsou připodobňovány „státům“ středověkým. Z těch vnějších omezení je možné zmínit rostoucí význam mezinárodního práva, globalizaci a evropskou integraci. Mezi vnitřními je podstatné slábnutí důvěry ve stát a obecný zájem, posilování soudní moci na úkor mocí politických nebo větší význam málo regulované moci sociální. Průřezový charakter mají lidská práva, jež jsou ukotvena mezinárodně i vnitrostátně. Velmi podstatné je narušování homogenity společností v některých státech až do podoby etnicky či nábožensky segmentovaných subkultur. and This article is a belated addition to the discussion about role of state and its traditional atributtes which took place last year. In the contemporary world, we are confronted with various types of states, e. g. modern, post-modern, or post-colonial. They differ in intensity of centralization of public power and in nature of politicial nation. In Europe, in particular, there are states, which are strong, be it because of the tasks they perform or the expectations they raise But these states are at the same time weak because of various types of limits. From the external point of view we could mention increasing importance of international law, globalization or European integration. Regarding internal limits, what is important is the gradual weakening of trust in state and in general interest, strenghtening of judicial power at the expense of political powers of the state or almost un-regulated social powers (corporations, media etc.).Human rights belong to both groups. The shift from homogenous societies in some states to plurality of ethnically or religiously segmented sub-cultures plays key role.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25495. State - Market - Family Triangle Revisited: Visualizing and Expanding a Housing Studies Theoretical Tool
- Creator:
- Tsachageas, Dimitrios P. and Stephens, Mark
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- housing and state-market-family triangle
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- This paper revisits and revises the over-used State - Market - Household triangle as a theoretical analytical tool, proposing its repositioning at the centre of Housing and Welfare Studies, and reopening the debate. The goal is to eventually elaborate a dynamic visualization of the State - Market - Family triangle’s spatial and temporal transformations and transitions in housing provision, considering the relations of the actors involved. Towards this goal two conceptual adaptations are proposed. Firstly, it is suggested to add the parameter of time when assessing the triangle’s transformations from one era to another, or when comparing systems with similarities but on different evolutionary phases. Secondly, it is necessary to introduce - by default - an understanding of the triangle as a dynamic configuration, due to inter- and intra-polar shifts. It is argued that, apart from remaining a useful theoretical research tool, such visualization offers the opportunity to communicate various studies’ findings to a wider, often non-specialist audience.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25496. State of microbial landscape of upper respiratory tract in children with acute stenosing laryngotracheitis
- Creator:
- Samieva, Gulnoza Utkurovna
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The increase in the number of acute respiratory infections in children, accompanied by airway obstruction, often leads to the development of stenotic laryngotracheitis. The primary factors are respiratory viruses, and bacterial flora often joining together, changing the type of the disease which is determined by its outcome. Exposure to infectious agents in the body contribute to the development of chronic infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in children, resulting in damages to the ciliary epithelium and weakening of its connection with the basal cells and the basement membrane. This, in turn, facilitates the penetration of allergens and other inflammation stimulants into submucosal tissue. We have studied the state of the microbial landscape of the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract in 275 patients with stenosing laryngotracheitis; they are children aged 6 months to 5 years. All patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 included 122 children with primary stenosing laryngotracheitis (PSLT); group 2 were 153 patients with recurrent stenosing laryngotracheitis (RSLT). We noted that the most common mucosal lesion of germs in all age groups falls on Staphylococcus aureus. It has been established that the nasopharynx microbial defeat is found twice as often at RSLT than at PSLT. In older children with RSLT, oropharynx was frequently a complex association of pathogens., Gulnoza Utkurovna Samieva, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25497. Statečný poutník, nebo soběstačný zápecník?: "Hůlka odstraňující sírany"
- Creator:
- Markoš, Anton
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25498. Statement of increased danger in medicine
- Creator:
- Buletsa, Sibilla
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- statement of increased danger, responsibility, guilt, doctor, patient, equipment, and activity
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The source of increased danger in medicine is the basis of responsibility without guilt. Medical staffcan bear responsibility without guilt while carrying out medical activities.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25499. Statin administration does not improve the mobilization of very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) in contrast to resveratrol treatment in a murine model of acute myocardial infarction
- Creator:
- Wang, H., Yang, Y.-J., Qian, H.-Y., Zhang, Q., Gao, L.-J., Li, P., Wang, T.-J., and Wang, S.-D.
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie, fyziologie člověka, human physiology, very small embryonic-like stem cells, acute myocardial infarction, atorvastatin, stromal cell-derived factor-1, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- We have found that short-term statin treatment plus stem cell transplantation in acutely infarcted hearts improves cardiac function because statins promote the efficacy of cellular cardiomyoplasty. Autologous Sca-1+ LinCD45- (CXCR+ ) very small embryonic-like stem cell (VSEL) mobilization in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) correlates with the preservation of cardiac function. Whether short-term atorvastatin (Ator) can enhance the mobilization or recruitment of VSELs in AMI is still unclear. We divided mice into 4 groups: 1) sham; 2) AMI; 3) AMI+resveratrol (RSV) as a positive control; and 4) AMI+Ator. There was an increase in the circulating VSEL/full population of leukocytes (FPL) ratio 48 hours after AMI, and AMI+RSV increased it further. Ator administration did not increase the VSEL/FPL ratio. The cardiac stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and SDF-1α levels were in agreement with the results of VSEL mobilization. One week after AMI, more Sca-1+ CXCR+ cells were recruited to the myocardium of AMI+RSV mice but not AMI+Ator mice. Short-term Ator administration failed to upregulate cardiac SDF-1 and could not enhance the recruitment of VSELs early after AMI., H. Wang ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25500. Statin-associated myopathy: from genetic predisposition to clinical management
- Creator:
- Michal Vrablík, Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Tomáš Štulc, Věra Adámková, Martina Prusíková, Schwarzová, L., Hubacek, J. A., and Richard Češka
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie, statiny, genetika, statins, genetics, Statin associated myopathy, definition, risk score, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Statin-associated myopathy (SAM) represents a broad spectrum of disorders from insignificant myalgia to fatal rhabdomyolysis. Its frequency ranges from 1-5 % in clinical trials to 15-20 % in everyday clinical practice. To a large extent, these variations can be explained by the definition used. Thus, we propose a scoring system to classify statin-induced myopathy according to clinical and biochemical criteria as 1) possible, 2) probable or 3) definite. The etiology of this disorder remains poorly understood. Most probably, an underlying genetic cause is necessary for overt SAM to develop. Variants in a few gene groups that encode proteins involved in: i) statin metabolism and distribution (e.g. membrane transporters and enzymes; OATP1B1, ABCA1, MRP, CYP3A4), ii) coenzyme Q10 production (e.g. COQ10A and B), iii) energy metabolism of muscle tissue (e.g. PYGM, GAA, CPT2) and several others have been proposed as candidates which can predispose to SAM. Pharmacological properties of individual statin molecules (e.g. lipophilicity, excretion pathways) and patients´ characteristics influence the likelihood of SAM development. This review summarizes current data as well as our own results., M. Vrablik, L. Zlatohlavek, T. Stulc, V. Adamkova, M. Prusikova, L. Schwarzova, J. A. Hubacek, R. Ceska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public