Príspevok pojednáva o teoretických a praktických aspektoch podávania, vybavovania a prešetrovania sťažností a podávania a vybavovania petícií v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Zaoberáme sa v jednotlivých častiach príspevku prijímaním sťažností, príslušnosťou orgánu verejnej správy na vybavenie sťažnosti, prešetrovaním a vybavovaním sťažností. Pozornosť venujeme obsahu a výkonu petičného práva ako aj postupu pri podávaní a vybavovaní petícií. Príspevok sme doplnili o grafické spracovanie počtu podaných sťažností a petícií v rezorte zdravotníctva v rokoch 2007–2014 and This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of submission, handling and investigation of complaints and the submission and processing of petitions in the Slovak Republic. In different parts of the paper we deal with taking complaints, membership of a public authority for dealing with complaints, investigations of complaints. In the paper we pay attention to the content and performance of right of petition, as well as the procedure for filing and processing of petitions. We completed this paper about the graphical processing of the number of complaints and petitions in the health sector in 2007–2014
Príspevok pojednáva o teoretických a praktických aspektoch podávania, vybavovania a prešetrovania sťažností a podávania a vybavovania petícií v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Zaoberáme sa v jednotlivých častiach príspevku prijímaním sťažností, príslušnosťou orgánu verejnej správy na vybavenie sťažnosti, prešetrovaním a vybavovaním sťažností. Pozornosť venujeme obsahu a výkonu petičného práva ako aj postupu pri podávaní a vybavovaní petícií. Príspevok sme doplnili o grafické spracovanie počtu podaných sťažností a petícií v rezorte zdravotníctva v rokoch 2007–2014., This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of submission, handling and investigation of complaints and the submission and processing of petitions in the Slovak Republic. In different parts of the paper we deal with taking complaints, membership of a public authority for dealing with complaints, investigations of complaints. In the paper we pay attention to the content and performance of right of petition, as well as the procedure for filing and processing of petitions. We completed this paper about the graphical processing of the number of complaints and petitions in the health sector in 2007–2014., Alžběta Benedikovičová, Jolana Těšinová, and Literatura
Acetaminophen (APAP) overdose is the most common cause of acute liver failure in humans. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most frequent chronic liver disease in developed countries. The aim of our work was to compare the effect of APAP on intact rat hepatocytes and hepatocytes isolated from steatotic liver in primary cultures. Male Wistar rats were fed with standard diet (10 % energy from fat) and high-fat diet (71 % energy from fat) for 6 weeks and then hepatocytes were isolated. After cell attachment, APAP (1; 2.5; 3.75 and 5 mM) was added to culture media (William´s E medium) and hepatocytes were cultured for up to 24 hours. APAP caused more severe dose-dependent damage of steatotic hepatocytes as documented by increased release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and LDH leakage, decreased activity of cellular dehydrogenases (WST-1 test) and reduced albumin production. Intact steatotic hepatocytes contained lower amount of reduced glutathione (GSH). Treatment with APAP (1 and 2.5 mmol/l) caused more pronounced decrease in GSH in steatotic hepatocytes. ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation after 24-hour incubation was significantly higher in fatty hepatocytes using APAP at concentration of 3.75 and 5 mmol/l. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) production was elevated in 2.5 mM APAP-treated nonsteatotic and steatotic hepatocyte cultures at 8 hours, compared to appropriate controls. In conclusions, our results indicate that steatotic hepatocytes exert higher sensitivity to the toxic action of APAP. This sensitivity may be caused by lower content of GSH in intact steatotic hepatocytes and by more pronounced APAPinduced decrease in intracellular concentration of GSH., O. Kučera, ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek představuje soubor předmětů nalezený při úpatí nápadného kamenného útvaru poblíž Stebna, okr. Louny, a interpretovaný jako rituální depot ze stupně LT B1/B2. Z tohoto období nejsou v okolí místa nálezu známy žádné další lokality. Soubor obsahuje vedle keramické misky a souboru laténského ženského kruhového šperku i jedinečnou importovanou bronzovou mísu středoitalského původu. Rozbor depotu a provedená makrozbytková a palynologická analýza umožňují klást si otázky o vztahu střední Evropy a Středomoří, o lidské přítomnosti v regionu a o rituálních aktivitách v době laténské. and The article presents an assemblage of artefacts discovered at the foot of a rock near Stebno (Louny distr.) and interpreted as a ritual hoard from stage LT B1/B2 from which there are no other traces of human presence in the region. The assemblage included a pottery bowl, La Tène women’s ring ornament set and a unique bronze basin of central Italian origin. An analysis of the hoard, including macro-remains and palynological analyses, raises questions on the relationship between central Europe and the Mediterranean, the human presence in the region during the La Tène period and on ritual activities in the La Tène period.
This is a report on a post-lactating female soprano pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, which in autumn exploited habitats from sea level to the transition zone between alpine and sub-alpine areas. It travelled more than 12.3 kilometres from its roost and returned to its roost at sea level on all four nights when it was tracked. In addition to the telemetry bat, several soprano pipistrelles utilized high altitudes during the days of tracking as heard on ultrasound detector.