The potassium channel opening drug, pinacidil, has been examined in isolated perfused lungs taken from rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (housed in 10 % oxygen for 7 days) and control rats. Inhibition by pinacidil (1 to 30 //M) of noradrenaline (NA)-induced vasoconstriction (NA infusions; /^-adrenoceptors blocked) and of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV; ventilation for 3.5 -4.5 min with 0-1 % oxygen) were compared. The vasoconstrictor responses in preparations from control and hypoxic rats, respectively, were (mm Hg) NA 6.6±0.68 (6); 8.2±1.45 (9); HPV 7.8±1.03 (12); 8.8±0.93 (13). These responses were reversibly inhibited by pinacidil. In lungs from control rats pinacidil was 10-fold less potent against NA than against HPV, but in lungs from hypoxic rats it was equipotent against NA and HPV. When tested against NA, but not HPV, pinacidil was significantly more potent in lungs from hypoxic rats than control rats. It is postulated that NA-induced vasoconstriction in lungs from hypoxic rats, and HPV in both groups of rats, involve calcium influx through voltage-operated calcium channels. Consequently, these responses are readily inhibited by drugs such as pinacidil which open potassium channels and hyperpolarise the cell membrane. In contrast in lungs from control rats, NA-induced constriction may involve mainly intracellular calcium release and thus be less readily inhibited by the hyperpolarising effect of pinacidil.
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that vasorelaxing action of vasonatrin peptide (VNP) is due to activation of the large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channel (BKCa) via guanylyl cyclase (GC)-coupled natriuretic peptide receptors (NPRs) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Contraction experiments were performed using human radial artery, whereas BKCa current by patch clamp was recorded in cells from rat mesenteric artery. Contractility of rings cut from human radial artery was detected in vitro. As a result, VNP induced a dose-dependent vasorelaxation of human radial artery, which could be mimicked by 8-Br-cGMP, and suppressed by TEA, a blocker of BKCa, HS-142-1, a blocker of GC-coupled NPRs, or methylene blue (MB), a selective inhibitor of guanylyl cyclase. Sequentially, whole-cell K+ currents were recorded using patch clamp techniques. BKCa current of VSMCs isolated from rat mesentery artery was obtained by subtracting the whole cell currents after applications of 10-7 mol/l iberiotoxin (IBX) from before its applications. In accordance with the results of arterial tension detection, BKCa current was significantly magnified by VNP, which could also be mimicked by 8-Br-cGMP, whereas suppressed by HS-142-1, or MB. Taken together, VNP acts as a potent vasodilator, and NPRA/B-cGMP-BKCa is one possible signaling system involved in VNP induced relaxation., J. Yu ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Příspěvek1 je věnován popisu a srovnání písemného projevu žáka třetí třídy, který píše v běžném modelu vázaného písma (latinka) a v modelu písma nevázaného (Comenia Script). Odlišuje obtíže v psaní, které jsou pro dané období typické od těch, které by mohly naznačovat závažnější problémy. Žáci, kteří byli zapojeni do výzkumného projektu (N = 180), byli vyučováni metodou psaní Comenia Script a běžnou vázanou latinkou. Na konci třetí třídy (v roce 2013) prošli diagnostickou prověrkou, prostřednictvím které byly sledovány písařské a pisatelské dovednosti v obou modelech psaní. K hodnocení písemných produktů byla upravena hodnotící škála Veverkové a Kucharské (2012), která zahrnovala popis jevů, vážících se na grafomotorické a gramatické aspekty psaní, včetně celkové chybovosti a práce s chybou. Každá sledovaná oblast zahrnovala sérií ukazatelů, jejichž prostřednictvím bylo možno vytvořit ucelenou představu o podobě písemného projevu v daném období. Každý ukazatel byl samostatně bonifikován na tříbodové škále. Díky tomu vznikl celistvý obraz podoby písma současného školáka ve dvou vyučovaných modelech písma ve 3. ročníku. Dosažené výsledky by mohly sloužit v psychologické poradenské praxi. and This study is focused on the comparison of handwriting of pupils in the third grade of elementary school. There were two groups of subjects, the first one used ordinary handwriting and the second used the Comenia Script font. The study describes typical problems related to the learning level of both groups and pinpoints these which could be symptoms of more serious problems. The research sample was a group of 180 pupils divided equally. There was a diagnostic testing at the end of third grade (2013) focused on currently achieved handwriting skills of both groups. The methods and the differences were logged. For evaluation purposes there was used a modified assessing scale of Veverková and Kucharská (2012). It consists of four categories: graphomotoric aspects of handwriting, orthographic aspects of handwriting, the error rate and the ability of correcting errors. Every category contains number of indicators through which we completed overall apprehension of the handwriting level for examined pupils. Every indicator was independently classified at 1–3 scale. Results of this study might be used in the clinical psychological consulting.
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the ASCR organised the 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES-II TG4 Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, which was held from 14-18, 2011 in Prague. The Earth's atmospheric regions are intricately coupled to one another via various dynamical, chemical, and electrodynamic processes. However, the manner in which the couplings take place due to varying energy inputs from the Sun and from the lower atmosphere is a question that is yet to be understood. and Petra Koucká Knížová.
Článek se týká tří předmětů z barevného kovu, nalezených na Starém Brně: fragmentu kroužku, drobné trojúhelné misky vah se třemi otvory a fragmentu třmínku vah s jazýčkem. Nálezy vah jsou v českých zemích poměrně vzácné, tento má navíc bezpečné nálezové okolnosti: byl získán v suterénu zaniklé dřevohliněné stavby při plošně vedeném záchranném výzkumu. Kromě zhodnocení nálezové situace a porovnání jednotlivých komponent vah s českými i evropskými nálezy byla provedena i materiálová analýza, která ukazuje na druhotnou sestavu. and The article concerns three objects made of non-ferrous metal discovered in the Staré Brno quarter of Brno: a fragment of a ring, small, triangular balance scale pans with three holes and a fragment of a balance bar with a small pointer. Balance scale finds are relatively rare in the Czech Lands; moreover, the Staré Brno balance scale is accompanied by safe archaeological context. It was retrieved from the cellar fill of a defunct wood-and-earth building during rescue excavations. In addition to an evaluation of the find situation and a comparison of the individual balance components with Czech and European finds, a material analysis was performed; this pointed to a secondary assembly of the discovered assemblage.