Among the semi-natural elements in agricultural landscapes, wildflower strips sown at field margins or within fields are potential habitats for the natural enemies of insect pests. As insects are sensitive to a variety of flower traits, we hypothesized that mixtures with high functional diversity attract and support a higher abundance and species richness of aphid flower visiting predators than mixtures with low functional diversity. During a field experiment, repeated over two years (2014 and 2015) in Gembloux (Belgium), aphid predators (i.e., lacewings, ladybeetles and hoverflies) were pan-trapped in five sown flower mixtures (including a control mixture, with three replicates of each mixture) of low to high functional diversity based on seven traits (i.e., flower colour, ultra-violet reflectance and pattern, start and duration of flowering, height and flower class, primarily based on corolla morphology). In both years, the species of flowering plants in the sown mixtures (i.e., sown and spontaneous flowers) were listed, and the realized functional diversity in each plot calculated. Over the two years, a high functional diversity was not associated with high abundance and richness of aphid predators. Moreover, ladybeetles, which made up the majority of the predators trapped, were more abundant in mixtures with very low or intermediate functional diversity at sowing, especially in 2014. We hypothesize that certain flowers, which were abundant in certain mixtures (and not in those exhibiting the highest functional diversity), attracted predators and were sufficiently abundant to support them. Our results present novel information that could be used for developing flower mixtures that provide effective ecosystem services, such as pest control., Séverin Hatt, Roel Uyttenbroeck, Thomas Lopes, Pierre Mouchon, Julian Chen, Julien Piqueray, Arnaud Monty, Frédéric Francis., and Obsahuje bibliografii
There are records of glands that produce sexual pheromones that are released into the environment or applied directly on sexual partners. Within Opiliones (Arachnida), several harvestmen in the suborder Laniatores have sexually dimorphic glands on legs I and IV, the mode of use of which is recorded only in two species but their function is unknown: while walking, males rub the glands against the substrate or against their body. Here we test an alternative and non-exclusive hypothesis that the glands present on the legs of male Gryne perlata (Cosmetidae) produce contact pheromones used in mating. We predicted that males would touch the females with the gland openings or with other male body parts previously rubbed by these glands. We also predicted that there are chemoreceptors on those parts of the females where males touch them. We analyzed 13 videos of G. perlata mating, a species in which the males have glands on legs I and IV of unknown function. We also analyzed 14 videos of Discocyrtus pectinifemur (Gonyleptidae) mating as a control, a species that lacks these glands. Finally, we looked for chemoreceptors on the legs of female G. perlata using a scanning electron microscope. During copulation, males of both species rubbed the legs of females with their first pair of legs, but not with the regions of these legs where the openings of the glands are. The fourth pair of legs were only used to support the body. Rubbing other body parts of the female by males with their glands was not observed during mating. Setae on the legs of the female did not have tip pores and therefore do not seem to be chemoreceptors. We therefore did not find any evidence that these sexually dimorphic glands in G. perlata release contact pheromones during mating., Jéssica M. Dias, Rodrigo H. Willemart., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Parasitic plants growing on tree branches may be a novel niche and phytoresource for arthropods. The spatial continuity between hosts and their parasites in canopies might provide a homogeneous environment for arthropod communities, but differences in mistletoe leaves and host needles could be exploited by different species of arthropods. Therefore, it is important to determine insect-community assemblages in order to discover the role of parasitic plants as a different habitat for arthropods. Thus, we aim to evaluate the level of similarity between the arthropod community on mistletoe (Viscum album) and that on its two principal pine hosts, Black pine (Pinus nigra) and Scots pine (P. sylvestris), on a Mediterranean mountain. Our results reveal that, irrespective of the species of pine host, V. album has a stable, independent and simple arthropod trophic web, composed mainly of two specialist hemipteran herbivores, Cacopsylla visci (Psyllidae) and Pinalitus viscicola (Miridae), and a hemipteran predator, Anthocoris visci (Anthocoridae). Despite this, the composition of the arthropod communities differed significantly on both host species, with a greater richness and diversity on Scots than Black pine and these differences are not reflected in the community on mistletoe. Overall, we conclude that, although Viscum album is considered to be a pest of pine, its presence increases the heterogeneity of the forest canopy by providing a novel habitat for a new and specific community of arthropods. In addition, this is a new record for and most probably an extension of the southernmost limit of the known geographical distribution of the arthropod community inhabiting V. album., Alba Lázaro-González, José A. Hódar, Regino Zamora., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Z geobotanického hlediska je popsána subalpinská a alpinská vegetace v horách jihovýchodní Brazílie. Přirozené požáry tam ovlivňují strukturu rostlinných společenstev. Jsou zmíněny zajímavé životní způsoby, jako je mykorhiza, hemiparazitismus a masožravost. Jedním z nejzajímavějších fenomenů je symbióza mezi masožravou rostlinou Utricularia cornigera (bublinatkou růžkatou) a růžicovitými rostlinami Vriesea atra nebo Eryngium fluminense. Je diskutováno o problému srovnávání popsané brazilské vegetace a páramos v Andách. Pojem "brazilská páromos" je odmítnut., The subalpine and alpine vegetation in mountains of south-eastern Brazil is described from the botanical point of view. Natural fires affect the structure of plant communities there. Interesting life strategies, such as mycorrhiza, hemiparasitism and carnivory, are mentioned. One of the most interesting is the symbiosis between carnivorous Utricularia cornigera and rosette plants of Vriesea atra or Eryngium fluminense. Brazilian vegetation and páramos in the Andes are compared., and Miloslav Studnička.
The aim of this study was to investigate aldose reductase inhibitory action of setipiprant as a potential additional mechanism contributing to its anti-inflammatory action. Aldose reductase activity was determined by spectrophotometric measuring of NADPH consumption. Setipiprant was found to inhibit aldose reductase/NADPH-mediated reduction of 4-hydroxynonenal, 4-hydroxynonenal glutathione and prostaglandin H2 substrates, all relevant to the process of inflammation. Molecular modeling simulations into the aldose reductase inhibitor binding site revealed an interaction pattern of setipiprant. Considering multifactorial etiology of inflammatory pathologies, it is suggested that, in addition to the antagonizing prostaglandin D2 receptor, inhibition of aldose reductase may contribute to the reported anti-inflammatory action of setipiprant., J. Ballekova, M. Soltesova-Prnova, M. Majekova, M. Stefek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Large, ball rolling dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are competitively dominant and can strongly influence community succession in dung pads. Ball production by Scarabaeus sacer Linnaeus was recorded in the Kizilirmak Delta on the Black Sea coast of Turkey by using artificial dung pads from 125 g to 2,000 g. Utilisation of pads across the 16-fold range of pad sizes demonstrated behavioural variation that may reduce intraspecies competition. Ball production was highly concentrated, with 66 balls (61%) produced from 8 pads of the 3 largest pad sizes, which may be related to chemical attraction between males and females. Ball size increased with increasing pad size (P < 0.05) but the number of balls produced per 100 g of dung decreased with increasing pad size (P < 0.01). Pad size for maximum ball production and ball size were 1,371 g and 1,260 g, respectively. The highest and lowest percentage of dung used for ball production was 43% of 125 g pads and 13% of 2,000 g pads, respectively. Ball production and time of day were significantly related (P < 0.01); S. sacer was almost exclusively nocturnal, with 59% of all balls produced between 21.00 and 22.00. This optimum period for ball production early in the night may be a compromise between reduced risk of predation and the increased energy costs of ball production as the temperature falls., Gregory T. Sullivan, Sebahat K. Ozman-Sullivan, Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Myron P. Zalucki, Greg Baxter., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Teorie fikčních světů se ve světovém kontextu rozvíjí od sedmdesátých let minulého století a od svých počátků je inspirována nejrůznějšími logickými a filozofickými koncepty. Dnes její plně ustavená forma nabízí konkrétní nástroje a strategie vhodné pro řešení široké škály literárně teoretických problémů. Samotné založení teorie fikčních světů je spojeno se jménem Lubomíra Doležela, který později její vývoj obohacuje o klíčové rozlišení mezi extensionální a intensionální strukturou fikčních světů. Tato distinkce rozvíjí budoucí instrumentální potenciál celé teorie. Nicméně i díky Doleželovu následnému bádání v oblasti fikčních a historických narativů se jedním ze současných použití této teorie stala její aplikace na otázky identity literatury a podstaty fikce a fikčnosti literárních děl., The theory of fictional worlds has developed, in the world context, since the 1970s and has, from its beginnings, been inspired by various logical and philosophical concepts. Today, in its fully established form, it offers concrete instruments and strategies suited to the solution of a wide range of literary-theoretical problems. The actual founding of the theory of fictional worlds is linked with the name of Lubomír Doležel, who later enriched its development with the key distinction between the extensional and intensional structures of fictional worlds. This distinction has enhanced the future instrumental potential of the whole theory. Nevertheless, due also to Doležel’s subsequent research in the area of fictional and historical narratives, one contemporary use of this theory has become its application to the questions of the identity of literature and the basis of fiction and the fictionality of literary works., and Bohumil Fořt.
Brněnští archeologové společně s velkým mezinárodním kolektivem analyzují na molekulární úrovni paleogenetický záznam z věstnonických a pavlovských lidských fosilií, jejichž stáří se odhaduje kolem 30 000 let. Zařazují je do kontextu dalších paleolitických nálezů z širšího období mezi 45-14 000 lety, a pokoušejí se tak načrtnout nové dějiny evropského paleolitu. Prakticky současně s články v prestižních časopisech Nature (Fu a kol. 2016) a Current Biology (Posth a kol. 2016) vydalo Nakladatelství Academia knihu Dolní Věstonice-Pavlov. Následující příspěvek je ukázkou z této publikace., Dolní Věstonice and Pavlov represent a complex of large hunters´ settlements of Upper Paleolithic age (about 30 000 years ago) with rich evidence of mammoth hunting, symbolic activities, and burials of early Homo sapiens. Actually, the Academia publishers edited a comprehensive book entitled Dolní Věstonice-Pavlov and published it almost simultaneously with two paleogenetic papers in Nature (Fu et al. 2016) and Current Biology (Posth et al. 2016) journals on paleogenetics of these human fossils., and Jiří Svoboda.
RNA interference (RNAi) technology uses dsRNAs to silence specific targeted genes by downregulating their expression. It has become a potent tool for functional and regulatory studies of insect genes and has potential to be applied for insect control. Though it has been challenging to generate effective RNAi in lepidopteran insects, in the current study this technology was applied to develop specific RNAi-based molecular tools that could be used to negatively impact the invasive lepidopteran forest pest, gypsy moth (GM). GM midgut-specific genes were selected for dsRNA design from larval transcriptome profiles. Two methods were used to produce specific dsRNAs, bacterial expression and in vitro synthesis, which were then fed per os to GM larvae. Depletion of uncharacterized gene targets known as locus 365 and locus 28365, or their stacked combination, depleted target transcripts in a sequence specific manner and resulted in 60% reduction in body mass. Treated GM females that were able to moult to the adult stage displayed an approximately two-fold reduction in egg masses. These have potential to be developed as molecular biopesticides for GM., Saikat Kumar B. Ghosh, Dawn E. Gundersen-Rindal., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Microseismic monitoring has become a standard technique to map the development of hydraulic fracturing. This study is a case study of a downhole monitoring of the hydraulic fracturing in a lateral well in Northern Poland. The downhole monitoring array detected a large number of microseismic events indicating successful development of a hydraulic fracture. We show evidence that some stages interacted with the pre-existing natural fault system also mapped from surface active seismic imaging. The mapped hydraulic fracture shows a slight asymme try of the developed hydraulic fractures. We show that the observed microseismicity is cons istent with microseismicity usually observed in the North American shale gas stimulations., Eryk Święch, Paweł Wandycz, Leo Eisner, Andrzej Pasternacki and Tomasz Maćkowski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy