Je popsán případ legionelózy u staršího muže, který začal chřipkovými symptomy s následným zhoršováním a hospitalizací a při další progresi pokračoval umístěním na ARO fakultní nemocnice. Až zde byla diagnostikována legionelóza. Epidemiologické šetření se zaměřilo na vodovodní vodu v bytě nemocného a odebrané vzorky potvrdily podezření na akviraci nákazy v místě bydliště. Izoláty z pitné a teplé vody obsahovaly bakterii Legionella pneumophila s denzitou 102–103 KTJ/100 ml. Za jednoznačnou příčinu kontaminace vody byl označen nedostatečný ohřev vody v nezaregulovaném teplovodním systému. Účinným opatřením k nápravě byla termodezinfekce domovního vodovodního systému a chemodezinfekce pomocí instalovaného generátoru chlordioxidu., Described is a case of legionellosis in an elderly male, that began with flu symptoms with consequent deterioration and hospitalization progressing to the IC unit. Only then was legionellosis diagnosed. Epidemiological investigations were focused on tap water in the patient's flat; samples taken confirmed the suspicion. Isolates from drinking water as well as warm tap water contained Legionella pneumophila organisms at 102–103 CFU/100 ml. The unequivocal cause of water contamination was the insufficient heating of the water in the unregulated hot water meins system. An effective remedy was thermal disinfection of the water mains system in the building and chemical disinfection with the aid of an installed generator of chlorine dioxide., Helena Šebáková, Radim Mudra, Irena Martinková, Marie Fiedorová, Danuše Hanslíková, and Literatura
Ledvinné angiomyolipomy (AML) jsou mezenchymové benigní tumory, řadí se mezi hamartomy mohou se vyskytovat osamoceně nebo se sdružují s komplexem tuberózní sklerózy (TSC). Pacienti s AML mají riziko vzniku spontánního, v některých případech až život ohrožujícího krvácení. V tomto sdělení jsou popsány tři případy spontánního krvácení AML: první u 69leté pacientky s prokázanou angiomyolipomatosou ledvin oboustranně, druhý u 60leté pacientky s dlouhodobě sledovaným solitárním AML a třetí u mladého 28letého pacienta s diagnózou tuberózní sklerózy., Renal angiomyolipoma is the mesenchymal benign tumor which belongs to the group of hammartomas. It can occur sporadically or in association with tuberous sclerosis complex. The possible morbidity associated with angiomyolipoma is spontaneous life-threatening haemorrhage. In this report we describe three AML cases. The first one, 69-years old female with diagnosis angiomy-olipomatosis in both kidneys. The second one, 60-years old female with long time followed-up sporadic AML. The third one, young 28-years old male with tuberous sclerosis., Marta Kinštová, Jiří Froněk, Zuzana Ryznarová, and Literatura
Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is a rare disorder characterized by muscle stiffness and painful spasms. Misdiagnosis may occur due to the fact that the clinical picture of SPS is often atypical. The main pathophysiologic mechanism underlying the development of SPS is insufficient inhibition at the cortical and spinal levels. There is good evidence for a primary autoimmune etiology. A 61-year-old man was admitted to a neurological department due to muscle hypertonia with episodic attacks of painful spasms predominantly affecting axial muscles. The symptoms developed shortly after tickborne meningoencephalitis. Electromyography (EMG) revealed signs of continuous motor unit activity. Antibodies against glutamate decarboxylase (anti-GAD) were highly elevated. We present a case of a man who developed clinically severe anti-GAD positive SPS, provoked by tick-borne encephalitis. After therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) a rapid, temporary improvement of the clinical and neurophysiological findings was noted. Only after being placed on long-term immunosuppression did the patient achieve stable recovery. This case supports the importance of EMG findings and demonstrates the effect of TPE as well as the need for chronic immunosuppression in severe cases of SPS., Edvard Ehler, Jan Latta, Petra Mandysová, Jana Havlasová, Milan Mrklovský, and Literatura 22
Střelná poranění mozku jsou velmi závažná poranění a přežití závisí na včasné diagnostice a intervenci neurochirurga. Důležitým aspektem je i volba zbraně. V této kazuistice je uváděn případ pacienta hospitalizovaného na Neurochirurgické klinice ve FN Brno. Použitá zbraň je mezi replikami historických zbraní velmi raritní a statistiky poranění dlouhou předovkou neuvádějí., Missile brain injuries are very serious injuries, survival of which depends on early diagnosis and neurosurgical intervention. The choice of a weapon is an important aspect. In this case report, we describe a case treated at the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Brno. The weapon causing this injury was a quite rare replica of a historical weapon and injury statistics do not report injuries caused by a longrifle. Key words: missile brain injury – historical firearm The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and M. Vidlák, M. Smrčka, A. Mrlian, V. Vybíhal, T. Svoboda, B. Planka
Úvod: Přítomnost spolknutých cizích těles v zažívacím traktu patří mezi časté problémy u dětí. Nejčastější výskyt je u dětí od 6 měsíců do 5 let. Většina spolknutých předmětů vyjde per vias naturales, 10–20 % spolknutých těles vyžaduje endoskopické vynětí. Závažné a život ohrožující stavy způsobují spolknutá cizí tělesa asi v 1 % všech případů. Kazuistika: Jedná se o případ dvouleté dívky, u které byla diagnostikována náhlá příhoda břišní, pro niž byla operována. Peroperačně byl nalezen volvulus tenkého střeva a několik střevních píštělí. Příčinou tohoto nálezu byly spolknuté magnetické kuličky a k nim magnetickou silou přitažené spolknuté kovové těleso. Závěr: V případě spolknutí více než jednoho magnetického tělesa je nutné pacienta hospitalizovat a endoskopicky cizí tělesa extrahovat. Neměnící se poloha magnetů v průběhu 24–48 hodin v místě nedostupném pro endoskop je indikací k akutní operaci., Introduction: The occurrence of swallowed foreign bodies in the digestive system is a common problem in children with the highest incidence in children aged six months to five years. Most swallowed objects leave the human body per vias naturales while 10–20% of swallowed foreign bodies need to be removed with an endoscope. Serious and life-threatening situations are caused by the ingestion of foreign bodies in about 1% of all cases. Case report: The authors present a case of a two-year-old girl diagnosed with acute abdomen for which she was operated on. A small bowel volvulus and several intestinal fistulas were found intraoperatively. The cause of this finding was the ingestion of magnetic balls and a swallowed metal body drawn to them by magnetic force. Conclusion: If more than one magnetic body is ingested, it is necessary to admit the patient to hospital and to remove these foreign bodies using an endoscope. The position of the magnets which is not changing in a location inaccessible for an endoscope during 24−48 hours is an indication for urgent operation., and D. Kubačková, J. Nosek, V. Třeška, V. Vacek, K. Pizingerová
Behçet's disease is a multisystem chronic inflammatory disease generally presenting as recurrent oral-genital ulcers and uveitis. Vascular involvement is a common presentation. However, cardiac involvement is rare in this disorder. In this case report, we present a large right ventricular thrombus detected both in computed tomography and echocardiography in a 32 year-old male patient with complaints of fever, haemoptysis and weight loss. Intracardiac thrombus showed both clinical and radiological regression with oral anticoagulant and immunosuppressive therapy. and U. Canpolat, H. Yorgun, A. Akdoğan, K. Aytemir
V kazuistice je popsán průběh onemocnění 55letého nemocného s neuroendokrinním tumorem a postižením jater, pankreatu, mezenteria, tenkého střeva a mediastina. Léčba spočívala v podávání analog somatostatinu a při progresi onemocnění byla přidána léčba sunitinibem., Case history of 55 years old man with neuroendocrine tumor of liver, pankreas, mesentery, small intestine and mediastinum is decribed. The treatment started with somatostatin analogs. The treatment with sunitinib was added due to progression of disease., Hana Šiffnerová, and Literatura 4
Adjuvantná rádioterapia prispieva k lepším výsledkom u pacientov s karcinómom prsníka po prsník zachovávajúcej operácii. Ožarovanie celého prsníka je spojené s poškodením srdca a pľúc, zvýšením kardiovaskulárných ochorení a mortality, a vývojom karcinómu pľúc, teda s rizikami, ktoré sa môžu objaviť 15–20 rokov po liečbe. Ožarovanie prsníka v pronačnej polohe pacientky je jednou z možností ako redukovať radiačne podmienenú toxicitu u pacientiek s veľkými prsníkmi podstupujúcimi adjuvantnú liečbu. V kazuistikách poukážeme na rozdiely v objeme srdca a pľúc pri oboch polohách, porovnáme dozimetrické parametre pri ožarovaní prsníka v oboch pozíciách a poukážeme na rozdiely pri ich plánovaní. Tieto techniky nie je možné kombinovať s ožiarením lymfatických uzlín, ale môžu byť použité pri liečbe obojstranných nádorov., Adjuvant radiotherapy contributes to better outcomes in patients with breast cancer after breast conserving surgery. Whole breast irradiation is associated with damage to the heart and lungs, increased cardiovascular mortality, and the development of lung cancer, that is, with the risks that may occur 15–20 years after treatment. Breast irradiation in the prone position, is one of the way to reduce radiation toxicity in patients conditioned with large breasts undergoing adjuvant therapy. In case reports point out the differences in the volume of the heart and lungs at both locations, we compare the dosimetric parameters in breast irradiation in both positions and point out the differences in their planning. These techniques can not be combined with irradiation of the lymph nodes, but they can be used in the treatment of bilateral tumors., Andrea Masaryková, David Lederleitner, and Literatura
Acenocoumarol is a vitamin K antagonist that is used for the treatment of acquired and congenital, both arterial and venous, thrombotic diseases. Its use is complicated by the narrow therapeutic range. Bleeding following oral anticoagulation, despite rare, remains the major complication. Most cases of hemorrhagic episodes usually require short hospitalization and transfusion, while surgical drainage of the hematoma is not recommended. However, in cases that conservative treatment isn’t successful, surgical intervention remains an option. We present a case of severe spontaneous bleeding of the rectus abdominis muscle which was successfully managed surgically., Orestis Ioannidis, George Paraskevas, Anastasios Kotronis, Stavros Chatzopoulos, Athina Konstantara, Nikolaos Papadimitriou, Apostolos Makrantonakis, Emmanouil Kakoutis, and Literatura 15
Our case-based review focuses on limb salvage through operative management of Charcot neuroarthropathy of the diabetic foot. We describe a case, when a below-knee amputation was considered in a patient with chronic Charcot foot with a rocker-bottom deformity and chronic plantar ulceration. Conservative treatment failed. Targeted antibiotic therapy and operative management (Tendo-Achilles lengthening, resectional arthrodesis of Lisfranc and midtarsal joints, fixation with large-diameter axial screws, and plaster cast) were performed. On the basis of this case, we discuss options and drawbacks of surgical management. Our approach led to healing of the ulcer and correction of the deformity. Two years after surgery, we observed a significant improvement in patient's quality of life. Advanced diagnostic and imaging techniques, a better understanding of the biomechanics and biology of Charcot neuroarthropathy, and suitable osteosynthetic material enables diabetic limb salvage. and T. Kučera, P. Šponer, J. Šrot