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1052. Inštrumentálny realizmus, ontológia rozlíšení a problém ontologického statusu inštrumentov
- Creator:
- Labuda, Pavol
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- antirealism, experience, instrument, Ladislav Kvasz, language, ontology, realism, and reality
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Scientific realism is a positive epistemic attitude towards the content of our best theories/models recommending belief in both observable and unobservable aspects of the world described by the sciences. This attitude has important metaphysical dimension. It is committed to the mind-independent existence of the world investigated by the sciences (Chakravartty 2013). In his papers Mathematics and Experience (2009) and Mathematics and Reality (2011) Ladislav Kvasz holds a position of instrumental realism. Kvasz claims that reality is instrumentally constituted and realism issue should be understood as a relation between two languages instead of world-language relation. Kvasz’s instrumental realism also suggests to build up an ontology of distinctions instead of an ontology of fillings. The paper deals with Kvasz’s version of instrumental realism critically and it aims to show that Kvasz’s position is much closer to antirealism than to scientific realism because it does not meet the metaphysical dimension., Vědecký realismus je pozitivním epistemickým postojem k obsahu našich nejlepších teorií / modelů, které doporučují víru v pozorovatelné i nepozorovatelné aspekty světa popsané vědami. Tento postoj má důležitý metafyzický rozměr. To je oddané mysli-nezávislá existence světa vyšetřovaného vědami (Chakravartty 2013). V příspěvcích Matematika a zkušenosti (2009) a Matematika a realita (2011) zaujímá Ladislav Kvasz pozici instrumentálního realismu. Kvasz tvrdí, že realita je instrumentálně konstituovaná a otázka realismu by měla být chápána jako vztah mezi dvěma jazyky místo vztahu světového jazyka. Kvaszův instrumentální realismus také navrhuje vytvořit ontologii rozdílů místo ontologie výplní., and Pavol Labuda
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1053. Integrated assessment of climate and human contributions to variations in streamflow in the Ten Great Gullies Basin of the Upper Yellow River, China
- Creator:
- Liu, Tong, Huang, He Qing, an Shao, Ming, Cheng, Jiong, Li, Xiang Dong, and Lu, Jian Hua
- Format:
- počítač and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- climate variability, human activity, quantitative method, streamflow change, and ten Great Gullies Basin
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Climate change and human activity are two linked factors that alter the spatiotemporal distribution of the available water. Assessing the relative contribution of the two factors on runoff changes can help the planners and managers to better formulate strategies and policies regarding regional water resources. In this work, using two typical sub-basins of the Yellow River as the study area, we first detected the trend and the breakpoint in the annual streamflow data with the Pettitt test during the period 1964–2011. Next, a Budyko-based climate elasticity model and a monthly hydrological model were employed as an integrated method to distinguish the relative contributions of climate change and human activities to the long-term changes in runoff. The results showed that a significant decline in the annual runoff occurred in the two sub-basins during the study period, and the abrupt change point in the annual runoff at the two subbasins both occurred in 1997. The conceptual hydrological model performed well in reproducing monthly runoff time series at the two sub-basins. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) between observed and simulated runoff during the validation period exceeds 0.83 for the two sub-basins. Climate elasticity method and hydrological model give consistent attribution results: human activities are the major drivers responsible for the decreased annual runoff in the Ten Great Gullies Basin. The relative contributions of climate change and human activities to the changes in the annual runoff were 22–32% and 68–78%, respectively.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1054. Integrated flood management for Beiyun River, China
- Creator:
- Chen, Minghong, Fang, Hongwei, Zheng, Yi, and He, Guojian
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- rainstorm, hydrological model, hydrodynamic model, hydraulic model, water resources, and dams and floodgates
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Beiyun River Basin is holistically suffering a water shortage and relatively concentrated flood risk. The current operation (level-control) of dams and floodgates, which is in passive defense mode, cannot meet the demands of both flood control and storm water resources. An integrated flood forecasting and management system is developed by the connecting of the hydrological model and hydrodynamic model and coupling of the hydrodynamic model and hydraulic model for dams and floodgates. Based upon the forecasted runoff processes, a discharge-control operation mode of dams and floodgates is proposed to be utilized in order to well regulate the flood routing in channels. The simulated water level, discharge, and water storage volume under different design conditions of rainfall return periods and floodgates operation modes are compared. The results show that: (1) for small floods, current operation modes can satisfy the objectives, but discharge-control operation can do better; (2) for medium size floods, since pre-storing of the floods affects the discharge of follow-up floods by floodgates, the requirement of flood control cannot be satisfied under current operations, but the discharge-control operation can; (3) for large floods, neither operation can meet the requirement because of the limited storage of these dams. Then, the gravel pits, wetlands, ecological lakes and flood detention basins around the river must be used for excess flood waters. Using the flood forecasting and management system can change passive defense to active defense mode, solving the water resources problem of Beijing city and Beiyun River Basin to a certain extent.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1055. Intentionality and what we can learn about it from Searle’s theory of institutions
- Creator:
- Toráčová, Pavla
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- conditions of satisfaction, institution, intentionality, status function, podmínky spokojenosti, instituce, úmyslu, and statusové funkce
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Searle’s theory of institutions is based on the insight that institutional facts are created in intentionality, and it consists in the logical analysis of the intentional performance in which the institutional facts are created. The aim of this paper is to relate Searle’s account of intentionality as creating institutional facts to his general account of intentionality elaborated in his book Intentionality. An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind. I come with the claim that the imposition of status function, that characterizes the intentional performance in which institutional facts are created, consists in double prescription of conditions of satisfaction, where ones of them are related to our goals and interests while the other ones are independent of them. I suggest that this holds true for intentionality in general., Searleova teorie institucí je založena na pochopení, že institucionální fakta jsou vytvářena v záměrnosti, a spočívá v logické analýze záměrného výkonu, ve kterém jsou institucionální fakta vytvořena. Cílem příspěvku je spojit Searlovu zprávu o záměrnosti jako vytvoření institucionálních faktů s jeho obecným popisem záměrnosti zpracované v jeho knize Úmyslnost. Esej ve filozofii mysli. Přicházím s tvrzením, že uložení statusové funkce, která charakterizuje záměrné výkony, ve kterých jsou vytvořeny institucionální skutečnosti, spočívá ve dvojím předepisování podmínek spokojenosti, kdy ty z nich souvisí s našimi cíli a zájmy, zatímco ostatní jsou nezávislé z nich. Navrhuji, aby to obecně platilo pro záměrnost., and Pavla Toráčová
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1056. Intentions, akrasia, and mere permissibility
- Creator:
- Way, Jonathan
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- akrasia, intentions, mere permissibility, objectivism and perspectivism about ''ought'', and rational requirements
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Something is wrong with akrasia, means-end incoherence, and intention inconsistency. This observation has led many philosophers to postulate ''wide-scope'' requirements against these combinations of attitudes. But other philosophers have argued that this is unwarranted. They claim that we can explain what is wrong with these combinations of attitudes by appealing only to plausible independent claims about reasons for particular beliefs and intentions. In this paper, I argue that these philosophers may well be right about akrasia but that they are wrong about means-end incoherence and intention inconsistency. While it is plausibly impossible to be akratic while having no specific attitude (or lack of an attitude) that you should not have, it is possible to be means-end incoherent or to have inconsistent intentions while having no specific attitude you should not have. There is thus a strong motivation for accepting wide-scope requirements against means-end incoherence and intention inconsistency which does not apply to akrasia. This result offers support to a view of means-end coherence and intention consistency I have defended elsewhere., Něco je v nepořádku s akrasií, nesoudržností mezi prostředky a záměrem nesoulad. Toto pozorování vedlo mnoho filozofů k postulování požadavků ,,širokého rozsahu'' proti těmto kombinacím postojů. Jiní filozofové však argumentovali, že je to neopodstatněné. Tvrdí, že můžeme vysvětlit, co je na těchto kombinacích postojů špatně, apelovat pouze na věrohodná nezávislá tvrzení o důvodech jednotlivých přesvědčení a záměrů. V tomto příspěvku tvrdím, že tito filosofové mohou mít pravdu, pokud jde o akrasii, ale že se mýlí s nesoudržností mezi prostředky a nesouladem záměrů. I když je nemožné, aby byl akratický a zároveň nemá žádný specifický postoj (nebo nedostatek postoje), který byste neměli mít, je možné být nesouvislý s prostředky nebo mít nekonzistentní záměry, aniž byste měli konkrétní postoj, který byste neměli mít. Existuje tedy silná motivace k přijetí širokoúhlých požadavků proti nesouladu mezi prostředky a nesouladu záměrů, které se nevztahují na akrasii. Tento výsledek nabízí podporu pohledu na soudržnost prostředků a důslednost úmyslu jsem se bránil jinde., and Jonathan Way
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1057. International conference on hydrology of Mountain environments
- Creator:
- Miklánek, Pavol
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1058. International Workshop on Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins, Goslar-Hahnenklee, Germany, 30 March - 2 April 2009
- Creator:
- Holko, Ladislav
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1059. Interpretace znalostí v substrukturálních rámcích
- Creator:
- Majer, Ondřej and Peliš, Michal
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- epistemic logic, logical omniscience, knowledge, substructural logics, epistemická logika, znalosti, logická vševědoucnost, and substrukturální logika
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The article deals with problems of standard epistemic logics with a special at- tention to the context of scientific reasoning and to the problem of logical omniscience. The authors discuss various solutions of these problems and propose a new one based on the framework of substructural logics., Článek se zabývá problematikou standardní epistemické logiky se zvláštním zřetelem na kontext vědeckého uvažování a na problém logické vševědoucnosti. Autoři rozebírají různá řešení těchto problémů a navrhují nové řešení založené na struktuře substrukturální logiky., and Ondřej Majer ; Michal Peliš
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1060. Interpretačný obrat v právnej filozofii
- Creator:
- Neština, Marek
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- law, philosophy, interpretation, interpretative turn, semantic sting, and legal philosophy
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- In this paper the author provides a brief sketch of an interpretative turn in legal philosophy. In Law’s Empire, Ronald Dworkin advances a new theory of law, complex and intriguing. He calls it law as integrity. Dworkin’s conception of legal philosophy consists not in regarding its task as interpretive, for he advances the problem of what he dubbs the ''semantic sting''. The argument purports to establish the thesis that a theory of law cannot be an explanation of the meaning of the word ''law''. He claims that legal theories like H. L. A. Hart’s theory of law cannot explain the theoretical disagreement in legal practice, because they suffer from this semantic sting. The author agrees with Dworkin that Hart’s explanation of law is stung by semantics. It is his Dworkin’s main argument to deny that there is a possible alternative to his way of conceiving the task of legal philosophy. The author argues that the importance of Dworkin’s interpretative turn is not that it provides a substitute for ''semantic theories of law'', but that it provides a new conception of jurisprudence. and Marek Neština
- Rights:
- and policy:public