The revival of Pyrrhonian scepticism in European thought of the seventeenth century had a significant influence not only on the further development of epistemology, but also on the sphere of theology. Sceptical denial of the legitimacy of rational judgement affected even the legitimacy of traditional arguments for God’s existence. The attempt to “save God” led to fideism in which faith is transferred to the sphere of inner experience, and is fraught with mystery. One of the main propagators of Pyrrhonism, and representatives of the fideistic turn, was Montaigne. What about Hume? Do we not find a similar strategy here too? After all, Hume accepted the irresolvability of epistemological scepticism by rational means, and he founded the positive structure of knowledge on human nature instead. Analogically, he might be inclined to go for the opposite pole of religious scepticism by endorsing the private faith of the heart, and he might perhaps even recognise this as a natural need in human life. The author, in her investigation of these questions, treats above all of Hume’s Dialogues and she arrives at the conclusion that Hume - in contrast to his predecessor Bayle - is perfectly devoted to an enlightened world where religion, especially in its fideistic form, belongs to the old times of “darkness”. It may be replaced, though, by the almost secular true religion practiced in an enlightened community., Zuzana Parusniková., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
A ring R is called a right PS-ring if its socle, Soc(RR), is projective. Nicholson and Watters have shown that if R is a right PS-ring, then so are the polynomial ring R[x] and power series ring R[[x]]. In this paper, it is proved that, under suitable conditions, if R has a (flat) projective socle, then so does the skew inverse power series ring R[[x−1; alfa, delta]] and the skew polynomial ring R[x; alfa, delta], where R is an associative ring equipped with an automorphism and an alfa-derivation delta. Our results extend and unify many existing results. Examples to illustrate and delimit the theory are provided., Kamal Paykan., and Seznam literatury
Snow production results in high volume of snow that is remaining on the low-elevation ski pistes after snowmelt of natural snow on the off-piste sites. The aim of this study was to identify snow/ice depth, snow density, and snow water equivalent of remaining ski piste snowpack to calculate and to compare snow ablation water volume with potential infiltration on the ski piste area at South-Central Slovak ski center Košútka (Inner Western Carpathians; temperate zone). Snow ablation water volume was calculated from manual snow depth and density measurements, which were performed at the end of five winter seasons 2010–2011 to 2015–2016, except for season 2013–2014. The laser diffraction analyzes were carried out to identify soil grain size and subsequently the hydraulic conductivity of soil to calculate the infiltration. The average rate of water movement through soil was seven times as high as five seasons’ average ablation rate of ski piste snowpack; nevertheless, the ski piste area was potentially able to infiltrate only 47% of snow ablation water volume on average. Limitation for infiltration was frozen soil and ice layers below the ski piste snowpack and low snow-free area at the beginning of the studied ablation period.
Osobní vzpomínkou na setkání s Ladislavem Štollem na sklonku jeho života zarámoval autor svůj pokus uchopit jej v základních obrysech jako určitý mentální a autorský typ. Na jedné straně přibližuje jeho osobnost především ze subjektivních svědectví Jiřího Taufra, s nímž se koncem osmdesátých let spřátelil, na druhé straně kriticky charakterizuje některé Štollovy publikace. Zdůrazňuje odlišnosti v mentálním ustrojení a smýšlení mezi Štollem a Taufrem, kteří bývají vnímáni jako jednolitá dvojice, a celkově hodnotí Štolla jako literárního vykladače pohybujícího se v pevných mantinelech marxisticko-leninské teorie, který neměl valné pochopení pro estetickou složku uměleckého díla a projevoval jen minimální názorovou originalitu., This article is an attempt to comprehend Štoll in outline as a person embodying a certain kind of mentality and style as an author. On the one hand his describes Štoll’s personality based chiefly on the subjective testimonies of Jiří Taufer, whom he befriended in the late 1980s, and on the other hand critically characterizes some of Štoll’s publications. He underscores the differences in the mentality of Štoll and Taufer, who are otherwise usually perceived as an inseparable pair, and on the whole judges Štoll as a literary critic operating in the fixed framework of Marxist-Leninist theory, who never really understood the aesthetic component of a work of art and displayed only the minimum of original opinion., and Memoáry
The paper analyzes the ways in which the state approach to homosexuality in Communist Czechoslovakia intersected with actually lived lives and experiences of ordinary non -heterosexual people who identified (mainly retroactively) as gays, lesbians or transsexuals. In the Czech context, this is the first research of its kind and combines oral history with a gender analysis of sexological literature from the communist period, to put together a complex mosaic of sexuality in recent past. This confrontation of methods exposes the processes by which gender and sexuality in this era worked as tools of regulation and control, and shows how non -heterosexual people responded to this pressure. The paper offers a multilayer reading and analysis of normality/deviance, public/private and submission/resistance in communist Czechoslovakia., Věra Sokolová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This event was a collaborative workshop involving scientists, power industry leaders and government officials to outline the future and role of energy storage in ensuring secure energy and to discuss the promising topics for research into energy storage. The workshop sought to present ideas, examples, and projects related to experience with energy storage with a strong emphasis on promoting national awarness and inspiring action towards solving emerging problems. Through this event the scientists hoped to present promising research themes and technologies and challenge the attendees to discuss the feasibility of the technologies and trends for energy storage. The workshop was a part of the Strategy AV21 and was organized with the patronage of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Professor Jiří Drahoš by the Institute of the Thermomechanics of the CAS and the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS. and Magdalena Bendová, Jan Hrubý, Miroslav Chomát, Patrik Zima.
Článek se zabývá vyhodnocením nově provedených i starších fyzikálně-chemických rozborů amorfních sklovitých a struskovitých hrudek i skelných povlaků na keramických nádobách z Prahy. Ke zkoumání bylo využito elektronové mikroanalýzy (EDX analyzátor), elektronového mikroskopu (Cam Scan S4) a optické emisní spektrografie. Výsledky stanovení naznačují, že v pražském podhradí docházelo k záměrné tavbě sklářských surovin již v raném středověku. Diskutovány jsou otázky možnosti výroby skleněných předmětů i využití skelných hmot s příměsí olova k hutnickým účelům. Pozornost je též věnována problematice tzv. technických misek s polevou z pražských nálezů 12. a 13. století. and The paper evaluates previous and newly conducted physico-chemical analyses of amorphous vitreous and slag-like lumps as well as vitreous coatings on ceramic vessels from Prague. The study employed electron microanalysis (EDX analyser), electron microscope (CamScan S4) and optical emission spectrography. The results of the determinations indicate that deliberate smelting of glassworking raw material in the suburbium of the Prague Castle dates back to Early Middle Ages already. Possible manufacture of glass objects and the use of glass materials with lead addition for metallurgical purposes are discussed. Attention is also given to the problem of the so-called glazed technological bowls from Prague finds of the 12th and 13th centuries.
Článek se věnuje nálezům skleněných kroužků ze středověké Moravy. Zatímco dříve převažovaly nálezy z hrobů, díky záchranným výzkumům dnes významně dominují nálezy z aglomerací některých velkých správních hradů (Olomouc, Brno, Znojmo, Přerov, Hodonín, Strachotín). Protože se skleněné kroužky objevují hlavně v Polsku a na Kyjevské Rusi, byly na Moravě považovány za import. V nedávné době však byla objevena dvě naleziště, kde se kroužky pravděpodobně vyráběly. Článek se snaží shrnout současné poznatky o mladohradištní sklářské výrobě a užívaném sortimentu na Moravě. and This article focuses on the finds of glass rings from medieval Moravia. While finds from graves dominated earlier, finds from agglomerations of some large administrative strongholds prevail significantly today thanks to rescue excavations. As glass rings occur primarily in Poland and in the Kievan Rus area, they were regarded as being imports in Moravia. However, a further two find sites have recently been discovered, where the production of glass rings is thought to have taken place. The article looks at the current state of knowledge of glass production and the assortment utilised in Moravia in the 11th to 12th centuries.