Hodnocení a sledování průběhu veřejně politických opatření (včetně politiky podpory zdraví) je, zejména v rámci diskurzu na poli veřejné politiky jako vědní disciplíny, chápáno jako nedílná součást tvorby a realizace veřejné politiky, která by měla přispívat k naplňování demokratických principů ve veřejné správě. Vlastní evaluační praxe, a tedy i konečný smysl hodnocení, se však může značně lišit od odborných akademických metodologických doporučení a deklarací v rámci strategických veřejně politických dokumentů. Cílem předkládaného článku je na základě systematické rešerše vytvořit teoretický rámec pro exploraci a porozumění evaluační praxi v politice podpory zdraví na národní úrovni (včetně podmínek, které na ni mohou působit) a představit zjištění některých zahraničních autorů, kteří zkoumali jednotlivé případy evaluační praxe., Public policy (including health promotion policy) evaluation and monitoring is considered, especially in the discourse on the ground of public policy as an academic discipline, to be an integral part of public policy creation and implementation, which should contribute to promotion of democratic principles in public administration. The particular evaluation practice and hence the very meaning of evaluation, may differ greatly from academic methodological recommendations and declarations included in strategic public policy documents. The aim of the article is to create a theoretical framework which can be used for exploration and understanding of evaluation practice in the health promotion policy at the national level (including various conditions which can influence the evaluation practice) and introduce some of the findings of authors dealing with particular cases of evaluation practice., and Eva Tušková
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of FDP in patients with ocular ischemic syndrome. Material and methods. The material for this study is based on results of a comprehensive examination and treatment of 53 patients with a diagnosis OIS. The average age of the patients was 57,8 ± 6,82 year. 19 of them women, 34 men. 27 patients entered to the main group (1) which received standard therapy in combination with intravenous FDP (fructose 1,6-bisphosphate). 26 patients in the control group (2) received standard treatment. Results. In applying the FDP combined with comprehensive therapy in the main group resulted in increased of visual acuity by 32.8%, parameters of retinal sensitivity by 17.8%, reducing the area of scotomas compared with patients of the control group. Optical coherence tomography registered significant changes in the dynamics in patients of the main group - reducing the edema and restoration of RNFL and ONH. Recovery of visual function may have contributed neuroprotective activity of the drug FDP by a protective effect on nerve tissue, reducing the effects of hypoxic stress. Conclusions. The use of standard therapy in combination with FDP in the treatment of ocular ischemic syndrome has a positive effect on the course of the disease, thereby, increase of visual acuity, a decrease in sectoral loss in vision fields, the positive dynamics OCT parameters, improving hemodynamic parameters at Doppler imaging in dynamics., Dilbar Makhkamova, and Literatura
Motivation Until recently it was considered that 65 years is cutoff for defining patients as elderly, but newer reports indicate that this age limit shift to 70 years of age. Elderly patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer, associated comorbidities and poor performance status represent a specific population and a challenge for use of chemotherapy. Primary aim was to evaluate the impact of mono therapy with oral etoposide on overall survival in elderly patients (≥ 70 years of age) with advanced non small cell lung cancer and poor performance status (PS) ≥ 2 (clinical stage IIIb and IV ), and as well to evaluate tolerability of this therapy. Secondary aim was to evaluate response rate. Methods Retrospectively, medical records of 79 female and male patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer and poor performance status treated with oral etoposide (2x25 mg 20 days/10 days pause) in period from 2007 till 2010 were checked for relevant data. Data regarding demographics, performance status, overall survival, response rates and drug toxicity were collected. For statistical analysis we used Pearson chi-square test, T-test, Kaplan-Meier product limited method and Cox regression. Results Median overall survival (OS) was 31 weeks, in patients with PS 2 overall survival was 34 weeks, and in group with PS 3 was only 24 weeks. Partial response was registered in 20.2% of patients, stable disease in 41.85 % and disease progression in 38% of patients. Treatment was well tolerated, febrile neutropenia and toxic deaths were not registered. Toxic effects didn't have statistically significant influence on OS. Conclusion Oral etoposide used as mono therapy has been shown as moderate effective and very safe in treating elderly patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer and poor performance status so it represents a good therapy option for treating this specific population., Zoran Andrić, Vladimir Kovčin, Slobodanka Crevar, Zafir Murtezani, Sanja Kostić, and Literatura
The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book Evropská úmluva o lidských právech written by Kmec, J., Kosař, D., Kratochvíl, J., Bobek, M., published in 2012 in Prague. As the title suggests the book itself is focused on Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedom and relating questions, e.g. application to the European court of human rights, case proceeding and case - law. This review briefly informs about the authors, however it ́s mainly concentrated on th e publication ́s content. Paper itself describes component parts in the same order as it is written in the book and Jan Kotula
Cílem mé práce je zamyslet se nad existencialismem a postmoderním přístupem z pohledu vzájemných podobností i rozdílů. Existenciální analýza stojí podle mého názoru mezi modernou a postmodernou, protože na jedné straně vychází z poznávání objektivního světa (moderna), ale na druhou stranu k ní přidává požadavek subjektivního prožívání (postmoderna). Došel jsem k následujícím podobným předpokladům existenciálního a postmoderního přístupu: obrat k subjektivnímu prožívání, nereduktivní přístup k životní zkušenosti, schopnost svobodné volby, princip osobní zodpovědnosti, zdůrazňování vnitřních zdrojů klienta a orientace na budoucnost, širší kontext mezilidských vztahů či dané kultury, neexistence jediné pravdy, důraz na plynutí času, obrat k jazyku a přizpůsobení se jazyku klienta. Naproti tomu se oba směry vyznačují rozdíly v teoriích poznání, v různém zaměření na smysl a cíl života, v jiném pojetí emocí a z toho vycházejícího uchopování nepříjemných prožitků. Rozdílný pohled na některá témata vnímám jako podněcující, protože člověku skýtá příležitost přemýšlet o věcech novým, obohacujícím způsobem., The purpose of my work is to think of the existentialism and the postmodern approach from the view of their mutual similarities and differences. In my opinion, the existential analysis stands between the modernism and the postmodernism, because on the one hand it is based on the cognition of the objective world (the modernism) and on the other hand, there is also the requirement of subjective experience there (the postmodernism). I came to the following similar premises of the existential and postmodern approach: the return to subjective experience, non-reductive attitude to the life experience, the ability of free choice, the principle of personal responsibility, the accent on inner sources of the client and the focus on the future, broader context of the interpersonal relationships or the given culture, the absence of the only truth, the accent on the passage of time, the return to the language and the accommodation to the language of the client. On the contrary, both of the directions differ in the theories of cognition, in different focus on the meaning and goal of life, in different conception of emotions and consequent grasping of unpleasant experiences. I percieve the different view on some subjects as incitory, because it offers the opportunity of thinking about things in a new, enriching way., Slabý M., and Literatura
Backround: Worldwide, approximately 1 billion people, from which 200250 million are women, smoke. Based on the Estonian Medical Birth Register data, in 2010, 7,5% of pregnant women were smokers, and in 2012, 7% of pregnant women were smoking during their pregnancy. Thus, smoking rates among pregnant women fell only 0,5%. The objective of the research was to find out the views of pregnant women who were smoking during pregnancy of the effect of smoking on the health of them and their babies, and experiences in quitting smoking, changing indicators, e.g. smoking and socioeconomical status (initial exposure to smoking, employment, longterm partnerships etc.) in 20092013. Methods: This research is a phenomenological study, which was being carried out from October 2009 until January 2013. Data collection methods were semistructured interviews with 45 pregnant women smoking during their pregnancy and being registered for antenatal care in three health care institutions of Republic of Estonia. An inductive approach for qualitative analysis was used. Results: Most women smoking during pregnancy started smoking in their teens, their parents smoked, they were under 30 years old housewives or unemployed. On an average of 1120 cigarettes were consumed each day, the pregnancy of the research group did not influence frequency and tobacco intake. The participants in the research group reported that tobacco consumption helped them relax, gave them a chance to spend time in a good company, and it was not regarded as a bad habit but a social addiction, being caused by availability of tobacco products. Although most of them had an opinion about harmful effects of smoking, e.g. a cough, asthma and rapid fatigue, on the health of them and less on their expected babies, they continued smoking. Conclusions: The smoking and socioeconomical status of women smoking during pregnancy in 20092013 has not changed, health awareness of them is low and has not improved. Support groups with close relatives are needed to motivate cessation. In the first place, prevention needs a good example, purposeful cooperation, which starts in daily life context at homes, in educational institutions and in the community. Limiting the availability of tobacco products, postponing and preventing an initial exposure to smoking are thought to be of great importance. The results of the research will be introduced in health care institutions and they can be used in the health promotion process., Urve KaasikAaslav, Mare Vanatoa, Ene Kotka, and Literatura
Introduction: Oral Lichen planus (OLP) is chronic inflammatory oral mucosal disease of unknown etiology. Basement membrane damage and T‑cell migration in OLP may be mediated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). We examined the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 to support this hypothesis. Materials and methods: The study population consisted of 71 patients with OLP and 10 control patients with oral fibromas. Indirect immunohistochemistry was used for detection of MMP 9 expression (polyclonal rabbit anti‑human MMP antibody). Results: In all cases of OLP, the MMP‑9 expression was seen mainly in the area of lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria including lymphocytes within the overlying epithelium. In addition, it was observed in the epithelial keratinocytes, particularly in the stratum basale and stratum spinosum with occasional positivity in the superficial layer. Fibroblasts and endothelium of small vessels in the lamina propria showed MMP9 expression as well. In all cases of oral mucosal fibromas, the MMP‑9 expression was seen only in fibroblasts and in endothelium of small vessels with occasional positivity within the overlying epithelium. It remains unclear, whether MMP‑9 is directly connected to OLP pathogenesis., Vladimíra Paulusová, Jan Laco, Ivo Dřízhal, Radovan Slezák, and Literatura 24
Extra-anatomické stenty jsou alternativou trvalé nefrostomie u subrenální obstrukce mo- čovodu, kde není možné zajistit derivaci moči ureterálními stenty. Jsou určeny zejména pro pacienty s extraureterální blokádou ureteru inoperabilními nádory nebo závažnou formou retroperitoneální fibrózy. Hlavní výhodou je možnost zbavit pacienta nefrostomie včetně nutnosti trvale nosit sběrný močový sáček. Zavedení stentu není příliš obtížné. V současné době vyráběné extra-anatomické stenty již obsahují v jednom balíčku všechny nezbytné součásti pro jejich zavedení. Většina pacientů, kteří měli extra-anatomický stent zavedený, měla velmi limitovanou délku přežívání a stent nebylo nutné měnit. Cílem použití této speciální formy derivace moči bylo zlepšení kvality života a případně také zmírnění renální insuficience. Zhodnocení dosud publikovaných zkušeností je předmětem této práce., Extra-anatomic stents represent an alternative to the nephrostomic tube for patients with ureteric obstruction in whom the ureteral stenting failed. They are designed for patients with extramural obstruction of ureters caused by abdominal or pelvic tumors or severe form of retroperitoneal fibrosis. The main advantage of extra-anatomic stents is that they do not require use of nephrostomic tube and urine bag. The introduction is not difficult and all currently available extra-anatomic stents have all the necessary components for implementation included in the package. Quality of life improvement and the amelioration of renal insufficiency are the main goals for insertion of the extra-anatomic kidney stent. The aim of this article was to review and assess the published literature., Josef Košina, Michal Balík, Lukáš Holub, Petr Hušek, Jaroslav Pacovský, Miloš Broďák, and Literatura
Cíl práce: Analýza výsledků extrakčních vaginálních operací ve FN Motol v období let 2007 – 2011. Typ studie: Retrospektivní analýza Soubor a metodika: Analýza 341 vaginálních extrakčních porodů – frekvence využití jednotlivých instrumentů, indikace k jednotlivým extrakčním operacím, mateřské a neonatologické komplikace. Výsledky: V daném období stouplo využití extrakčních metod z 0,81 % na 3,55 %. Tento stoupající trend byl dán zejména zvyšující se frekvencí využití vakuumextraktoru (VEX). Na našem pracovišti se VEX do roku 2007 nepoužíval vůbec, v roce 2011 již tvořil 92 % všech extrakčních operací (nárůst z 0 % na 3,27 %, forceps pokles z 0,81 % na 0,28 %). Indikační schéma k využití jednotlivých instrumentů se v průběhu let také změnilo, dominantou k využití forcepsu byla hypoxie, v roce 2011 při vzrůstající oblibě vakuumextraktoru tvořila právě hypoxie již 50 % indikací k jeho využití. Četnost poranění matky i novorozence byla nižší při použití vakuumextraktoru, kefalhematom novorozence v 7 % u VEXu a 13 % u forcepsu. Závěr: V daném období došlo na našem pracovišti k celkovému zvýšení četnosti extrakčních porodů, a to zejména vlivem použití vakuumextraktoru. Vakuumextraktor je dle našich dat spojen s nižší mateřskou a novorozeneckou morbiditou. Neonatologické výsledky obou metod jsou srovnatelné, mírně však ve prospěch vakuumextraktoru. Výjimkou je jeho neúspěšné použití., Objective: To analyze the results of assisted vaginal deliveries at the Motol University Hospital for the period 2007–2011. Type of study: A retrospective analysis Material and Methods: Analysis of 341 vaginal assisted deliveries - frequency of individual instrument use, indications for assisted vaginal deliveries, maternal and neonatal complications. Results: During the given time period the frequency of assisted vaginal deliveries increased from 0,81 % to 3,55 %. This increasing trend was mainly due to the increasing frequency of vacuum extractor (VEX) use. The first vacuum assisted vaginal delivery at our hospital was recorded in 2007. In 2011 this method already accounted for 92 % of all assisted vaginal deliveries (an increase from 0 % to 3,27 %; the frequency of forceps deliveries decreased from 0,81 % to 0,28 %). Over the years, indications for the use of instruments have also changed. Main indication for forceps delivery used to be hypoxia, but in 2011, with increasing popularity of vacuum extractions, it accounted only for 50 % of indications for its use. Frequency of maternal and neonatal injuries was lower when using vacuum extractor, newborn cephalhaematoma was recorded in 7 % when vacuum extractor was used and 13 % when forceps was used. Conclusion: During the given time period there was an overall increase of assisted vaginal deliveries at our department, mainly because of the vacuum extractor use. According to our data, vacuum extraction is associated with lower maternal and neonatal morbidity. Neonatal results of both methods are comparable, but slightly in favour of vacuum extraction, except cases of its unsuccessful application., P. Hanulíková, H. Hrubantová, R. Vlk, T. Binder, and Literatura 10