In May 1980, the WEDOC-1 was carried out covering 14 simultaneous stations and establishing a first link between observatories in Western and Eastern Europe. In order to improve the results of WEDOC-1 using a better station configuration and refined software and calibration techniques a second campaign WEDOC-2 was initiated by Graz (Austria) and Penc (Hungary). The configuration comprized 27 stations in 18 countries which carried out simultaneous Doppler observations from September 6th to 16th, 1983. Four different calibration campaigns were used to estimate receiver and program biases. Station coordinates have been computed by means of the programs GEODOP in Graz and SADOSA in Budapest. and V maje 1980 g. byla osuščestvlena kampanija "WEDOC-1", v kotoruju vključilos' 14 stancij. Vpervyje osuščestvlena privjazka meždu observatorijami Zapadnoj i Vostočnoj Jevropy. Čtoby ulučšit' rezul'taty kampanii "WEDOC-1" vtoraja kampanija "WEDOC-2" byla osuščestvlena observatorijami Grac (Avstrija) i Penc (Vengrija) s ulučšennoj konfiguracijej stancij, ulučšennym obespečenijem i technikoj kalibrovki. Konfiguracija vključila 27 stancij v 18 stranach, kotoryje vypolnili sinchronnyje nabljudenija s 6 - 16 sentjabrja 1983 g. Primenili četyre raznych kampanii kalibrovki, čtoby ocenit' pograšnosti prijemnika i vyčislitelnoj programmy. Koordinaty stancij byli vyčisleny s pomošč'ju programm GEODOP v Grace i SADOSA v Budapešte.
The Czech dissident movement included thinkers who searched for a morally pure, parallel polis, and who felt comfortable within its isolation. The philosophers of Charter 77 (Jan Patočka and Ladislav Hejdánek especially), by contrast, rejected the idea of being morally superior to their opponents. It is interesting to consider where Václav Havel stands at this crossroads. Havel very much cooperated with the above-mentioned philosophers and was inspired by them in his own writing and agency. On the other hand, Havel undoubtedly performed a certain moral-existential concept of dissent. In this paper I examine Havel’s existential concept. In particular, after distinguishing between two existential approaches in Havel’s writings, I analyse two fundamental philosophical critiques of Havel in the work of Ladislav Hejdánek. According to Hejdánek, Havel 1) identifies intellectuals with non-politicians, i.e. he is governed by the incorrect dualism of the political versus the non-political, and 2) is self-focused and moralising, i.e. he keeps too much within his own self (subjectivity) and “a given” (existent, objective) world. Given this critique, I will systematise Hejdánek’s objections and suggested solutions. In the first case, I see the solution in a more detailed distinction: we should distinguish between politics and non-politics (intellectuals) but also non-political politics. In the second case, we should look for the essence (focal point) of man not in his morality but outside it: man should orient himself “out of his self”.
A number of effects which can affect the low-mass IMF derived from the local luminosity function is studied. We consider an influence of unresolved binairies, variations in fine structure of mass-luminosity relation, BC-scale, chemical composition, and evolution of brown dwarfs. The mass-luminosity relation is found to be the main factor defining the IMF. As analysis shows, different theoretical relations calculated for Pop I composition result in different IMFs /from a power law, to a lognormal one/. The presence at faintest magnitudes /Mν > 20^m/ of a large number of brown dwarfs, slowly evolving with decreasing luminosity, leads to the depletion of the luminosity function for both lognormal and power IMFs.
Když benevolence zraňuje ženy a favorizuje muže: účinky ambivalentního sexismu na aspirace na vůdcovství Literatura o ambivalentním sexismu ukázala, že benevolence vůči ženám může být dokonce škodlivější než otevřené nepřátelství, protože není jasně rozpoznatelná jako druh předsudku, a tak je obtížnější s ní bojovat. Podobně benevolence vůči mužům predikuje vnímanou oprávněnost genderové hierarchie. Účinek sexismu na mužské a ženské aspirace na vůdcovství však ještě nebyl zkoumán. Účastníci studie (N = 101) byli poučeni o sexismu (hostilním vs. benevolentním) vůči vlastnímu pohlaví. Výsledky ukázaly, že benevolence podporuje možnost udržení vůdcovské role u mužů, ale odrazuje ženy od vůdcovských pozic. Ženy dokonce považují benevolentní a hostilní postoje vůči ženám za podobné předsudky. Muži naopak vymezují hostilní sexismus vůči mužům jako více předsudečný než benevolentní postoje., Literature on ambivalent sexism has shown that benevolence toward women can be even more pernicious than explicit hostility because it is not clearly recognizable as a form of prejudice and thus it is more difficult to combat. Similarly, benevolence toward men predicts the perceived legitimacy of gender hierarchy. However, the effects of sexism on men’s and women’s leadership aspiration have not been studied yet. In the present study participants (N = 101) were primed with sexism (Hostile vs. Benevolent) toward their own gender. Results showed that benevolence fosters the possibility of holding a leadership role for men, but harms women from leader positions. Moreover, women consider benevolent and hostile attitudes toward women as similarly prejudiced. On the contrary, men define hostile sexism toward men as more prejudiced than benevolent attitudes., Chiara Rollero, Angela Fed., and Obsahuje seznam literatury