My modest aim in this paper is to prove certain relations between some type of hyper-intensional operators, namely context shifting operators, and compositionality in natural languages. Various authors (e.g. von Fintel & Matthewson 2008; Stalnaker 2014) have argued that context-shifting operators are incompatible with compositionality. In fact, some of them understand Kaplan’s (1989) famous ban on context-shifting operators as a constraint on compositionality. Others, (e.g. Rabern 2013) take contextshifting operators to be compatible with compositionality but, unfortunately, do not provide a proof, or an argument in favor of their position. The aim of this paper is to do precisely that. Additionally, I provide a new proof that compositionality for propositional content (intension) is a proper generalization of compositionality for character (hyper-intensions). and Mým skromným cílem v tomto příspěvku je prokázat jisté vztahy mezi určitým typem hyperintenzivních operátorů, konkrétně operátory s kontextovým posunem, a kompozičností v přirozených jazycích. Různí autoři (např. Von Fintel & Matthewson 2008, Stalnaker 2014) argumentovali, že operátoři, kteří mění kontext, jsou neslučitelní s kompozicností. Ve skutečnosti, někteří z nich chápou Kaplanův (1989) slavný zákaz operátorů, kteří mění kontext, jako omezení kompozičního charakteru. Jiní (např. Rabern 2013) převezmou kontextující operátory kompatibilní s kompozicností, ale bohužel neposkytují důkaz nebo argument ve prospěch svého postavení. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je přesně to udělat. Dodatečně,
The friction conditions at the top of a mobile bed are discussed for flows in the upper-plane-bed regime, i.e. for the flows with values of the bed Shields parameter larger than approximately 0.6. A special attention is devoted to flows of the bed Shields parameter bigger than 2. Experimental data for flows at high bed shear are collected from literature and new data are added from own measurements of flows of a 1.36-mm sand slurry in the 100-mm pipe loop of the Institute of Hydrodynamics. The database represents flows of very different solids and covers friction conditions within a broad range of Shields parameters up to the maximum value of about 23. The paper analyses the data in order to evaluate a relationship among the equivalent roughness of the top of the bed and other relevant parameters. A semi-empirical formula is proposed that relates the equivalent roughness to the bed Shields parameter, the ratio of flow velocity and particle settling velocity, and the ratio of flow hydraulic radius and particle diameter. The formula is applicable primarily to flows of combined load (contact- and suspended loads together). and Příspěvek se zabývá mechanismem tření na povrchu erodovatelného dna za podmínek horního režimu pohybu splavenin nad plochým dnem, to jest při hodnotách Shieldsova parametru větších než přibližně 0,6. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována proudění při Shieldsově parametru větším než 2. Z literatury byla sebrána experimentální data pro proudění za vysokých smykových napětí, ke kterým byla přidána nová data z vlastních měření s pískem velikosti středního zrna 1,36 mm v potrubí průměru 100 mm trubního okruhu Ústavu pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR. Databáze obsahuje výsledky měření pro částice různých vlastností v širokém rozsahu hodnot Shieldsova parametru až do hodnoty okolo 23. Příspěvek analyzuje data za účelem stanovení závislosti hydraulické drsnosti povrchu sedliny na ostatních parametrech proudění. Je navržen semiempirický vztah, který předpokládá závislost hydraulické drsnosti na Shieldsově parametru, poměru rychlosti proudění k usazovací rychlosti částic a poměru hydraulického poloměru průtočného profilu k velikosti částic. Tento vztah se doporučuje především pro proudění nesoucí jak dnové splaveniny, tak suspendované částice.
Calculation methods are presented in the form as obtained by as concerns bank deformations of water reservoirs and down-stream levels of hydropower weirs as influenced by water waves initiated by wind, vessel transport as well as by reservoir emptying and publicated in this article. Effect of long-wave destruction takes place during the processes. and Příspěvek předkládá metody výpočtu deformací břehů vodních nádrží i dolních úrovní hydroenergetických stupňů vlivem proudění, větrných vln i vln způsobených plavbou lodí, jakož i vln při vypouštění vody z nádrže. Projevuje se při tom působení dlouhovlnného rozrušování.
The paper addresses the prediction of roll-waves occurrence in mud-flows. The spatial growth of a point-wise disturbance is analytically described, based on the linearized flow model of a Herschel and Bulkley fluid, in the neighborhood of an initial uniform base condition. The theoretical achievements allow to generalize to mud-flows the minimum channel criterion commonly used for the prediction of roll-waves in clear-water. The applicability of the criterion is discussed through the comparison with literature laboratory data concerning unstable flows without rollwaves.
Our everyday social interactions involve holding others morally accountable for their wrongdoings. Sometimes such holdings might be inappropriate. For instance, it feels inappropriate if the person holding another morally accountable is in some relevant sense morally compromised. Thus a thief chastising a thief would strike us as somewhat odd. We might, when witnessing such behaviour, want to remind the chastiser that he is not in a position to reprimand others. But what if none of us are ever in such a position? In this paper we will argue that all men are irremediably morally compromised, and conclude that, ultimately, it is never appropriate for us to hold others morally accountable.
The condition of incipient motion and deposition are of the essential issues for the study of sediment transport. This phenomenon is of great importance to hydraulic engineers for designing sewers, drainage, as well as other rigid boundary channels. This is a study carried out with the objectives of describing the effect of cross-sectional shape on incipient motion and deposition of particles in rigid boundary channels. In this research work, the experimental data given by Loveless (1992) and Mohammadi (2005) are used. On the basis of the critical velocity approach, a new incipient motion equation for a V-shaped bottom channel and incipient deposition of sediment particles equations for rigid boundary channels having circular, rectangular, and U-shaped cross sections are obtained. New equations were compared to the other incipient motion equations. The result shows that the cross-sectional shape is an important factor for defining the minimum velocity for no-deposit particles. This study also distinguishes incipient motion of particles from incipient deposition for particles. The results may be useful for designing fixed bed channels with a limited deposition condition.
In this work we present a methodology for the mapping of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) temporal variations based on the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry technique and Sentinel-1 data. The shift in the interferometric phase caused by the refraction of the microwave signal penetrating the snow layer is isolated and exploited to generate maps of temporal variation of SWE from coherent SAR interferograms. The main advantage of the proposed methodology with respect to those based on the inversion of microwave SAR backscattering models is its simplicity and the reduced number of required in-situ SWE measurements. The maps, updated up to every 6 days, can attain a spatial resolution up to 20 m with sub-centimetre ΔSWE measurement accuracy in any weather and sun illumination condition. We present results obtained using the proposed methodology over a study area in Finland. These results are compared with in-situ measurements of ΔSWE, showing a reasonable match with a mean accuracy of about 6 mm.
The aim of this contribution is to describe the removal efficiency of individual fractions of natural organic matter (NOM) during water treatment. Two types of surface water with an increased concentration of NOM of various origins were analysed. It was shown that the NOM removal efficiency depends on the NOM character and reaction conditions. The optimised doses of destabilisation reagents influence especially the removal of hydrophilic charged (CHA) and very hydrophobic acids (VHA) fractions during treatment of both types of raw water (φCHA = 0.78-0.86, φVHA = 0.51-0.88). In contrast, removal of hydrophilic neutral (NEU) fraction was very low (φNEU = 0.13-0.22). and Příspěvek se zabývá odstranitelností jednotlivých frakcí přírodních organických látek (NOM) při úpravě povrchových vod se zvýšeným obsahem NOM různého typu. Výsledky ukazují, že účinnost odstranění NOM závisí na charakteru NOM a na reakčních podmínkách. Při optimalizovaných dávkách destabilizačního činidla byla, při úpravě obou typů vod, nejlépe odstraněna frakce VHA (silně hydrofobní kyseliny) a frakce hydrofilní nabitá (CHA) (φCHA = 0.78-0.86, φVHA = 0.51-0.88). Naopak odstranění hydrofilní nenabité frakce (NEU) bylo minimální (φ = 0.13-0.22).
The paper demonstrates that the wind stress curl as an external vorticity source plays an important role in shaping large scale shallow lake circulations. The analysis of purpose-oriented simultaneous wind and current measurements data from the Hungarian part of Lake Neusiedl reasonably fits well the internal boundary layer development theory over the lake surface. A 2-D vorticity formulation of wind-induced flows is used to demonstrate mathematically the IBL-related large scale circulation generation mechanism well reflected in the measured data. Further validation of the findings is carried out by means of simple 2-D numerical flow modelling, in which details on the flow pattern besides the measurement sites could be also revealed. Wind-induced lake circulations linked to IBL development shows a novelty to be implemented in up-to-date numerical flow models.
Stony soils are composed of fractions (rock fragments and fine soil) with different hydrophysical characteristics. Although they are abundant in many catchments, their properties are still not well understood. This article presents basic characteristics (texture, stoniness, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and soil water retention) of stony soils from a mountain catchment located in the highest part of the Carpathian Mountains and summarizes results of water flow modeling through a hypothetical stony soil profile. Numerical simulations indicate the highest vertical outflow from the bottom of the profile in soils without rock fragments under ponding infiltration condition. Simulation of a more realistic case in a mountain catchment, i.e. infiltration of intensive rainfall, shows that when rainfall intensity is lower than the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the stony soil, the highest outflow is predicted in a soil with the highest stoniness and high initial water content of soil matrix. Relatively low available retention capacity in a stony soil profile and consequently higher unsaturated hydraulic conductivity leads to faster movement of the infiltration front during rainfall.