The diurnal trends of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in four Lycoris species (L. houdyshelii, L. aurea, L. radiata var. pumila and L. albiflora) were determined and compared with a portable photosynthesis analysis system. Our study revealed that L. houdyshelii had the lowest light compensation point (LCP), while the other three species had higher LCP (12.37-14.99 μmol m-2 s-1); L. aurea had the highest light saturation point (LSP) (1,189 μmol m-2 s-1), and L. houdyshelii and L. albiflora had lower LSP with the values being 322 and 345 μmol m-2 s-1, respectively, and L. radiata var. pumila showed the intermediate LSP. Both the species L. houdyshelii and L. albiflora exhibited a typical and obvious decline in net photosynthetic rate (PN) during midday, which was not observed in L. aurea. This indicated a possible photoinhibition in L. houdyshelii and L. albiflora as the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) values were higher in these two species. The minimal fluorescence (F0) values were lower in L. aurea and L. radiata var. pumila. The diurnal changes of transpiration rate (E) in all four species presented only one peak, appearing between 11:00 h or 13:00 h. By using simple correlation analyses, it was observed that the environmental factors affecting
PN were different among four species and the main factors were photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and relative humidity especially for L. aurea and L. radiata. The results of studying indicated that the four species could be divided into two groups. The species L. radiata var. pumila and L. aurea were more adapted to a relatively high irradiance, and L. houdyshelii and L. albiflora could be grown in moderate-shade environment in order to scale up their growth and productivity., K. Liu ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The relative length of telomeres measured in peripheral blood leukocytes is a commonly used system marker for biological aging and can also be used as a biomarker of cardiovascular aging. However, to what extent the telomere length in peripheral leukocytes reflects telomere length in different organ tissues is still unclear. Therefore, we have measured relative telomere length (rTL) in twelve different human tissues (peripheral blood leukocytes, liver, kidney, heart, spleen, brain, skin, triceps, tongue mucosa, intercostal skeletal muscle, subcutaneous fat, and abdominal fat) from twelve cadavers (age range of 29 week of gestation to 88 years old). The highest rTL variability was observed in peripheral leukocytes, and the lowest variability was found in brain. We found a significant linear correlation between leukocyte rTL and both intercostal muscle (R=0.68, P<0.02) and liver rTL (R=0.60, P<0.05) only. High rTL variability was observed between different organs from one individual. Furthermore, we have shown that even slight DNA degradation (modeled by sonication of genomic DNA) leads to false rTL shortening. We conclude that the rTL in peripheral leukocytes is not strongly correlated with the rTL in different organs., D. Dlouha, J. Maluskova, I. Kralova Lesna, V. Lanska, J. A. Hubacek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the present study, we investigated the antioxidative potential in leaves of the chromatic (CC) versus green (GC) Amaranthus tricolor L. under moderate high-temperature stress at 45°C. Before heat stress, CC had significantly higher levels of betacyanins [about 3.2 mg g-1(FM)] than the green [1.8 mg g-1(FM) (p<0.01), while similar chlorophyll (Chl) content [about 2 mg g-1(FM)] was observed between both cultivars. After exposure to high temperature (45°C) for 6 days, betacyanins in leaves of CC were remarkably increased (about 2 times of that in control samples grown at 30°C). In contrast, betacyanins in GC significantly decreased by 56% in comparison with that of the control. Chl level in CC was higher than that in GC after heat stress for 6 days. Flavonoids and total phenolics in both cultivars were increased, but much more in CC. Significantly less H2O2 accumulation was observed in the leaves and stems of CC than in those of GC under heat stress. Interestingly, much stronger circadian oscillation in fluorescence was observed in both cultivars after treatment at 45°C, which suggested that heat stress stimulates endogenous rhythms of photosystem II (PSII). Under moderate high-temperature stress, Chl fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm (maximum quantum yield of PSII), qP (coefficient of photochemical quenching), ΦPSII (effective PSII quantum yield), and ETR (electron transport rate) exhibited a gradual decrease, NPQ (nonphotochemical quenching) showed a slight increase followed by a gradual decline, whereas Fo (minimum fluorescence of a dark-adapted leaf) increased continuously. In contrast to GC, after 120 h of high-temperature treatment, CC exhibited significantly lower Fo level, and higher levels of Fv/Fm and NPQ. It is clear that PSII in CC was more stable than that in GC. The results indicate that betacyanins are an effective antioxidant, and probably contribute greatly to the higher thermal stability of PSII and higher tolerance to heat stress. and Z. Shu ... [et al.].
A key physical property used in the description of a soil-water regime is a soil water retention curve, which shows the relationship between the water content and the water potential of the soil. Pedotransfer functions are based on the supposed dependence of the soil water content on the available soil characteristics, e.g., on the relative content of the particle size in the soil and the dry bulk density of the soil. This dependence could be extracted from the available data by various regression methods. In this paper, artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) were used to estimate a drying branch of a water retention curve. The paper compares the mentioned methods by estimating the water retention curves on regional scale for the Záhorská lowland in the Slovak Republic, where relatively small data set was available. The performance of the models was evaluated and compared. These computations did not fully confirm the superiority of SVMs over ANNs as is often proclaimed in the literature, because the results obtained show that in this study the ANN model performs somewhat better and is easier to handle in determining pedotransfer functions than the SVM models. Nevertheless, the results from both data-driven models are quite close, and the results show that they provide a significantly more precise outcome than a traditional multi-linear regression does., Autori sa v príspevku venujú určovaniu pedotransferových funkcií (PTF), ktoré umožňujú stanoviť body vlhkostných retenčných kriviek pôdy z ľahšie merateľných pôdnych vlastností a sú dôležitým prvkom modelovania vodného režimu pôdy. Ešte v minulej dekáde sa objavili snahy využívať na ich určenie umelé neurónové siete (UNS). Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) čiže viacvrstvový perceptrón je najčastejšie používaný model doprednej umelej neurónovej siete s kontrolovaným typom učenia. Vstupné signály prechádzajú sieťou typu MLP iba dopredným smerom, teda postupne od vrstvy k vrstve. MLP používa tri a viac vrstiev neurónov rozdelených na vstupnú, skrytú a výstupnú vrstvu s nelineárnou aktivačnou funkciou a vie rozpoznať alebo modelovať informácie, ktoré nie sú lineárne oddeliteľné alebo závislé. Novší vývoj v oblasti učiacich algoritmov poskytuje ďalšie možnosti, z ktorých sa v tomto príspevku venujeme tzv. mechanizmom podporných vektorov (Support Vector Machines - SVM). SVM využíva pri svojom kalibrovaní na riešený problém princíp tzv. štrukturálnej minimalizácie namiesto iba minimalizácie chyby - (Vapnik, 1995). Pri trénovaní siete MLP je jediným cieľom minimalizovať celkovú chybu. Pri SVM sa simultánne minimalizuje chyba aj zložitosť modelu. Použitie tohto princípu vedie zvyčajne k vyššej schopnosti generalizácie, t.j. umožneniu presnejších predpovedí pre dáta, ktoré neboli použité pri trénovaní SVM. Vhodnosť štandardnej umelej neurónovej siete, SVM a viacnásobnej lineárnej regresie sa v článku vyhodnocuje na základe údajov získaných z pôdnych vzoriek odobratých v lokalite Záhorskej nížiny. Pôvodné údaje a ich aplikáciu pri vyhodnocovaní vodného režimu pôd uvádza Skalová (2001, 2007), odkiaľ boli prevzaté vstupné dáta a to percentuálny obsah zrnitostných kategórií (I až IV podľa Kopeckého), redukovaná objemová hmotnosť (ρd) a vlhkosti pre vlkostné potenciály hw= -2.5, -56, -209, -558, -976, -3060, -15300 cm, ktoré boli stanovené laboratórne pre potreby určenia a testovania regresných závislostí. Vzhľadom na to, že pri odvodzovaní regionálnych PTF je častým prípadom nedostatok dát pre odvodenie dátovo riadených modelov, autori navrhli riešiť úlohu pomocou ansámblu MLP resp. SVM. Ansámbel dátovo riadených modelov bol vytvorený variabilným rozdelením údajov na trénovacie a validačné (validačnými údajmi sa testuje presnosť modelu vo fáze jeho tvorby, ešte sa používajú konečné testovacie dáta, ktoré neboli pri tvorbe modelu použité). Výsledky ukázali lepšie regresné schopnosti oboch dátovo riadených modelov (SVM aj MLP) voči multilineárnej regresii a o niečo lepšie výsledky boli získané z viacvrstvového perceptrónu než zo SVM., and Keďže v niektorých iných prácach mal zvyčajne vyššiu výpočtovú presnosť model založený na SVM než na UNS, autori odporúčajú pre budúci výskum preveriť vhodnosť kombinácie SVM a MLP modelov v dátovo riadenom skupinovom modeli.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of low-dose combined oral contraception (COC) on basal and stimulated (1 μg ACTH test) levels of serum and salivary cortisol (F), cortisone and on basal serum cortisol binding globulin (CBG), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), dehydroepiadrosterone (DHEA) and calculated free cortisol in healthy young women. Three-month administration of COC resulted in 1) significant increase of basal (454.0±125.0 to 860.9±179.7 nmol/l) and ACTH-stimulated serum cortisol in 30th min (652.3±60.5 to 1374.1±240.6 nmol/l); 2) no significant change of basal (15.4±7.3 to 18.9±8.5 nmol/l) and ACTH-stimulated salivary cortisol at the 30th min (32.4±8.8 to 32.9±9.0 nmol/l); 3) no significant change of basal serum cortisone (38,8±7.68 to 45.2±24.2 nmol/l) and ACTH-stimulated cortisone at the 30th (34.8±10.9 to 47.0±35.7 nmol/l); 4) significant increase of basal ACTH (17.2±9.0 to 38.2±29.4 ng/l), CBG (991.0±161.0 to 2332.0±428.0 nmol/l), and 5) no significant change of basal DHEA (24.6±15.7 to 22.6±11.7 μmol/l) and calculated basal value for free cortisol (22.8±14.9 to 19.2±6.9nmol/l). In conclusions, higher basal and ACTH-stimulated serum cortisol were found after three-month administration of COC, while basal and stimulated salivary cortisol were not significantly affected. Therefore, salivary cortisol can be used for assessment of adrenal function in women regularly using COC., K. Šimůnková, L. Stárka, M. Hill, L. Kříž, R. Hampl, K. Vondra., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The heterogeneity of water flow and solute transport was assessed during radioactive tracer infiltration experiment in a black clay loam soil using modified methods to estimate the effective cross section (ECS) and the degree of preferential flow (DPF). The results of field and numerical experiments showed that these parameters characterized the heterogeneity of water flow in the soils unequivocally. The ECS decreases non-linearly and the DPF increases linearly with an increase of the bypassing ratio (ratio of macropore flow rate to total flow rate). The ECS decreased and the DPF increased with depth, which suggests an increase in the heterogeneity of water flow with depth. The plot of the DPF against ECS values calculated from the tracer experiment data was consistent with the relationship obtained by the numerical simulation assuming preferential flow in the neighbourhood of three probes.
Analysis of two methods used for ascertaining stability of dynamical systems was carried out on a mathematical model of experimental stand of aerodynamic bearings. It was proofed that method of direct eigenvalue calculation gives practically the same results, which are obtained from the solution of equations of motion by means of integral Runge Kutta procedure. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Laboratory animals (mice and guinea pigs) were infected with the isolates of Coxiella burnetii (Derrick, 1939) obtained from bovine milk (M18 and M35) and the ticks Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Dermacentor marginatus (Sulzer, 1776) (Kl3 and Kl6, respectively), and with the reference strain Nine Mile. Neither mortality nor lethality occurred with the mice. Antibody response in mice infected with isolates from milk was lower (1 : 16-512) than that from ticks (1 : 32-4096). Onset of seropositivity also occurred later - on the 10th day post-infection (p.i.) for M18 and M35 in comparison with the 7th day for Kl3 and Kl6. In guinea pigs, infection manifested by fever. The fever was less evident in guinea pigs infected with isolates from milk (39.5-40.1°C) than in guinea pigs infected with isolates from ticks (39.5-40.6°C). Partially engorged females of Dermacentor reticulatus (Fabricius, 1794) were inoculated with isolates M18 and Kl3 . No differences in the multiplication of C. burnetii in haemocytes between these two isolates were ascertained.
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) balance in relation to grain formation and leaf senescence in two different senescent types of maize (Zea mays L.), one stay-green (cv. P3845) and one earlier senescent (cv. Hokkou 55). In comparison with Hokkou 55, P3845 had a higher N concentration (Nc) in the leaves and a higher specific N absorption rate by roots (SARN), which indicated that a large amount of N was supplied to the leaves from the roots during maturation. This resulted in a higher photosynthetic rate, which supports saccharide distribution to roots. Thus, stay-green plants maintained a more balanced C and N metabolism between shoots and roots. Moreover, the coefficients of the relationship between the relative growth rate (RGR) and Nc, and between the photon-saturated photo-synthetic rate (Psat) and Nc were lower in P3845. The Psat per unit Nc in leaves was lower in the stay-green cultivars, which indicated that high yield was attained by longer green area duration and not by a high Psat per unit Nc in the leaf. Consequently, a high Psat caused a high leaf senescence rate because C and N compounds will translocate actively from the leaves. and Ping He ... [et al.].
To probe the role of xanthophylls in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and the compensatory acclimated photoprotection mechanisms, a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Ailsa Craig) Xa mutant with deficit in lutein (L) and neoxanthin (N) contents was used. The Xa mutant showed lowered NPQ, an increased degree of de-epoxidation state [(A+Z)/(V+A+Z)], and decreases of photosystem 2 (PS2) antenna size. Although the Xa mutant had a CO2 assimilation rate similar to that of Ailsa Craig, it exhibited a much larger stomatal conductance (gs) than Ailsa Craig. Decreased electron flux in PS2 (J PS2) for the Xa mutant was associated with electron flux for photorespiratory carbon oxidation (Jo) and alternative electron flux in PS2 (Ja) while electron flux for photosynthetic carbon reduction (Jc) was not different from Ailsa Craig. Moreover, the Xa mutant also exhibited higher activities of antioxidant enzymes, higher contents of ascorbate and glutathione, and lower contents of reactive oxygen species. Hence some compensatory acclimated mechanisms of photoprotection operated properly in the lack of NPQ and xanthophylls. and Y. J. Wang ... [et al.].