Objectives. The study focuses on the emotional intelligence (hereafter „EI“) of members of the Police of the Czech Republic and on its differences according to the selected demographic characteristics (gender, age, and education). The outcomes are subsequently compared with the results of the general population. Sample and setting. The research sample comprised 531 adult respondents (222 police officers and 309 members of the general population). SEIS self-description questionnaire and anamnestic questionnaire were used to measure selected variables. Hypotheses. The authors assumed that the police officers would show a higher level of overall EI and particular EI factors than the general population. A higher level of overall EI would occur in female, higher age, and higher education groups – for both police members and the general population. Statistical analysis. The analysis of the data was focused on the determination of the factors forming EI by exploratory factor analysis, non-parametric tests were used to verify the hypotheses. Results. There was no statistically significant difference found between the police officers and the common population in total EI, only in particular EI factors. While no difference between gender, age, or education groups and overall EI was indicated among the police officers, significant differences between all variables were revealed among the general population. When dividing the sample according to gender and type, statistically significant differences were found with the men from the general population scoring the lowest compared to the highest score of policewomen. Study limitation. Given the sampling method, caution must be exercised to generalise the findings. A self-description method was used to measure EI. and Cíle. Studie se zabývá emoční inteligencí (EI) příslušníků Policie České republiky a jejími rozdíly dle vybraných demografických charak-teristik (pohlaví, věk, vzdělání). Výsledky jsou srovnávány s hodnotami zjištěnými u běžné po-pulace. Výzkumný soubor a procedura. Výzkumný vzorek je tvořen celkem 531 dospělými respon-denty, z toho bylo 222 policistů a 309 proban-dů z běžné populace. Zvolené proměnné byly měřeny pomocí sebepopisného dotazníku SEIS a anamnestického dotazníku.Hypotézy. Autorky předpokládaly, že příslušníci Policie ČR budou vykazovat vyšší úroveň cel-kové EI a vyšší hodnoty u všech faktorů EI než běžná populace. Dále předpokládaly, že vyšší úroveň celkové EI se bude u policistů i běžné populace vyskytovat u skupin s ženským pohla-vím, vyšším věkem a vyšším vzděláním. Statistická analýza. Analýza dat byla zaměřena na stanovení faktorů tvořících EI pomocí explo-rační faktorové analýzy, pro ověřování hypotéz byly využity neparametrické testy.Výsledky. Výsledky výzkumu neprokázaly exis-tenci statisticky signifikantního rozdílu mezi policisty a běžnou populací v celkové EI, byly však nalezeny rozdíly v jednotlivých faktorech. Zatímco nebyly objeveny rozdíly v celkové EI u skupin policistů dle pohlaví, věku a vzdělá-ní, v souboru běžné populace se tyto rozdíly projevily. Při rozčlenění hodnot celkové EI dle příslušnosti ke vzorku a pohlaví byly shledány statisticky signifikantní rozdíly, kdy muži z běž-né populace skórovali níže oproti ženám – po-licistkám.Omezení studie. Vzhledem k metodě výběru vzorku je zobecnitelnost výsledků limitována. K měření EI byla využita sebepopisná metoda.
Problem. A lack of empathy toward victimized students belongs to the key factors that fuel longterm bullying cases. The absence of cognitive empathy toward victims is characterized by inability or unwillingness of classmates to understand the emotions and the situation of victimized students. It relates to moral disengagement processes, including dehumanizing disregard to the harm of the victims. Sample and methods. The study examined the association between victimization by bullying (assessed using self-reports) and cognitive empathy received from classmates (measured by peer nominations for students who do not feel well among others or others treat them unfairly) in seventh graders (n=190). Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the association when controlling for effects of peer status, gender, and sympathy of victimized students.Results. Students feel cognitive empathy for approximately half of the victims in their classrooms and cognitive empathy had a weak positive correlation with victimization frequency. Binary logistic regression showed that above-average cognitive empathy received from classmates is more likely in victims, students with low peer status, and male students. Because victimized students whose harm and difficult plight is overlooked by classmates have been considered victims most susceptible to psychological and social maladjustment, intervention efforts could benefit from tracing not only the established diagnostic criteria, but also cognitive empathy received from the side of classmates.Limitations. The findings may be limited by using a cross-sectional design and working with a convenience and relatively small sample (with a limited number of victims). and Problém. Jedním z klíčových prvků přispívajících k dlouhodobému trvání případů šikany je absence empatie k šikanovaným spolužákům. Absence kognitivní složky empatie se vyznačuje neschopností či neochotou spolužáků porozumět emocím a situaci šikanovaných žáků. Pojí se s procesy morálního vyvazování, včetně dehumanizace, při níž přestávají být spolužáci vnímaví k utrpení oběti. Důležitou otázkou je, jak velká část šikanovaných žáků získává empatii od svých spolužáků a zda tato empatie souvisí s charakteristikami šikanovaných žáků. Soubor a metoda. Studie zkoumala u žáků sedmých ročníků (n = 190) vztah mezi viktimizací (na základě sebeposouzení) a kognitivní empatií získanou od spolužáků (vrstevnickou nominací žáků, kteří se mezi ostatními necítí dobře či se k nim ostatní chovají nespravedlivě). Pomocí binární logistické regrese sledovala tento vztah při kontrole skupinového statusu, pohlaví a soucitu šikanovaného žáka. Výsledky. Spolužáci empatizují přibližně s polovinou obětí ve svých třídách. Frekvence viktimizace slabě pozitivně koreluje s mírou získané empatie od spolužáků. Podle výsledků binární logistické regrese predikuje nadprůměrnou míru empatie od spolužáků zkušenost s viktimizací a nízký skupinový status. Nadprůměrnou empatii spolužáků také častěji získávají chlapci. Vzhledem k tomu, že šikanované žáky, jejichž utrpení a obtížnou pozici spolužáci přehlížejí, lze považovat za nejohroženější oběti s potenciálními psychickými a sociálními následky, z intervenčního hlediska se jeví jako užitečné sledovat vedle existujících diagnostických kritérií i empatii spolužáků vůči konkrétním šikanovaným žákům. Limity. Výsledky studie mohou být omezeny příležitostným výběrem, nízkým počtem častěji šikanovaných žáků a průřezovým výzkumným designem.
Considering the advantage of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) for extracting the geophysical signals and filtering out the noise, this paper will first apply the EMD approach to post-process the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) monthly gravity field models. A 14-year time-series of Release 06 (RL06) monthly gravity field models from the Center for Space Research (CSR) truncated to degree and order 60 from the period April 2002 to August 2016 are analyzed using the EMD approach compared with traditional Gaussian smoothing filtering. Almost all fitting errors of GRACE spherical harmonic coefficients by the EMD approach are smaller than those by Gaussian smoothing, indicating that EMD can retain more information of the original spherical harmonic coefficients. The ratios of latitude-weighted RMS over the land and ocean signals are adopted to evaluate the efficiency of eliminating noise. The results show that almost all ratios of RMS for the EMD approach are higher than those of Gaussian smoothing, with the mean ratio of RMS of 3.61 for EMD and 3.41 for Gaussian smoothing, respectively. Therefore, we can conclude that the EMD method can filter noise more effectively than Gaussian smoothing, especially for the high-degree coefficients, and retain more geophysical signals with less leakage effects.
The age and growth of weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis), an endangered and protected freshwater fish with a poorly known life history, was studied in two watercourses (the River Ner and the Nowy Rów canal, Poland). The weight, length and sagittal otoliths of 166 specimens collected in April 2015 were measured for weight-length relationships, ageing and back-calculation of length at age. At both sites sex ratio did not differ from 1:1. Weatherfish otoliths were small, elliptic (1.85 mm longer axes of the largest otolith) and the annuli were clearly visible. Female lifespan was six years but the oldest males were four and five years. In both sites populations were dominated by 2+ (the River Ner) and 3+ (the Nowy Rów canal) specimens. In general, weatherfish grows isometrically (b = 3) and the intercept of the weight-length relationship differ between study sites but not between sexes. Its total length (TL) was predicted by an interaction between sex and age, as well as capture site and age. Back-calculated estimates of TL fitted a von Bertalanffy growth function, though Taylor’s criterion showed that the asymptotic length were overestimated. Multiple comparisons of the von Bertalanffy growth function parameter revealed difference between sexes and sites.
Aged people are the most susceptible group to COVID-19 infection. Immunosenescence characterized by impairment of immune function with inflamm-aging contributes to pathophysiological alterations, among which endocrine and metabolic diseases are not exception. Diabetes, obesity along with impairment of disorders of thyroid functions are the most frequent ones, the common feature of which is failure of immune system including autoimmune processes. In the minireview we discussed how COVID-19 and aging impact innate and adaptive immunity, diabetes and selected neuroendocrine processes. Mentioned is also beneficial effect of vitamin D for attenuation of these diseases and related epigenetic issues. Particular attention is devoted to the role of ACE2 protein in the light of its intimate link with renin-angiotensin regulating system.
Cats are important hosts for different zoonotic parasites that can be hazardous to human health. To date, few studies have attempted to identify the factors affecting parasitic infections in shelter animals. This study aims to analyse the presence of endoparasites in shelter cats in Tartu, Estonia, and identify factors affecting endoparasite prevalence and intensity. The risk factors considered were age, location (urban vs rural cats) and time spent in shelter. In total, 290 faecal samples were collected from cats at an animal shelter in 2015-2016 and investigated for endoparasites using the concentration flotation technique. In total, 138 shelter cats (47.6%) were infected with endoparasites and their overall prevalence was: Toxocara cati (36.6%), Cystoisospora spp. (12.4%), Taeniidae gen. sp. (4.1%), Toxoplasma gondii/Hammondia hammondi (3.4%), Eucoleus aerophilus (2.1%), Cryptosporidium spp. (2.1%), Ancylostoma sp. (0.7%) and Giardia sp. (0.7%). Coinfections occurred in 38 cats (13.1%) most frequently of T. cati and Cystoisospora spp. (4.5%), Cystoisospora spp. and T. gondii/H. hammondi (2.1%). Where species identification of cestode and nematode samples was not possible according to morphology, genetic analysis of the mitochondrial cox1 gene was carried out. DNA was successfully analysed for 6 out of 13 samples that required genetic identification, revealing Ancylostoma tubaeforme in one nematode sample and Hydatigera taeniaeformis in five cestode samples. Cats from rural areas had significantly higher endoparasite prevalence than cats from urban areas. Helminth prevalence decreased to some extent due to anthelmintic treatment in cats available for adoption (held ≥15 days in the shelter), whereas the prevalence of infection with protists increased significantly in these animals. It is important to note that the analysis revealed lower infection intensity for quarantine cats (held 1-14 days in the shelter) compared with cats available for adoption. The relatively high prevalence of endoparasites (including zoonotic) in shelter cats ready for adoption suggests that current anthelminthic procedures require improvements.
Heart remodeling occurs as a compensation mechanism for the massive loss of tissue during initial heart failure and the consequent inflammation process. During heart remodeling fibroblasts differentiate to myofibroblasts activate their secretion functions and produce elevated amounts, of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, mostly collagen, that form scar tissue and alter the normal degradation of ECM. Scar formation does replace the damaged tissue structurally; however, it impedes the normal contractive function of cardiomyocytes (CMs) and results in longlasting effects after heart failure. Besides CMs and cardiac fibroblasts, endothelial cells (ECs) and circulating endothelial progenitor cells (cEPCs) contribute to heart repair. This review summarizes the current knowledge of EC-CM crosstalk in cardiac fibrosis (CF), the role of cEPCs in heart regeneration and the contribution of Endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT)., Barbara Šalingová, Zdenko Červenák, Andriana Adamičková, Nikola Chromanicová, Simona Valášková, Andrea Gažová, Ján Kyselovič., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The purpose of the work is to establish the correlation between the change of absolute rotation poles of major tectonic plates based on continuous GNSS stations data. The work investigates 2804 continuous GNSS stations located on Pacific, North American, Eurasian, African, Antarctic, Australian and South American plates during 2002-2021. The components of recent horizontal displacements of continuous GNSS stations have been determined and a map of their distribution pattern has been constructed. The absolute rotation pole in ITRF2014/IGS14 reference frame of the studied tectonic plates has been determined. The obtained values are in good agreement with modern plate models. The definition of average annual rotation poles has been developed and their analysis has been carried out to research the dynamics of their change in time. It has been established that the change in the average annual rotation poles of the North American, African and South American plates occurs synchronously, while their change is asynchronous to the Pacific plate. Simultaneous changes in the average annual rotation poles of Antarctic and African plates were have also been identified.
Beerkan infiltration runs could provide an incomplete description of infiltration with reference to either the near steady-state or the transient stages. In particular, the process could still be in the transient stage at the end of the run or some transient infiltration data might be loss. The Wu1 method and the BEST-steady algorithm can be applied to derive soil hydrodynamic parameters even under these circumstances. Therefore, a soil dataset could be developed using two different data analysis methods. The hypothesis that the Wu1 method and BEST-steady yield similar predictions of the soil parameters when they are applied to the same infiltration curve was tested in this investigation. For a sandy-loam soil, BEST-steady yielded higher saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks, microscopic pore radius, λm, and depth of the wetting front at the end of the run, dwf, and lower macroscopic capillary length, λc, as compared with the Wu1 method. Two corresponding means differed by 1.2–1.4 times, depending on the variable, and the differences appeared overall from moderate to relatively appreciable, that is neither too high nor negligible in any circumstance, according to some literature suggestions. Two estimates of Ks were similar (difference by < 25%) when the gravity-driven vertical flow and the lateral capillary components represented the 71–89% of total infiltration. In conclusion, the two methods of data analysis do not generally yield the same predictions of soil hydrodynamic parameters when they are applied to the same infiltration curve. However, it seems possible to establish what are the conditions making the two methods similar.