During investigations of gill ectoparasites (Platyhelminthes) parasitising freshwater fish from Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Panama) and southeastern Mexico (Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas), the following dactylogyrid monogenoidean were found: Urocleidoides simonae sp. n. from Profundulus punctatus (Günther) (type host), Profundulus balsanus Ahl, Profundulus guatemalensis (Günther), Profundulus kreiseri Matamoros, Shaefer, Hernández et Chakrabarty, Profundulus labialis (Günther), Profundulus oaxacae (Meek), Profundulus sp. 1 and Profundulus sp. 2 (all Profundulidae); Urocleidoides vaginoclaustroides sp. n. from Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculata (Heckel) (type host) and Poeciliopsis retropinna (Regan) (both Poeciliidae); and Urocleidoides vaginoclaustrum Jogunoori, Kritsky et Venkatanarasaiah, 2004 from P. labialis, Profundulus portillorum Matamoros et Shaefer and Xiphophorus hellerii Heckel (Poeciliidae). Urocleidoides simonae sp. n. differs from all other congeneric species in having anchors with well-differentiated roots, curved elongate shaft and short point. Urocleidoides vaginoclaustroides sp. n. most closely resembles U. vaginoclaustrum, but differs from this species mainly in the shape of its anchors (i.e. evenly curved shaft and short point vs curved shaft and elongate point extending just past the tip of the superficial anchor root). The complexity of potential hosts for species of Urocleidoides and their effect on its distribution on profundulid and poeciliid fishes are briefly discussed., Edgar F. Mendoza-Franco, Juan Manuel Caspeta-Mandujano, Guillermo Salgado-Maldonado, Wilfredo Antonio Matamoros., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Daniel (32 let), v anamnéze dlouhodobé užívání kombinací návykových látek, nejčastěji marihuany, pervitinu, heroinu a alkoholu. Návykové látky začal užívat zhruba od 15 let z důvodu pozitivní rodinné anamnézy, vztahových a osobnostních problémů. Psychoterapeuticky jsme spolu pracovali během jeho tříměsíční toxirehabilitační léčby v Psychiatrické nemocnici v Kroměříži. Jméno pacienta bylo v kazuistice změněno. Daniel spolu s dalšími spolupacienty se podíleli na vytvoření programu a následně brožury pro pacienty s drogovou kariérou s kognitivně behaviorálními terapeutickými postupy. V terapeutickém cíli Daniela dominují témata bažení, jeho osobnostní nastavení, učení se sebeovládání: odmítání drogy, komunikace, práce se vztekem, nácvik relaxace, kognitivní vyhýbání se návykové látce, řešení problémů, prevence relapsu. and Daniel (32 years old), with an anamnesis of long-term using of addictive substances, more precisely a combination of marihuana, methamphetamine, heroin and alcohol. He started taking addictive substances approximately at the age of 15 because of a positive family anamnesis, relationship and personal problems. From the psychotherapist’s perspective we worked together during his tree-month toxin-rehabilitation treatment in the psychiatric hospital in Kromeriz. The patient's name has been changed in case history. Daniel, together with other patients contributed to the creation of a programme and afterwards a brochure for patients with drugs career, based on cognitive – behavioural therapist techniques. Daniel's therapeutic goals are dominated by craving themes, his personality settings, learning self-control: drug rejection, communication, work with rage, relaxation training, cognitive avoidance with addictive substance, problem solving, and relapse prevention.
Tento článek se věnuje poměrně novému konceptu učitelské kolektivní efficacy, který je zatím méně výzkumně ukotven, ale dosavadní studie ho považují za potencionálně velmi užitečný v pedagogickém prostředí. Potýká se však s určitými koncepčními a metodologickými obtížemi. Cílem je nejprve představit teoretické pozadí v konceptu self-efficacy a učitelské self-efficacy, která je starším a zatím více zkoumaným konstruktem a měla velký vliv na utváření učitelské kolektivní efficacy. Hlavní důraz je kladen na objasnění teoretických obtíží, které jsou historicky spojeny s učitelskou self-efficacy a které částečně ovlivnily i kolektivní efficacy například skrze používané dotazníky. Dále jsou shrnuty dosavadní definice a pojetí učitelské kolektivní efficacy a také důležité výzkumy a jejich výsledky. Ty se týkají například spojení s učitelskou self-efficacy a vlivu kolektivní efficacy na žáky a žákyně, jednotlivé učitele i celý učitelský sbor. Zmíněny jsou i dosavadní používané dotazníky. V závěru jsou navrhnuty možnosti, kam směřovat budoucí výzkum učitelské kolektivní efficacy a které hlavní obtíže je nutné překonat. and This article introduces relatively new concept of teacher collective efficacy. This concept hasn’t gained strong support in research yet but results of existing studies indicate its potential to be useful in educational environment. However, there are some conceptual and methodological issues linked to teacher collective efficacy. First purpose of this article is to introduce theoretical background of self-efficacy and teacher self-efficacy, which is an older and more researched concept with large impact on the development of teacher collective efficacy. Main accent is put on explanation of theoretical issues, that are historically linked with teacher selfefficacy and that partly influenced teacher collective efficacy for example due to used questionnaires. The main part summarizes present definitions and approaches to teacher collective efficacy and important researches. Existing researches are concerned in relation of teacher self-efficacy and teacher collective efficacy and its influence on students, individual teachers or whole teaching staff. Another important part deals with existing measurements of teacher collective efficacy. The conclusion of this article is a proposal for direction of future research and what kind of major problems is necessary to overcome.
Školní psychologové se dnes stávají běžnou součástí základních a středních škol. Podle platné vyhlášky by své služby na školách měli nabízet nejen žákům a jejich rodičům, ale také vyučujícím. Svým působením by měli usilovat o podporu učitelské profese vzhledem k jejím rizikovým faktorům. Učitelství je dnes totiž považováno za vysoce stresové povolání, v důsledku čehož lze očekávat, že vyučující jsou vysoce ohroženi syndromem vyhoření. Článek představuje kvalitativní výzkumnou studii zaměřenou na působení školních psychologů v oblasti učitelského vyhoření. Jejím cílem bylo zjistit, jak školní psychologové vnímají syndrom vyhoření a jakým způsobem přispívají k prevenci či samotnému řešení syndromu vyhoření u vyučujících na základních školách, kde působí. Studie se zúčastnilo 10 školních psycholožek a 1 psycholog, s nimiž byly prováděny rozhovory. Analýza ukázala, že zúčastněné školní psycholožky a psycholog vnímají syndrom vyhoření u vyučujících jako aktuální téma. Svým působením na školách přispívají k nespecifické prevenci syndromu vyhoření, ale nerealizují žádné specifické aktivity pro snižování a zvládání učitelského stresu. Ovšem s vyučujícími, které identifikují jako „vyhořelé“, intervenčně pracují. and Nowadays, school psychologists have become a standard part of primary and secondary schools. According to current law, they should provide their services to students and their parents as well as to teachers. They should support teachers considering them being higly susceptible to burnout syndrome. Teaching today is considered as a higly stressful job, so it is not suprising that they often suffer from burnout syndrome. This article contains qualitative research which is focused on a school psychologist´s role in teacher´s burnout syndrome. The aim was to discover how school psychologists perceive burnout syndrome and how they contribute to prevention or solving burnout syndrome itself at primary schools, where they work. 11 school psychologists were interviewed in presented study. The analysis has shown that the involved school psychologists perceive teacher´s burnout syndrome as an actual topic. They contribute to the nonspecific burnout syndrome prevention but they do not implement any specific activities in order to lower the level of teacher´s stress. On the other hand, they regularly work with teachers who they identify as „burnout“.
The area of the right to the provision of medical care is currently receiving attention mainly from the perspective of the patient, but not from the perspective of a healthcare professional. The right of a healthcare professional not to provide medical care is an area which, despite its importance, receives relatively little attention. The topic of this article is narrowed down only to the area of termination of medical care. This leaves aside the legal regulation of the reasons for which the medical care provider is entitled to refuse to accept a patient into care. The primary goal of this article was to verify the functionality of the legal regulation from the point of view of health professionals. This was done by research, carried out in the form of a questionnaire survey. Respondents (healthcare professionals and medical students) answered questions (in the area of termination of medical care) to ascertain their awareness of the current legislation and its applicability in practice, as well as questions about possible changes that could improve their professional relationship with patient. The answers thus reflect not only their opinion on the state of the current legislation, but also include de lege ferenda considerations. Before the main part of the article, which consists of the results of questionnaire survey, a theoretical introduction was included for better orientation in the issue. This theoretical introduction summarizes the current legislation in this area. The article provides a new insight into the legal regulation of the termination of medical care through the eyes of those who are confronted with this legal regulation on a daily basis. and Oblasti práva na poskytnutí zdravotní péče je v současné době věnována pozornost zejména z pohledu pacienta, nikoliv však z pohledu zdravotnického pracovníka. Právo zdravotnického pracovníka neposkytnout zdravotní péči je oblast, které se navzdory její důležitosti věnuje relativně malá pozornost. Téma tohoto článku je zúženo, a to pouze na oblast ukončení péče o pacienta. Stranou je tak ponechána právní úprava důvodů, pro které je poskytovatel zdravotních služeb oprávněn odmítnout přijetí pacienta do péče. Primárním cílem tohoto článku bylo pomocí vlastního výzkumu, provedeného formou dotazníkového šetření, ověřit funkčnost zkoumané právní úpravy v praxi z pohledu zdravotnických pracovníků. Respondenti (zdravotničtí pracovníci a studenti lékařských fakult) odpovídali jednak na otázky, kterými bylo zjišťováno jejich povědomí o platné právní úpravě a její využitelnosti v praxi, a dále na otázky, týkající se možných změn, které by jejich očima mohly zlepšit fungování vztahu zdravotnického pracovníka a pacienta v oblasti ukončování zdravotní péče. Odpovědi respondentů tak odráží nejen jejich názor na stav současné právní úpravy, ale zahrnují i úvahy de lege ferenda. Před samotnou hlavní částí, která je tvořena výsledky vlastního dotazníkového šetření, byl pro lepší orientaci v celé problematice zařazen i teoretický úvod, který shrnuje platnou právní úpravu v této oblasti. Článek poskytuje nový náhled na právní úpravu ukončování zdravotní péče očima těch subjektů, kteří jsou s ní při výkonu svého povolání každodenně konfrontováni.
A new microsporidian species of the genus Glugea Thélohan, 1891 parasitising the marine teleost fish Cephalopholis hemistiktos Rüppell, collected from the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, is described on the basis of microscopic and molecular procedures. Spherical and whitish xenoma were observed adhering to the intestinal wall. The numerous spores contained within these xenoma, were ovoid to pyriform and measured 4.3-6.0 µm (5.1 µm) in length and 1.8-2.9 µm (2.2 µm) in width. The spore's wall was composed of two thick layers, which were thinner in the area contacting the anchoring disk. The latter appeared at the spore's anterior pole, in an eccentric position to the longitudinal axis. A lamellar polaroplast surrounded the uncoiled portion of the polar filament projected to the basal region of the spore, giving rise to 26-29 turns with winding from the base to the anterior zone of the spore. The posterior vacuole, located at the spore's posterior pole, and surrounded by the polar filament coils, was irregular and composed of light material. Molecular analysis of the rRNA genes, including the ITS region, was performed using maximum parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood methods. The ultrastructural features observed, combined with the phylogenetic data analysed, suggest this parasite to be a new species of the genus Glugea. This is the first species of this genus to be reported from Saudi Arabia and is herein named Glugea nagelia sp. n., Abdel-Azeem S. Abdel-Baki, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Sónia Rocha, Mohamed A. Dkhil, Graça Casal, Carlos Azevedo., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, ultrastructure of the anterior organ and posterior funnel-shaped canal of Gyrocotyle urna Wagener, 1852 (Cestoda: Gyrocotylidea) from ratfish, Chimaera monstrosa (Holocephali), was studied for the first time. The proper anterior organ is localised at a short distance (about 170 µm) from an apical pore surrounded by a receptor field, whereas its distal end is marked by a muscular sphincter. The tegumental surface of this organ is covered with short filitriches of irregular length; large area of muscle layers traverse beneath the tegumental layer. The funnel-shaped canal of G. urna (2.5-3.0 mm long) is a specialised, muscular part of the posterior attachment organ; it opens on the rounded elevation on the dorsal body surface. The tegumental layer bears conical sclerite-like structures (up to 1.5 µm long). It produces electron-dense bodies that are transported into a canal lumen and surrounded thick muscle area mixed with numerous nerve fibres. The present ultrastructural study of G. urna indicates that gyrocotylideans share some ultrastructural characters of the anterior organ with spathebothriidean cestodes with a single anterior attachment sucker-like organ. In contrast, the unique posterior rosette attachment organ with funnel-shaped canal of the Gyrocotylidea resembles the haptor of polyopisthocotylean monogeneans in its position at the posterior end of the body and presumed origin. The above-mentioned features add more clarity to support the basal position of the Gyrocotylidea Poche, 1926 among cestodes. In addition, they also indicate a possible relationship of gyrocotylidean ancestors with monogeneans., Larisa G. Poddubnaya, Roman Kuchta, Glenn A. Bristow, Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the present paper, we describe the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of the notocotylid Notocotylus noyeri (Joyeux, 1922) by means of transmission electron microscopy. The mature spermatozoon of N. noyeri exhibits the general pattern described in the majority of digeneans: two axonemes of the 9 + "1" pattern of the Trepaxonemata, nucleus, mitochondria, parallel cortical microtubules, spine-like bodies and ornamentation of the plasma membrane. The glycogenic nature of the electron-dense granules was evidenced applying the test of Thiéry. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon of N. noyeri present some differences in relation to those of the Pronocephalidea described until now, but confirm a general pattern for the Notocotylidae, namely a spermatozoon with two mitochondria and an anterior region with ornamentation of the plasma membrane associated with spine-like bodies. The posterior extremity of the spermatozoon exhibits only some microtubules after the disorganisation of the second axoneme. The present study confirms that some ultrastructural characters of the sperm cell such as the presence or absence of lateral expansions, the number of mitochondria and the morphology of both anterior and posterior spermatozoon extremities are useful for phylogenetic purposes within the Pronocephaloidea. Thus, unlike notocotylids, pronocephalids exhibit external ornamentation and a lateral expansion in the anterior spermatozoon region. Moreover, notocotylid spermatozoa present two mitochondria, whereas pronocephalid spermatozoa exhibit a single mitochondrion. Finally, pronocephalids are characterised by a type 2 posterior spermatozoon extremity, whereas notocotylids exhibit a type 3 posterior spermatozoon extremity., Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, Jordi Torres, Catarina Eira, Vladimir V. Shimalov, Jordi Miquel., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In response to the twentieth anniversary of adoption of the Convention on Biomedicine the paper deals with the right to the informational self-determination in health care. The paper defines the content of the right to the informational self-determination in relationship to the right for privacy protection. The discussion highlights, pursuant to the case -law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, occurences when the aforementioned right could be restricted. The paper examines the issues of the proportionality test between the private and public interests when providing public information about health status., V návaznosti na dvacetileté výročí přijetí Úmluvy o biomedicíně se článek zabývá právem na informační sebeurčení v oblasti péče o zdraví. Článek vymezuje obsah práva na informační sebeurčení ve vztahu k právu na ochranu soukromí. Na základě judikatury Evropského soudu pro lidská práva a Ústavního soudu České republiky je veden diskurs, v jakých případech lze právo na informační sebeurčení omezit a jakým způsobem je třeba přistupovat k poskytování informací veřejnosti., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In the present study, a scheme based on fuzzy finite element method was provided for uncertainty quantification of liquefied saturated soil response under dynamic loading. In this respect, the coupled dynamic equations which are known as u-p equations were used, and instead of crisp values for input parameters, including permeability coefficient, specific mass of the soil, compressibility and shear modulus, their fuzzy numbers were used. At the end, displacements and pore water pressure created during earthquake were reported as fuzzy numbers. After verifying procedures of fuzzy analysis by experimental results from the centrifuge model test No. 1 from the VELACS project, several membership grades were considered. Firstly, the effect of fuzzification of each input soil parameter investigated individually, and then effect of considering all four input soil parameters as fuzzy numbers was analyzed by developed method. It was indicated that results of the analysis during the effective time of the earthquake were strongly influenced by the shear modulus and partially by compressibility modulus, and after this time, it was mainly affected by the permeability coefficient. Also considering uncertainty nature of specific mass of the soil had no significant effect on the results.