Cieľom štúdie bolo overiť platnosť troch štruktúrnych modelov profesijných záujmov konceptu RIASEC u slovenských žiakov základných škôl. Overované boli Hollandov kruhový model, Gatiho hierarchický model a Roundsov a Traceyho modifikovaný hierarchický model. Predpoklady, ktoré z týchto modelov vyplývajú, boli testované pomocou Hubertovho a Arabieho randomizačného testu hypotetických poradí a multidimenzionálneho škálovania. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 400 žiakov 8. – 9. ročníka základných škôl (M = 14 rokov; SD = 1), ktorým bol administrovaný Dotazník štruktúry všeobecných záujmov (DŠVZ). Štruktúru záujmov slovenských žiakov najlepšie vysvetlil kruhový model Hollanda. Diskutované sú i implikácie pre použitie dotazníka DŠVZ v praxi. and The goal of the study was to verify the validity of three RIASEC models of the structure of vocational interests in Slovak elementary school pupils. Verified models were the Holland's circular model, the Gati's hierarchical model, and the Rounds and Tracey's modified hierarchical model. The assumptions from these models were tested using the Hubert and Arabie's randomization test of hypothetical orders and multidimensional scaling. The sample consisted of 400 pupils from 8th to 9th grade attending primary school (M = 14 years, SD = 1), who were administered a questionnaire Dotazník štruktúry všeobecných záujmov (DŠV). The structure of vocational interests of Slovak pupils was best explained by the Holland's circular model. Implications for using the questionnaire DŠVZ in practice are also discussed.
Tato studie si klade za cíl prozkoumat rozsah produktivní slovní zásoby a kvalitu vyjadřování u českých monolingvních dětí s vývojovou dysfázií ve srovnání s dětmi intaktními v době před nástupem do prvního ročníku základní školy. K výzkumnému šetření byl vytvořen původní test aktivní slovní zásoby zaměřený na substantiva, adjektiva a verba. Výsledná data ukazují, že oba sledované aspekty verbální produkce se mezi výzkumnými skupinami statisticky významně liší a lze mezi nimi vysledovat velmi těsný korelační vztah. Při podrobnějším zkoumání rozsahu slovní zásoby u jednotlivých slovních druhů se ukázalo, že nejvíce se tento rozsah mezi skupinami participantů liší u adjektiv a nejméně u substantiv. and This study aims to analyse a range of the productive vocabulary and quality of verbal expression in Czech monolingual specific-language-impaired (SLI) preschool children. SLI children´s production was also compared to a verbal production of typically developing (agematched) peers. An assessment tool was developed to measure the range and the quality of children´s production of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Both aspects of verbal production (the range and the quality) were also proved to be closely correlated. Research results reveal statistically significant differences between the SLI and a comparison group at both range and the quality of verbal expression. A more detailed examination shows that the differences between SLI and typically developing children´s production manifest themselves in the usage of adjectives the most and the least in the usage of nouns.
Tento článek předkládá přehled výzkumných studií o rodinných hodnotách vietnamských přistěhovalců v různých částech světa. Výsledky studií ukazují proces jejich adaptace a akulturace. Současně si studie všímají změn postojů Vietnamců v závislosti na kulturním prostředí hostitelské země včetně genderové rovnosti a uvolněnějších mezigeneračních vztahů. Přistěhovalci se snaží udržet si vietnamskou kulturu, která oceňuje úctu dětí k rodičům a k starším lidem, rovněž úspěchy ve vzdělání. Studie se zaobíraly přijatelnými způsoby, jak zkoumat a vysvětlovat život Vietnamců žijících v zámoří a jeho psychologické aspekty. Výzkumy se také zaměřovaly na porovnávání tradičních rodinných hodnot Vietnamců žijících ve Vietnamu a v zahraničí s ohledem na porozumění vietnamské kultuře do detailu a přistěhovalecké kultuře obecně., This article is based on a literature review of research studies on the family values of Vietnamese immigrants living in various parts of the world. Results support evidence for the process of adaptation and acculturation among Vietnamese immigrants. At the same time, studies also support the presence of attitude change in response to the culture present in the land of immigration, including greater gender equality and more freedom in generation relationships. Immigrants seek to retain Vietnamese culture valuing filial piety, respect for the elderly and high achievement in education in the host country. Studies reviewed employed acceptable ways to survey and explain the life and the psychological features of Vietnamese living overseas. The research reviewed different focuses on comparing traditional family values of Vietnamese living in Vietnam with those that live overseas, contributing to the understanding of Vietnamese culture in detail and immigrant’s culture in general., Mai Van Hai., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
a1_Based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies, eight species (five adult and three larval) of nematodes belonging to the Ascaridida, Oxyurida and Enoplida were collected from fishes of the Okavango River, Botswana, namely Falcaustra similis Moravec et Van As, 2004, Atractidae gen. sp. (only female) (both Cosmocercoidea), Cucullanus sp. (only female) (Seuratoidea), Cithariniella longicaudata sp. n., Synodontisia annulata sp. n. (both Oxyuroidea), Contracaecum sp. third-stage larvae, third-stage larvae of Galeiceps sp. (both Ascaridoidea) and Eustrongylides sp. fourth-stage larvae (Dioctophymatoidea). The new species Citharinella longicaudata (type host Schilbe intermedius Rüppel) is mainly characterised by the shape and size of cephalic papillae and the spicule 108 µm long, and Synodontisia annulata (type host S. intermedius) by the shape of cephalic papillae, body length of gravid females (4.88-5.33 mm) and a short spicule (66 µm long). The female specimen of Cucullanus sp. from Tilapia sparmanni Smith markedly differs from congeners parasitising inland fishes in Africa by the elongate pseudobuccal capsule and by the excretory pore far posterior to the oesophago-intestinal junction; apparently, it belongs to an undescribed species. Galeiceps larvae parasitising fishes are described for the first time. Cithariniella gonzalezi Van Waerebeke, Chabaud, Bain et Georges, 1988 is considered a junior synonym of C. khalili Petter, Vassiliadès et Troncy, 1972, and the previous records of Cithariniella citharini Khalil, 1964 from Synodontis spp. in Egypt concern, in fact, Cithariniella khalili Petter, Vassiliadès et Troncy, 1972., a2_The specimens of Cithariniella reported by Koubková et al. (2010) from Paradistichodus dimidiatus (Pellegrin) in Senegal and misidentified as C. gonzalesi Van Waerebeke, Chabaud, Bain et Georges, 1988 are considered to represent a new species, C. koubkovae sp. n.; this is established by reference to the description and drawings provided by Koubková et al. (2010)., František Moravec, Liesl L. Van As., and Obsahuje bibliografii
To investigate the effect of vanadyl trehalose (VT) on oxidative stress and reduced glutathione/glutathione-Stransferase(GSH/GSTs)pathway gene expression in mouse gastrointestinal tract, as well as the protective effects of vitamin C (VC) and reduced glutathione (GSH). Thirty male Kunming mice were randomly divided into five groups: control group (group A), VT group (group B), VC + VT group (group C), GSH + VT group (group D) and VC + GSH + VT group (group E). The content of reduced glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and the expressions of glutamatecysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), glutathione synthetase (GSS), regulated through glutathione reductase (GSR) and glutathione-S-transferase pi (GSTpi) in stomach and duodenum in vanadyl trehalose treated group were lower than those in group A (P<0.05). The C, D, E group can significantly improve the above indicators, but those only in the stomach in E group reached the level of the control group. Vanadyl trehalose (VT) was able to cause oxidative stress damage to the gastrointestinal tract of mice, which affects GSH content and GSH-Px activity and interferes with the normal expression of GSH/GSTs pathway. Exogenous vitamin C, reduced glutathione and the combination of the two could play a specific role in antioxidant protection and reduce the toxicity of vanadyl trehalose.
As a developed welfare state, Finland has a long history of and continuing political support for housing policies, ranging from non-profit rental housing to owner-occupied housing supported by tax deductions. The current neoliberal critique, however, has questioned the efficiency and moral foundations of the established policies. This critique has taken as its target the difference between market rents and non-profit rents, citing this as an instance of ‘alternative costs’ for the city and, as such, as a form of subsidy that is unjustly distributed. However, the full picture of different housing subsidies – including those received by owner-occupiers – is not usually considered. The paper concludes that the current debate does not take into account the ways in which different subsidies interact in the approaches used to provide affordable housing in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. As such the critique becomes tacitly political, although it is represented in terms of rationality and justice.
V posledních letech se můžeme v gerontologické literatuře setkat s novými termíny reflektujícím jevy nové či nově sledované. Mezi tyto termíny patří tzv. „SuperAging“. Tato stať seznamuje čtenáře s obsahem termínu ve dvou hlavních souvislostech: 1) v rámci společnosti – sociologie a demografie, 2) v rámci neuropsychologie a kognitivního stárnutí jedinců. Cílem je rozšířit tyto pojmy a jejich obsah mezi českou psychologickou obec. and Novel terms have been introduced in gerontology, reflecting new or newly observed phenomena. „SuperAging“ is one of those terms. This text introduces its content to the readers in the main areas of interest: 1) societal view of sociology and demography, 2) neuropsychology and cognitive ageing of individuals. Our goal is to make the aspects of SuperAgeing familiar to Czech psychologists.
We report results of a faunal survey of Aradidae flat bugs sampled by sifting litter in 14 wet and discrete Tanzanian primary forests (= Tanzanian Forest Archipelago, TFA) of different geological origins and ages. Images, locality data and, when available, DNA barcoding sequences of 300 Aradidae adults and nymphs forming the core of the herein analyzed data are publicly available online at Three Aradidae subfamilies and seven genera were recorded: Aneurinae (Paraneurus), Carventinae (Dundocoris) and Mezirinae (Afropictinus, Embuana, Linnavuoriessa, Neochelonoderus, Usumbaraia); the two latter subfamilies were also represented by specimens not assignable to nominal genera. Barring the six nominal species of Neochelonoderus and Afropictinus described earlier by us from these samples and representing 11 of the herein defined Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU), only one of the remaining 52 OTUs could be assigned to a named species; the remaining 51 OTUs (81%) represent unnamed species. Average diversity of Aradidae is 4.64 species per locality; diversity on the three geologically young volcanoes (Mts Hanang, Meru, Kilimanjaro) is significantly lower (1.33) than on the nine Eastern Arc Mountains (5.67) and in two lowland forests (5). Observed phylogeographic structure of Aradidae in TFA can be attributed to vicariance, while the depauperate fauna of Aradidae on geologically young Tanzanian volcanoes was likely formed anew by colonisation from nearby and geologically older forests., Vasily V. Grebennikov, Ernst Heiss., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tato výzkumná studie se zabývá kolegiální podporou coby druhem sociální opory u bezpečnostního sboru. Kolegiální podporou se rozumí poskytování psychické podpory policistům a zaměstnancům, kteří jsou v komplikované, psychicky náročné životní situaci. Spočívá v nabídce rozhovoru, sdílení pocitů a problémů, konkrétní pomoci či informacích, eventuálně zprostředkování psychologické pomoci. Jejím cílem je předcházet rozvoji psychických obtíží policistů a zaměstnanců a rozšířit možnost psychické podpory. Výzkumná studie shrnuje základní zdroje stresu, se kterými se policisté potýkají a zároveň i stručně představí specifika policejní kultury, která u kolegiální podpory hraje důležitou roli. Následně je představena i česká praxe. Výzkum byl proveden pomocí polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s devíti poskytovateli kolegiální podpory ve Středočeském kraji, který jako první zavedl kolegiální podporu do systému psychologické péče o policisty. Analýza rozhovorů přinesla odpovědi na výzkumné otázky týkající se motivace policistů zapojit se do systému kolegiální podpory, vnímaní pozice kolegiální podpory v rámci policejní kultury a dovedností získaných v průběhu vstupního školení. Vedle témat výzkumných otázek se objevila i další důležitá témata jako je mlčenlivost, limity kolegiální podpory, její propagace, osobnost poskytovatele apod. Výsledky poukazují na místa v systému kolegiální podpory, jejichž propracování a prohloubení může přispět k úspěšnému vybudování komplexního systému kolegiální podpory u Policie ČR. and Research paper the Peer Support System by the Police of the Czech Republic deals with peer support as a kind of social support for the safety forces. Peer support means providing psychological support to policemen and employees who are in a complicated, psychologically challenging life situation. It consists of offering an interview, sharing feelings and problems, any specific help or information, or possibly providing psychological help. Its goal is to prevent the development of psychological difficulties for police officers and employees and to extend possibilities of psychological support. The research paper summarizes the basic sources of stress the cops face, and at the same time briefly introduces the specifics of the police culture that plays an important role in peer support. Further the Czech practice is described. The research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with nine peer support providers in the Central Bohemian Region, where the system of peer support was first introduced as a new way of psychological care for police officers. The analysis of interviews brought responses to research issues related to motivation of police officers to engage in the Peer Support System, perception of the position of the peer support within the police culture and skills acquired during initial training. Besides the topics of research questions, other important topics appeared such as confidentiality, limits of peer support, promotion, personality of the provider, etc. The results point to areas in the Peer Support System, whose elaboration and deepening can contribute to the successful establishment of a comprehensive system of the Peer Support System by the Police of the Czech Republic.
In our previous work we established a T7 polymerase-driven Tetracycline-inducible protein expression system in Leishmania mexicana (Biagi, 1953). We used this system to analyse gene expression profiles during development of L. mexicana in procyclic and metacyclic promastigotes and amastigotes. The transcription of the gene of interest and the T7 polymerase genes was significantly reduced upon cell differentiation. This regulation is not locus-specific. It depends on untranslated regions flanking open reading frames of the genes analysed. In this paper, we report that the previously established conventional inducible protein expression system may not be suitable for studies on differentiation of species of Leishmania Ross, 1903 and protein expression systems might have certain limitations., Aygul Ishemgulova, Natalya Kraeva, Drahomíra Faktorová, Lucie Podešvová, Julius Lukeš, Vyacheslav Yurchenko., and Obsahuje bibliografii