Tento článek se zabývá problematikou způsobilosti nezletilých k udělení souhlasu s poskytováním zdravotních služeb. První část článku se věnuje problematice posouzení vyspělosti nezletilých a jejich schopnosti činit samostatná rozhodnutí. Dále článek přináší krátkou komparativní část, která v obecné rovině popisuje přístupy jednotlivých států k problematice udělení souhlasu s poskytováním zdravotních služeb. Následně je pak analyzována česká právní úprava způsobilosti nezletilých k udělení souhlasu s poskytováním zdravotních služeb a důsledky této úpravy pro praxi., This article is focused on the examination of the law concerning medical treatment of minors, that is, persons under the age of 18. The first part of this article discusses whether persons under the age of 18 may be regarded as being capable of consenting to medical treatment and the problem of the maturity. Further this article brings short comparative overview of the laws concerning medical treatment of minors in different countries. And finally the last part analyzes the capacity to consent of the minors under the current Czech laws., and Tomáš Doležal.
Autori prezentujú kazuistiku zriedkavej náhlej brušnej príhody. Ide o 39-ročnú polymorbídnu pacientku so systémovým lupus erythematosus, chronickou renálnou insufficienciou na podklade lupusovej nefritídy, v hemodialyzačnom programe, po transplantácii ľavej obličky v minulosti, prijatej na Traumatologickú kliniku za účelom totálnej endoprotézy (TEP) ľavej koxy pre bionekrózu hlavice femuru. V pooperačnom priebehu bol stav komplikovaný gangrénou kolonu, CT i peroperačne verifikovanou. Pacientka bola operovaná, bola vykonaná subtotálna kolektómia, terminálna ileostómia a ľavostranná ovarektómia. Pooperačný priebeh bol komplikovaný perforáciou jejuna, bola vykonaná sutura jejuna. Pacientka bola hospitalizovaná na OAIM, následne na Chirurgickej klinike, bola plne realimentovaná. Na Internej klinike bola doriešená pre rozvrat vnútorného prostredia. Po 60 dňoch bola prepustená z nemocnice v klinicky dobrom stave s obnovenou pasážou, plne per os alimentovaná, mobilná., The authors present a case report of a 39-year-old woman with acute abdomen – a comorbid patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic renal insufficiency as a complication of lupus nephritis, included in a haemodialysis programme. The patient had also undergone transplantation of the left kidney in the past. She was initially admitted to the Department of Traumatology for a total endoprosthesis procedure due to bionecrosis of the head of the thigh bone. Postoperatively, the patient’s condition was complicated by gangrene of the colon confirmed by CT scan and during the operation. The patient was operated on – subtotal colectomy, terminal ileostomy and left-sided ovariectomy was performed. The postoperative course was complicated by perforation of the jejunum which was sutured. The patient was admitted to ICU and, after recovery, to our surgical department. Because of the metabolic disturbance she was treated in the internal medicine department. After 60 days she was discharged in a good condition, walking and with full per os realimentation., and S. Dolák, A. Prochotský, A. Mifkovič, J. Škultéty, M. Ježovít, P. Koudelka, P. Bluska
At the beginning of the 18th century, numerous printing workshops were founded in the Czech countryside. On the example of the Znojmo printing workshop, the text follows the establishment of a new workshop in the region; it asks questions about the reasons for it and tries to define groups of the workshop’s customers and to determine the possible share of the printing production in the transformation of the society at that time. The article is divided into two complementary parts. The small Znojmo workshop is first presented through its owners whose fates were decisive for its functioning; on the basis of archival research, the existing picture of its operation is then corrected and complemented by means of contextualised biographical explanation. The second section provides, building on the analysis of extant printed books, the typology of their commissioners and presents the range of the workshop’s publications. Based on these analyses, the concluding part attempts to answer the questions raised above and outline the research directions that should complement the existing results. Besides the detailed description of the workshop’s production, the article presents the relations of the workshop to Moravian and partly also Lower Austrian printing workshops, the basic features of the distribution network, as well as the structure of the printed books published not to order but at the initiative and risk of the printer., Jiří Dufka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Světová zdravotnická organizace (WHO) vydala v květnu 2014 aktualizované počty let života poznamenaných onemocněním (DALYs). Autor vybírá nejdůležitější čísla týkající se České republiky a srovnává je s vybranými státy Evropy. V České republice byla v roce 2012 ztráta zdravých let života 3 428 900 roků, o 89 500 roků nižší než v roce 2000. Význam DALYs pro hodnocení zátěže společnosti nemocemi a pro formulaci priorit zdravotní politiky je v České republice nedoceněn., The World Health Organization (WHO) released updated estimates of Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) in May 2014. Most important estimates concerning the Czech Republic and comparisons with selected European countries are presented. Healthy life lost years (DALYs) were 3,428,900 in 2012, 89,500 less than in 2000. Reminded is the meaning of DALYs for the disease burden of the society as well as the lack of using of DALYs for the purpose of priority setting in Czech health policy., Jaroslav Kříž, and Literatura