The history and value of cytogenetic features for addressing questions of the evolution and systematics of tapeworms (Cestoda) are briefly reviewed along with instructions for collecting karyological data. As a supplement to worm morphology, chromosome number and morphology have been helpful in determining the systematic status of some genera in the Diphyllobothriidae and species in the Bothriocephallidea. In addition, many new techniques for chromosome analysis have been recently applied in morphological and molecular studies of invertebrates, including tapeworms. Methods of molecular karyology, fluorescence in situ hybridisation, and chromosomal location of satellite DNA, microsatellites or histone genes may also provide useful data to inference of taxonomic relationships and for revealing trends or general lines of chromosome evolution. However, as karyological data are available only for few tapeworms, they are seldom an integral part of evolutionary and taxonomic studies of cestodes. A primary reason for this lack of karyological data may lie in general difficulties in working with tapeworm chromosomes. To address these problems, herein we present a well-tested, step-by-step illustrated guide on the fixation of tapeworm material and preparation of their chromosomes for cytogenetic studies. The technique requires standard glassware, few reagents and simple equipment such as needles; it can also be used on other neodermatan flatworms., Martina Orosová, Marta Špakulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tasemnice (Cestoda) jsou jednou z unikátních čistě parazitických skupin organismů napadající všechny skupiny obratlovců, včetně člověka. V mezinárodní spolupráci se je snažíme lépe poznat a popsat jejich diverzitu, biologii a vzájemné vztahy., The tapeworms (Cestoda) are one of the unique parasitic groups of organisms infecting all groups of vertebrates, including humans. This study aims to better understand their diversity, biology, and relationships with the help of international collaboration., and Roman Kuchta.
The functional response of Aenasius bambawalei Hayat (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) to different population densities of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) was investigated under laboratory conditions of 65 ± 5% R.H., a photoperiod of 14L : 10D and at temperatures of 25, 30 and 35 ± 1°C. Two, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 and 64 third instar nymphs of P. solenopsis were exposed to newly emerged mated female parasitoids for 24 h. The parasitoid exhibited a type II functional response at all temperatures. The searching efficiencies (a) and handling times (Th) were 0.1818 h-1 and 5.0012 h at 25°C, 0.1382 h-1 and 3.2807 h at 30°C, and 0.2097 h-1 and 2.3635 h at 35°C, respectively. The maximum attack rates (T/Th) were 4.8, 7.3 and 10.2 nymphs at 25, 30 and 35°C, respectively. This indicates that A. bambawalei is more likely to be an effective biological control agent of P. solenopsis in warm seasons., Razieh Joodaki, Nooshin Zandi-Sohani, Sara Zarghami, Fatemeh Yarahmadi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Current data on reproductive biology and population dynamics of the acanthocephalans are scarce mainly in regions from the tropical Pacific. An analysis was done to identify possible factors that influence variation in infection levels of the acanthocephalan Pseudoleptorhynchoides lamothei Salgado-Maldonado, 1976 in its final host, the blue sea catfish Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther, 1864), and describe its main reproductive traits. A total of 1,094 A. guatemalensis were collected from Tres Palos Lagoon from August 2014 to December 2015. Prevalence of P. lamothei varied from 1.47% to 38.33%, and mean abundance from 0.03 to 4.44 helminths per examined host. In female P. lamothei relative fecundity increased with total length. Temporal variations in P. lamothei infection levels were attributed mainly to changes in host feeding and reproductive behaviour in response to local environmental factors as climatic season, and variations in water temperature., Dolores I. Carpio-Hernández, Juan Violante-González, Scott Monks, Agustín A. Rojas-Herrera, Sergio García-Ibáñez, Jeiri Toribio-Jiménez and Himmer Castro-Mondragón., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The tendency for self-superparasitism and it's effects on the quality of the parasitoid Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in parasitizing a new laboratory host, Philosamia ricini (Danovan) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), were investigated. In this study, female parasitoids of various ages (1-, 3- and 5-day-old) were tested individually. Parasitoids were provided with 1-day-old P. ricini eggs at ratios of 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 host eggs per wasp. The tendency to superparasitize was dependent on the female's age and host density. Five-day-old females showed a strong tendency to superparasitize at low host densities. The development time of wasps in superparasitized eggs was longer than that of wasps in singly parasitized eggs. The size and longevity of adult parasitoids decreased significantly with superparasitism. This work contributes to the development of an efficient mass rearing and laboratory rearing of the parasitoid O. pityocampae using a new host., Hilal Tunca, Maurane Buradino, Etty-Ambre Colombel, Elisabeth Tabone., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V oblasti magnetického cielenia buniek, liečiv alebo génov, využívajúc princíp magnetickej separácie vel'kým gradientom, boli navrhnuté a teoreticky analyzované nové systémy, ako aj jednoduché usporiadania magnetov, už skôr študované Halbachovo pole. Na modelovanie magnetického pol'a sa s úspechom použiva metóda konečných prvkov. Táto metóda je predmetom tohto referátu. Novým potenciálnym systémom na magnetickú separáciu v mikrometrických rozemroch je nami študované pole s ve'lkým gradientom v okolí mikrometrických diskov zo silného feromagnetika v pôvodne homogénnom poli. Bol určený približný efektívny dosah takéhoto systému v prípade nanočastíc rádovo v mikrometroch. Obdobná analýza bola vykonaná aj pre magnetické částice v prúdiacom viskóznom tekutom prostredí. Účinná separácia, resp. cielenie, v prípade malých magnetov milimetrových rozmerov v priamom kontakte s kapilárou bola dosiahnutá pre mikročastice. V podobných systémoch v centimetrových rozemroch boli pozorované porovnatel'né výsledky. Kombinácia vel'kejj intenzity a gradientu je dosiahnutá len v blízkom okolí magnetov. Väčší dosah bol pozorovaný v prípade študovaného symetrického Halbachovho pol'a., The magnetic particles play an important role as magnetic drug, gene or cell carriers, in biomedicine and biotechnology. Their combination with a strongly non-homogeneous magnetic field is considered as a powerful way to target them to desired sites in living organism. It is important to know the potential applicability of these systems for magnetic drug targeting in living organism. For these purposes we have developed and evaluated a numerical model of magnetic targeting using finite element method applied to solve Maxwell equations describing electromagnetic field coupled with Newton law of particle motion., Andrej Krafčík, Melánia Babincová, Peter Babinec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Alpine Longicorn (Rosalia alpina) is an endangered and strictly protected icon of saproxylic biodiversity. Here we present an overview of its distribution in the Czech Republic, its host plants, and habitat requirements. We also comment upon the forestry and conservation management of its last inhabited sites. and Lukáš Drag a kol.
The reproduction of the Splash Tetra (Copella arnoldi), which inhabits the Amazon freshwater river basin, has its peculiarities. These fish deposit their eggs on the bottom of leaf blades above the water surface, where atmospheric moisture is high. After spawning is over the males remain beneath the leaf and spray the fertilized eggs with water so that they do not dry out. But that is the end of their care for their offspring. The hatching fry falls from the leaf back into the water and begin their independent life. These fish usually start mass spawning during the rainy season. Fish breeders are well aware of this fact and often deliberately arrange similar conditions for their fish when breeding them in captivity. and Jaroslav Eliáš.
This paper presents biological notes on two species of Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae that emerged from old spongy-woody galls of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, 1951 collected in Sicily (Italy) in April 2015: Leptophyes sicula Kleukers, Odé et Fontana, 2010 (Phaneropterinae) and Cyrtaspis scutata (Charpentier, 1825) (Meconematinae). Between the end of April and the first few days of May a total of 30 neanids emerged from the galls, were reared and their life-cycle recorded. While L. sicula laid eggs in groups, C. scutata laid single eggs inside the galls; both species in a few years have adapted to exploiting this new shelter for egg laying. No interaction with the gall inducing insect was noted., Giuliano Cerasa, Bruno Massa., and Obsahuje bibliografii