Ideální léčba erektilní dysfunkce s ohledem na pacienta má snadné podání, není invazivní a bolestivá, je vysoce účinná s minimem rizika vedlejších účinků. Moderní léčba erektilní dysfunkce spočívající v první linii v podávání inhibitorů fosfodiesterázy 5 je bezpečná a dobře tolerovaná. Intrakavernózní farmakoterapie v druhé linii je úspěšná a bezpečná u diabetiků, mužů s kardiovaskulárním onemocněním i u mužů po radikální prostatektomii. Novým způsobem je léčba rázovou vlnou nízké intenzity vedoucí k neovaskularizaci. Změna životního stylu (intenzivní trénink a snížení Body Mass Index) vede ke zlepšení erektilní funkce., The ideal treatment of ED considering the patient's welfare should be easy to administer, non‑invasive, painless and highly effective, with minimal side effects. Modern, oral first‑line erectile dysfunction therapy using phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors is safe, effective and well tolerated. Intracavernosal therapy as the second‑line therapy is safe and effective in diabetic patients, in men with cardiovascular disease and in men who have undergone radical prostatectomy. A new method of erectile dysfunction therapy is low‑intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy which produces neovascularization. Lifestyle changes (intensive exercise and decrease in Body Mass Index) can improve erectile function., and Šrámková T.
Figurální (neboli neverbální) fluence je schopnost exekutivních funkcí, která nám poskytuje informace o divergentním myšlení, rozdělené pozornosti, plánování a mentální flexibilitě. Zhoršený výkon v testech zaměřených na figurální fluenci nacházíme u pacientů s neurologickým i psychiatrickým postižením. Pětitečkový test (Five Point Test, 5TT) je jeden z neuropsychologických testů, jenž slouží ke zhodnocení figurální fluence. Úkolem probanda je vytvořit co nejvíce obrazců v časovém limitu. Cílem této studie bylo vytvořit normy k 5TT pro českou dospělou populaci. Předkládáme normativní data pro dospělé ve věku od 20 do 85 let (n = 503). Hodnotili jsme počet správných odpovědí a počet perseverací. Počet správných odpovědí je ovlivněn věkem a vzděláním (r = –0,3; resp. 0,4; p < 0,0001), proto jsou normy rozděleny na pásma po 10 letech a dále podle ukončeného vzdělání. Počet perseverací s těmito proměnnými souvisí jen slabě (rs = 0,1; resp. –0,1; p < 0,05). Pohlaví nemá vliv na počet správných odpovědí ani perseverací (t = 0,09; p > 0,9 pro oba skóry)., Figural (or nonverbal) fluency is the ability of executive functions to provide information about divergent reasoning, divided attention, planning and mental flexibility. Impairments of figural fluency have been found in individuals with various neurological or psychiatric diseases. Five Point Test (5TT) is a neuropsychological test that assesses figural fluency. A participant is asked to generate as many unique designs as possible in a certain time limit. The aim of this study was to create Czech population norms for the Five Point Test. Normative data for adult population aged between 20 and 85 years (n = 503) are presented. We assessed the number of correct answers and the number of perseverations. The number of correct answers is influenced by age and education (r = –0.3 and 0.4, respectively, p < 0.0001); for this reason the norms are stratified into ten age ranges and also according to completed education. The number of perseverations correlates with these variables only weakly (rs = 0.1 and –0.1, respectively, p < 0.05). Gender has no impact neither on the number of correct answers nor on perseverative responses (t-test, p > 0.9 for both scores). Key words: Five Point Test – design fluency – normative data – executive functions – validity The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and S. Johanidesová, E. Bolceková, H. Štěpánková, M. Preiss
Objective: The study aimed to evaluate plasma adiponectin (ADP), adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF 21) levels as potential predictors of severity of acute pancreatitis (AP) in day 4 after admission. Simultaneously, the classical proinflammatory makers were analysed as well. Settings: Department of Clinical Biochemistry and 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty Hospital Olomouc, I. P. Pavlova 6, 775 20 Olomouc, Czech Republic; Hospital Písek, Karla Čapka 589, 397 23 Písek, Czech Republic. Study design: The study was conducted in subjects with acute pancreatitis (n = 84, 37 females, 47 males). The analyses were performed in the groups according to the mild/severe classification of AP, and partly in the computed-tomography severity index (CTSI) score subgroups. Results: From adipokines, only FGF 21 tended to be higher in the severe AP subgroup in day 4. The multiple regression analysis revealed a positive association of A-FABP with procalcitonin (PCT), whilst FGF 21 was associated positively with ADP and negatively with C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with the severe AP. The receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analysis confirmed that not adipokines, but only CRP and interleukin 6 (IL-6) were suitable as potential predictors of the disease severity. The cut-off values were established for both parameters: 100 mg/L for CRP and 37 ng/L for IL-6, with negative predictive values (NPV) 96 % and 92 %, and positive predictive values (PPV) 39 % and 29 %, respectively. Conclusion: The role of ADP, A-FABP and FGF 21 has been limited in a prediction of the disease severity in day 4 after admission, while CRP and IL-6 might be useful to exclude a severe AP., Cíle studie: Studie byla zaměřena na vyhodnocení sérových hladin adiponektinu (ADP), adipocytárního proteinu vázajícího mastné kyseliny (A-FABP) a fibroblastového růstového faktoru 21 jako potenciálních prediktorů závažnosti akutní pankreatitidy (AP) 4. den po přijetí. Současně byly stanoveny vybrané klasické prozánětlivé markery. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Oddělení klinické biochemie a II. interní klinika Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc, I. P. Pavlova 6, 775 20 Olomouc; Nemocnice Písek, Karla Čapka 589, 397 23 Písek. Materiál a metody: Studie byla provedena u pacientů s akutní pankreatitidou (n = 84, 37 žen, 47 mužů). Laboratorní markery byly měřeny v podskupinách podle klasifikace lehká/ těžká AP, a částečně také v podskupinách vytvořených na základě CTSI (computed-tomography severity index) skóre. Výsledky: Ze sledovaných adipokinů měl u pacientů s těžkou AP pouze FGF 21 tendenci k vyšším hladinám v den 4 po přijetí. Za pomoci mnohočetné regresní analýzy byla zjištěna pozitivní asociace A-FABP s prokalcitoninem (PCT), zatímco FGF 21 asocioval u těžké AP pozitivně s ADP a negativně s C-reaktivním proteinem (CRP). ROC (receiver-operator characteristics) analýza potvrdila, že pouze CRP a interleukin 6 (IL-6) jsou využitelné jako potenciální prediktory závažnosti onemocnění. Pro oba parametry byly stanoveny cut-off hodnoty: 100 mg/l pro CRP a 37 ng/l pro IL-6, s negativními prediktivními hodnotami (NPV) 96 % a 92 %, a s pozitivními prediktivními hodnotami (PPV) 39 % a 29 %. Závěr: Ve studii jsme zjistili, že hladiny ADP, A-FABP a FGF 21 nejsou vhodnými parametry pro predikci tíže AP 4. den po přijetí. Naopak stanovení CRP a IL-6 v tento den by mohlo být vhodné zejména pro vyloučení těžké akutní pankreatitidy., Novotny D., Malina P., Krumpholcova P., Tozzi I., Prochazka V., and Literatura
Úvod: Posouzení významu PET/CT pro iniciální staging karcinomu jícnu s důrazem na metastatické postižení uzlin a průkaz vzdálených metastáz. Dále bylo cílem práce ověření významu PET/CT vyšetření při hodnocení efektu neoadjuvantní léčby. Metody: V prospektivní studii byl sledován soubor 354 nemocných s karcinomem jícnu, kteří byli vyšetřeni na I. chirurgické klinice LF UP a FN Olomouc v letech 2006–2012. Vstupní PET/CT vyšetření bylo provedeno u 349 nemocných. Analyzovali jsme přínos vyšetření ke stanovení stagingu onemocnění a v závislosti na něm jsme stanovovali strategii léčby. Na základě vstupního PET/CT byl u 102 nemocných zjištěn různý stupeň generalizace a byli indikovaní k paliativní či symptomatické terapii. U 247 pacientů bylo zjištěno omezení nádoru na jícen ev. regionální uzliny. Po posouzení celkového stavu a dle přání pacienta byla dále u 188 nemocných indikovaná neoadjuvantní radiochemoterapie (RCHT), léčbu nedokončilo 32 nemocných. U 156 pak bylo v průměrném odstupu 8,4 týdnů od ukončené neoadjuvantní terapie provedeno kontrolní vyšetření PET/CT. Na základě tohoto vyšetření bylo kompletní vymizení známek nádoru (complete response- CR) zjištěno u 38 vyšetřených (24,4 %), regrese u 89 (57,0 %), stacionární nález u 10 (6,4 %) a progrese u 19 (12,2 %). K chirurgické léčbě bylo indikováno 97 pacientů, z toho resekci jícnu bylo možné provést u 85 a u 12 byl výkon pouze paliativní resp. šlo o exploraci. Výsledky: Vstupní PET/CT vyšetření u 349 pacientů u naprosté většiny správně posoudilo rozsah onemocnění v souhlase s histologicky ověřenou diagnózou. Falešně negativní výsledek byl jen u 5 nemocných (1,43 %). Při hodnocení efektu neoadjuvantní léčby byli pacienti rozděleni do skupin dle nálezu při kontrolním PET/CT po neoadjuvanci a bylo vyhodnocováno jejich přežívání. Byl zjištěn signifikantní rozdíl (p=0,0004) v přežívání mezi skupinami s rozdílnou reakcí na neadjuvantní léčbu (CR (n=38), regrese (n=89), stacionární nález (n=10), progrese (n=19)) bez ohledu na další léčbu po neoadjuvanci, ve prospěch pacientů s lepší reakcí na neadjuvantní léčbu. Signifikantní rozdíl v přežívání byl zaznamenán i mezi skupinou pacientů po neoadjuvanci radikálně operovaných (n=85) a neoperovaných (n=59) ve prospěch operovaných (p=0,003). Nejdelšího průměrného přežívání 38,6 měsíců (medián 29,0 měsíců) bylo dosaženo ve skupině operovaných po neoadjuvanci, kde kontrolní PET/CT ukázalo CR. Nebyl však prokázán signifikantní rozdíl (p=0,587) ve výsledcích mezi skupinami operovaných s rozdílnou reakcí na neadjuvantní léčbu (regrese, stacionární nález). Počet případů v jednotlivých hodnocených skupinách není zatím natolik velký, abychom získané výsledky mohli považovat za jednoznačně průkazné a ve sledování a zařazování dalších nemocných do studie budeme dále pokračovat. Závěr: V práci je dokumentován význam a přínos PET/CT v iniciálním stagingu karcinomu jícnu, zejména v průkazu metastatického onemocnění, a to jak v postižení uzlin, tak v odhalení vzdálených metastáz. PET/CT má velký význam pro stanovení léčebné strategie. Dále byl ověřen význam PET/CT vyšetření při hodnocení efektu neadjuvantní léčby., Introduction: To evaluate the significance of PET/CT for the initial staging of esophageal cancer with emphasis on metastatic lymph node affection and detection of distant metastases. Furthermore, the aim of the work was to analyze the significance of PET/CT examination when evaluating the effect of neoadjuvant therapy. Methods: A set of 354 patients with esophageal cancer treated at the 1st Department of Surgery, University Hospital Olomouc and Medical Faculty at Palacky University in Olomouc between the years 2006−2012 were analyzed in a prospective study. The initial PET/CT examination was performed in 349 patients. We analyzed the benefit of this examination in regard to disease staging and based on the result, therapeutic strategy was determined. The initial PET/CT showed varying degrees of disease generalization in 102 patients, these patients were indicated for palliative or symptomatic therapy. In 247 patients, the disease was limited only to the esophagus and /or regional lymph nodes. After considering the patient’s overall condition and taking into account the wishes of the patient, 188 patients were indicated for neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT); 32 patients did not complete this treatment. In 156 patients a follow-up PET/CT scan was performed after an average of 8.4 weeks following completion of neoadjuvant therapy. Based on this examination, a complete response- CR, was observed in 38 patients (24.4%), regression of the tumor in 89 (57.0%), stationary findings were seen in 10 (6.4%), and progression in 19 (12.2%). Ninety-seven patients were indicated for surgical resection; however, esophagectomy was only possible in 85 patients, in the remaining 12 patients only an explorative laparotomy was performed due to disease progression. Results: The initial PET/CT examination performed in 349 patients correctly described the extent of the disease in accordance with the histologically confirmed diagnosis in virtually all patients. A false positive result was seen in only 5 patients (1.43%). When evaluating the effect of neoadjuvant therapy, the patients were divided into groups based on the findings of the follow-up PET/CT after neoadjuvant therapy and their overall survival was evaluated. A significant difference (p=0.0004) in survival was observed between the groups based on the different reactions to neoadjuvant therapy (CR (n=38), regression (n=89), stationary findings (n=10), progression (n=19)) without taking into account the following treatment the patient received after neoadjuvant therapy. Patients who had a better response to neoadjuvant therapy had better survival results. There was also a significant difference in survival between the group of patients who completed neoadjuvant therapy and underwent radical surgical resection (n=85) versus those patients who completed neoadjuvant therapy but did not undergo subsequent surgery (n=59). The operated group had a significantly higher overall survival (p=0.003). The longest mean survival, 38.6 months (median 29.0 months), was achieved by the group of patients who completed neoadjuvant therapy, showed a complete response on the follow-up PET/CT, and underwent surgical resection. However, a significant difference was not observed (p=0.587) between the groups who underwent surgical resection and whose follow-up PET/CT results differed (regression or stationary findings). To date, the number of cases in the individual groups is not great enough to consider the obtained results conclusive, and we will continue to include more patients into the study and continue with the analysis. Conclusion: The work documents the significance and benefit of PET/CT in the initial staging of esophageal cancer, especially in detecting metastatic disease- positive lymph nodes as well as distant metastases. PET/CT has great importance in determining therapeutic strategy. Furthermore, the significance of PET/CT in evaluating the effect of neoadjuvant therapy was also studied., and K. Vomáčková, Č. Neoral, R. Aujeský, R. Vrba, M. Stašek, M. Mysliveček, R. Formánek
INTRODUCTION: The male:female ratio at birth (male births divided by total live births - M/T) has been shown to increase in response to ionizing radiation due to gender-biased fetal loss, with excess female loss. M/T rose sharply in 1987 in central-eastern European countries following the Chernobyl accident in 1986. This study analyses M/T and births for the former Soviet Republics and for the countries most contaminated by the event. METHODS: Annual birth data was obtained from the World Health Organisation. The countries with the highest exposure levels (by 137Cs) were identified from an official publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency. All of the former Soviet states were also analysed and the periods before and after 1986 were compared. RESULTS: Except for the Baltic States, all regions in the former USSR showed a significant rise in M/T from 1986. There were significant rises in M/T in the three most exposed (Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation). The birth deficit in the post-Soviet states for the ten years following Chernobyl was estimated at 2,072,666, of which 1,087,924 are accounted by Belarus and Ukraine alone. DISCUSSION: Chernobyl has resulted in the loss of millions of births, a process that has involved female even more than male fetuses. This is another and oft neglected consequence of widespread population radiation contamination. and V. Grech
AIMS: Authors studied potential side effects of fetal calf serum (FCS) in cultivation media on human dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) during long-term cultivation. METHODS: Two lines of DPSC obtained healthy donors (male 22 years, female 23 years) were used. Both lines were cultivated under standard cultivation conditions in four different media containing 10% or 2% FCS and substituted with growth factors. During long-term cultivation proliferation ability, karyotype and phenotype of DPSC were measured. RESULTS: Both lines of DPSC cultivated in a media containing 2% FCS and ITS supplement showed the highest number of population doublings. On the other hand the proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in a media with 2% FCS without ITS supplement was slowest. Proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in 10% FCS media with or without FGF-2 was comparable. DPSC cultivated in a media with 10% FCS showed a significantly higher amount of chromosomal aberrations. These chromosomal aberrations do not seem to be clonal but surprisingly we found large amounts of tetraploid cells in the 9th passage in both media containing 10% FCS. CONCLUSIONS: Our study proved that cultivation of DPSC in media containing higher concentration of FCS has critical side effects on cell chromosomal stability. and J. Suchánek, TS. Kleplová, M. Kapitán, T. Soukup
This study aimed to investigate alterations in hemorheology induced by L-carnosine, an anti- oxidant dipeptide, and to determine their relationship to oxidative stress in density-separated erythrocytes of aged and young rats. 28 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups as aged (Aca), young (Yca) L-carnosine groups (250 mg/kg L-carnosine, i.p.) and aged (As), young (Ys) control groups (saline, i.p.). Density separation was further performed to these groups in order to separate erythrocytes according to their age. Blood samples were used for the determination of erythrocyte deformability, aggregation; and oxidative stress parameters. Erythrocyte deformability of Yca group measured at 0.53 Pa was lower than Aca group. Similarly, deformability of least-dense (young) erythrocytes of Yca group was decreased compared to least-dense erythrocytes of Aca groups. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of Aca group was higher and oxidative stress index (OSI) lower than As group. Although L-carnosine resulted in an enhancement in TAC of aged rats, this favorable effect was not observed in erythrocyte deformability and aggregation in the dose applied in this study. and G. Erken, M. Bor-Kucukatay, E. KilicToprak, B. Akdag, V. Kucukatay
AIM: The ability of two newly developed oximes (K727, K733) to reduce tabun-induced acute neurotoxic signs and symptoms was evaluated and compared with currently available trimedoxime in rats. METHODS: The neuroprotective effects of the oximes studied combined with atropine on Wistar rats poisoned with tabun at a lethal dose (380 µg/kg i.m.; 90% of LD50 value) were evaluated. Tabun-induced neurotoxicity was monitored by the functional observational battery consisting of 38 measurements of sensory, motor and autonomic nervous functions at 2 hours following tabun challenge. RESULTS: All tested oximes combined with atropine enable tabun-poisoned rats to survive till the end of experiment. Both newly developed oximes (K727, K733) combined with atropine were able to decrease tabun-induced neurotoxicity in the case of lethal poisoning although they did not eliminate all tabun-induced acute neurotoxic signs and symptoms. CONCLUSION: The ability of both novel bispyridinium oximes to decrease tabun-induced acute neurotoxicity was slightly lower than that of trimedoxime. Therefore, the newly developed oximes are not suitable for the replacement of commonly used oximes such as trimedoxime in the treatment of acute tabun poisonings. and J. Kassa, J. Hatlapatková, J. Žďárová Karasová
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among Czech dentists and to analyze the factors that affect these disorders. Information was gathered through questionnaire completed by 581 physicians. The questionnaire ascertained general information about physicians including their work habits and the characteristics of their work environment along with the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems as well as their intensity. In the past year the occurrence of at least mild difficulties associated with the locomotive system was reported by 96.9% of dentists surveyed (n = 557), with 66.3% of respondents (n = 381) reporting difficulties ofa moderate or major nature. Most respondents of both sexes indicated neck pain. A statistically significant correlation with the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints of medium and major intensity was demonstrated for the following factors: sex, age, running a private practice, past injury or musculoskeletal diseases, and the perception of work as psychologically demanding. Musculoskeletal disorders in dentists in Czech Republic are relatively frequent and serious health problem. The causes of these diseases must be identified and appropriate preventive interventions undertaken that will contribute to a reduction in the incidence of these problems. and Z. Sustová, L. Hodacová, M. Kapitán