The present status of research on the generation of spiral patterns in the responsive density wave theory is discussed. The latter is based on a conjecture of symmetry breaking in the equations of motion of stellar orbits in differentially rotating stellar disks by an oval perturbation growing with time. Analytical approaches based on first-order epicyclic approximation as well as computer experiments are performed to investigate the consequences of this working hypothesis.
This section contains information about two exhibitions realized in the year 2007. The first review is devoted to the exhibition named
White Beauty which took place in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm. A set of embroidered textiles from the private collection of Mr and Mrs Divín from Zubří was presented within the framework of the exhibition.
This collection covers the development of patterns and variants of Zubří embroidery within the past 100 years. The displayed set of embroidered textiles is significant because it assembles a number of objects connected to one locality - Zubří and its immediate vicinity. The collection also documents work of several generations of embroiderers from this locality. Several dozens of covers, blankets, fancy handkerchiefs, headdresses and other objects decorated by Zubří embroidery, were presented there. The atmosphere was intensified by a quantity of photographs and reproductions of working embroiderers and women dressed in traditional costumes.
In 2007, the Museum of Southeastern Moravia in Zlín opened a new permanent exhibition in Luhačovice called Luhačovice Known and Unknown. The aim of the exhibition is to show visitors Luhačovice at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries as a town at the centre of
traditional ethnographical region Luhačovické Zálesí, to point out that Luhačovice is a health resort, and to introduce it as a place between a village and a spa. Presented material is placed in seven exhibition spaces. It gives an idea of different aspects of the material and non-material culture of the town, reminds of prominent personalities as well as specific features of this locality. and Tento abstrakt je společný pro 2 zprávy uvedené v oddílu Výstavy
The section containing reviews of exhibitions informs us about five shows in 2006 and 2007. At the turn of 2006/2007 the Institute of Ethnography of the Moravian Museum in Brno prepared an exhibition titled The World Under the Glass; it was the first time the museum was able to show off its rich collection. It showed the transformations of wax from processing to the wide range of finished products and their different uses. Special attention was paid to little wax statues and objects under glass cover. The exhibition About the Work of Human Hands was compiled by the Wallachian Open-Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. It was devoted to handicrafts in the Wallachia and Těšín region. It connected presentation of historic handicrafts in the area at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries with introduction of contemporary craftsmen awarded the prestigious title Bearer of the Folk Craft tradition., The exhibition in Luhačovice, I’ve Lost My Little Apron, dealt with the traditional costume in Luhačovické Zálesí region. Collections assembled by the Václavík brothers in the first half of the 20th century were used - many of them had not been shown before. The exhibition Photo Koukal Uherský Ostroh was created through co-operation between the city of Uherský Ostroh and the Institute of Ethnography of the Moravian Museum in Brno. It tracked the thirty-year history of a local photographic studio. It is possible to identify changes in people’s clothing in the town as well as in the village thanks to the well-preserved studio and portrait production. The long period of time even allows us to see changes within one family or of one person. The exhibition For Czech Daughters in the Institute of Ethnography of the Moravian Museum in Brno introduced the history of the Ladies’ Educational Association Vesna. the exhibition shows different aspects of the association’s work, individual spheres of interest, personalities and other external collaborators involved in the association’s activities., and Abstrakt je společný pro 5 zpráv o výstavních akcích uvedených v oddílu Výstavy
An exhibition by the Museum of Moravian Slovakia in Uherské Hradiště Aj to sú maléři od boha samého. Lidoví malíři rodu Hánů z Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem (Oh, What Painters, Sent by God Himself: Folk Painters of Hána Family from Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem), documenting the production of folk painters, father and son, František and Josef Hána, was acknowledged in the year 2008 by Ethnographical society members as the exhibition of the
year. The exhibition, which was also exposed in Brno in 2008, was supplemented with a colour publication of the same title. Alena
Křížová reviewed the exhibition as well as the catalogue. As part of her contribution, Anna Oláhová introduced an exhibition entitled
Národopisnou kresbou (Ethnographical Drawing) which took place in 2007 at the Slovak National Museum, Martin. The exhibition took place on the occasion of PhDr. Štefan Mruškovič, CSc. anniversary.
It had opened an interesting perspective on the possibility of using documentary drawing in the field of ethnographical documentation. Further accounts include the review of Od kolébky po rakev aneb rodinné obyčeje a obřady v běhu lidského života (From the Cradle to the Coffin - Family Customs and Rituals in the Flow of Human Life)
by Vanda Vrlová, an exhibition displayed in Valašské Meziříčí in the division of the Museum of region of Wallachia; and Biedermeier - umění a kutura v českých zemích 1814-1848 (Biedermeier -art and culture in Czech Lands 1814-1848). and Tento abstrakt je společný pro všechny 4 zprávy o výstavách uvedené v oddílu Výstavy
The first exhibition review highlights the exhibition On St. Nicolas Day (Na svatého Mikuláše) opened by the Museum of South Eastern Moravia in Zlín in winter 2009-2010. The visitors were introduced to the St. Nicolas tradition in quite remote localities of Eastern Moravia - the South Wallachian Horní Lideč, Žlutava, eastern Haná, Karolín and contemporary Zlín. Very old traditional masks and characters have been preserved in the selected localities. From December 2009 until February 2010, the Jewish Museum in Prague organized an exhibition May God Let Him Grow: A Child’s Birth in the Culture and Customs of Bohemian and Moravian Jews (Nechť mu Bůh dá vyrůst. Narození dítěte v kultuře a zvycích českých a moravských Židů.). The author of the exhibition Dana Veselská presented via three-dimensional objects various aspects of preparation for the child’s birth, the actual birth and the first days of a new human being’s existence. Particular attention was paid to the collection of circumcision diapers. Processing of this collection has brought an interesting observation that floral motifs from the Slovacko area embroidery were an inspiration for embroided designs of these Jewish cloths., On the marking of 150th birth and 80th death anniversary of František Kretz (1859-1929), the Museum of Moravian Slovakia in Uherské Hradiště organized an ethnographical exhibition entitled Veteš nebo poklad? František Kretz a Slovácké museum (Junk or Treasure? František Kretz and the Museum of Moravian Slovakia) between 14 May and 20 September 2009. Its success above all rested in the presentation of original exhibits from the collection of F. Kretz, which are now deposited in the collection of the Museum of Moravian Slovakia. An exhibition Josef Šíma - painter and photographer (1859-1929) (Josef Šíma - kreslíř a fotograf (1859-1929)) in the Moravian Museum open since December 2009 until May 2010 presented an interesting person that dealt with documentation of traditional Moravian culture - a painter and photographer Josef Šíma. In the period of his life, he was able to make use of technology and apart from his painting work he also captured landscape realia with a photographic camera. Exhibition curator Helena Beránková conceived Šíma’s personality in a more complex way (as a photographer, painter and collector, thanks to personal correspondence it was also possible to introduce Šíma as a human being)., and Tento abstrakt je společný pro všechny 4 články uvedené v oddílu Výstavy
By providing the genuinely new „networked“ understanding of exile, this study aims to rewrite significantly the story of Czechoslovak political emigration and re-assess its functioning mostly by means of a tool so far ignored in this field: The Social Network Analysis. According to the dominant historiographical narrative, the Czechoslovak exile followed mostly political goals and was structured as an hierarchy with the Council of Free Czechoslovakia being the supreme body initially respected by most (though not by all) fractions within the exile movement across the globe. That is why the historical research, rather one-sidedly, focused upon the institutional history, biographies of political leaders and ideological debate within political parties in exile. The study argues that the traditional approach needs a substantial revision. Though initially designed as a state-like hierarchy with pyramidal decision-making procedures (with coordinating power vested in the Council of Free Czechoslovakia) the exile soon transformed itself into a horizontal and rather informal network of loosely interconnected and mutually collaborating units and individuals across the globe. The „network thesis“ is demonstrated upon the model analysis of František Váňa’s and Přemysl Pitter’s communication webs being part of the long-term research of Czechoslovak exile networks, 1948–1989.
Článek je věnován roli intersubjektivity ve filosofii Karla Jasperse. Autor se zaměřuje především na 3. kapitolu z Philosophie II, kde Jaspers podává nejpodrobnější výklad různých podob komunikace. Detailní rozbor základních způsobů komunikace, jež odpovídají různým úrovním lidského Já, zároveň umožňuje objasnit původ nedostatečnosti a selhávání, k nimž dochází v komunikaci, pokud se nepozvedla na úroveň existenciální komunikace. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována právě existenciální komunikaci a jejímu významu v procesu stávání se sebou. Autor zastává tezi, že zejména v pasážích osvětlujících závažné metafyzické důsledky, jež plynou ze selhávání v komunikaci, Jaspers rozvíjí implicitní polemiku s Martinem Heideggerem, v jehož analýzách autentického pobytu intersubjektivita nehraje žádnou roli. V závěru pak autor poukazuje na souvislosti mezi existenciální komunikací a mezní situací boje., The article focuses on the role of intersubjectivity in the philosophy of Karl Jaspers, concentrating above all on the third chapter of Philosophy, Vol. II in which Jaspers gives his most detailed exposition of the various forms of communication. At the same time, a detailed analysis of the basic modes of communication – which correspond to the different levels of the human self – facilitates our understanding the origin of the inadequacies and failures that occur in communication when it has not risen to the level of existential communication. Special attention is given to existential communication and its importance in the process of becoming oneself. The author argues that, especially in those passages that highlight the serious metaphysical consequences that follow from failures in communication, Jaspers is developing an implicit polemic with Martin Heidegger (in whose analyzes of authentic Dasein intersubjectivity played no role). In the conclusion, the author points out the connection between existential communication and the boundary situation of struggle., and Der vorliegende Artikel ist der Rolle der Intersubjektivität in der Philosophie Karl Jaspers’ gewidmet. Der Autor befasst sich insbesondere mit dem 3. Kapitel der Philosophie II, in dem Jaspers eine detaillierte Auslegung zu verschiedenen Formen der Kommunikation bietet. Die eingehende Analyse der grundlegenden Kommunikationsformen, die den unterschiedlichen Ebenen des menschlichen Ich entsprechen, ermöglicht gleichfalls die Klärung des Ursprungs von Unzulänglichkeit und Versagen, die in der Kommunikation auftreten, wenn diese nicht die Ebene der existenziellen Kommunikation erreicht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird hier gerade der existenziellen Kommunikation und deren Bedeutung im Prozess der Selbstwerdung gewidmet. Der Autor argumentiert, dass Jaspers insbesondere in den Passagen, in denen die aus dem Versagen von Kommunikation sich ergebenden schwerwiegenden metaphysischen Folgen erläutert werden, eine implizite Polemik mit Martin Heidegger entwickelt, in dessen Analysen des authentischen Daseins die Intersubjektivität keine Rolle spielt. Abschließend verweist der Autor auf den Zusammenhang zwischen existenzieller Kommunikation und der Grenzsituation des Kampfes.
Karl Jaspers proslul v meziválečné době jako zakladatel nové filosofie existence, která však byla v kombinaci s jeho psychologickým školením, zaostřením na ,,mezní situace“ lidského prožívání a kritikou filosofických systémů často dezinterpretována jako forma subjektivismu či iracionalismu. Předložená studie se pokouší vystihnout jádro Jaspersova využití filosofie existence pro novou rekonstrukci lidské racionality, univerzálních charakteristik lidství. Jejich pochopení mělo podle Jasperse vzdorovat pokořování lidské důstojnosti v moderních totalitách a v globálním ekonomicko-technologickém provozu, pro něž hodnoty lidství, jak je definuje Jaspersova filosofie, přestaly být určujícími měřítky. Studie ukazuje Jaspersovo ukotvení existence ve vztahu k transcendenci a individuality v komunikaci s druhým a jeho kritiku monistického myšlení, které pluralitu ve smyslu jeho filosofické koncepce neumožňuje., Karl Jaspers received much attention in the interwar period as the founder of a new philosophy of existence that, however, was – in tandem with his psychological training, focus on “borderline situations” of human experience, and critique of philosophical systems – often misinterpreted as a form of subjectivism or irrationalism. The study presented here strives to depict the substance of Jaspers’ use of the philosophy of existence for a new reconstruction of human rationality, of the universal characteristics of humanity. Understanding these characteristics shall, in his estimation, help us to resist the degradation of human dignity in modern totalitarianism and in the global economic-technological system, in which the values of humanity, as defined by Jaspers’ philosophy, have ceased being decisive criteria. The study presents Jaspers’ anchoring of existence in the relationship to transcendence and of individuality in the communication with others, as well as his critique of monistic thinking, which in his philosophical conception does not allow for plurality., and Karl Jaspers wurde in der Zwischenkriegszeit als Begründer der Existenzphilosophie bekannt, die jedoch im Zusammenhang mit der psychologischen Ausbildung Jaspers’, der Konzentration auf „Grenzsituationen“ des menschlichen Erlebens und der Kritik philosophischer Systeme oft als eine Form von Subjektivismus bzw. Irrationalismus fehlinterpretiert wurde. In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Versuch unternommen, den Kern von Jaspers’ Nutzung der Existenzphilosophie für eine Rekonstruktion der menschlichen Rationalität und der universalen Merkmale des Menschseins zu erfassen. Deren Erkenntnis sollte laut Jaspers der Demütigung der Menschenwürde in modernen totalitären Regimen und im globalen ökonomisch-technologischen Betrieb widerstehen, in denen die in Jaspers’ Philosophie definierten Werte des Menschseins kein Maßstab mehr sind. In der Studie wird Jaspers’ Verankerung der Existenz in der Beziehung zur Transzendenz und zur Individualität in der Kommunikation mit anderen und seine Kritik am monistischen Denken aufgezeigt, das keine Pluralität im Sinne seines philosophischen Konzepts ermöglicht.
In this essay the author argues that an ontological problem of a work of art, one of the long-standing problems of the philosophy of art, is merely an apparent one. The author argues that it in fact comprises two particular, different problems. The first is the question of how the thing being described in aesthetic terms exists, whether the aesthetic and physical description of a thing are so different, indeed disparate, that they cannot – as some philosophers of art assume – relate to the same thing. The second problem is the question of how a work of a multiple art (for example, of music or literature) can exist, whether we can identify it with the individual act of performing or using this work (for example, the performance of music or a reading of a book). The first problem, argues the author, stems from the erroneous assumption that the disparateness of the aesthetic and physical description of a thing leads to the conclusion that the object of aesthetic description must exist differently from the way a physical description exists. The second problem emerges from a lack of understanding of how we use the term “work of art,” when we use it for a work of multiple art. The author also criticizes simultaneous attempts by Arthur Danto and Joseph Margolis, two leading philosophers of art, to solve the ontological problem of the work of art.