Kolobeh hmôt v zemskéj kôre a na jej povrchu je velmi výrazne ovplyvňovaný fyzikálnymi silami, ktoré na teleso planéty pôsobia zvonku - od účinku vektorov jej vlastného pohybu, cez gravitačné pôsobenie jej obežnice - Mesiaca a blízkych planét, až po fluktuácie prísunu energie z nám najbližšej hviezdy - Slnka. Rozoznanie záznamu týchto vplyvov v horninovom slede a porozumenie im je cestou vedúcou k spresneniu astronomickej časomernej škály a detailnejšiemu poznaniu procesov formovania Zeme a života na nej., Rock cycling both in the Earth‘s crust and on its surface is impressively controlled by physical forces that act on the body of our planet from the outside, i.e. from the effect of its own motion vectors, through the gravity of the Moon and nearby planets to fluctuations in the energy input from our nearest star, i.e. the Sun. The recognition of evidence of these influences in the rock sequence and their understanding is a method used to specify the astronomical time scale and to understand, in detail, processes of formation of the Earth and indeed life on it., Jozef Michalík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V dejinách fyziky sa viac ráz zásadne zmenili spôsoby poznávania, či princípy systematizácie poznatkov a budovania fyzikálnych teórií. V článku stručne rozoberieme zmeny v chápaní vzťahu empírie a teórie, charakteru fyzikálnych zákonov, úplnosti či neúplnosti nášho opisu prírodných javov, príčinnosti, derminismu a indeterminizmu, vplyv pozorovateľa na proces merania, poslania a miesta matematiky vo fyzike. Objasníme, prečo nastali uvedené zmeny vo fyzikálnom poznávaní a ukážeme, že vznik každej významnej fyzikálnej teórie bol sprevádzaný zmenami tohto typu. and Juraj Šebesta.
Studie Miloše Zapletala se zabývá hudebně-analytickým rozborem funkce akordických paralelismů v opeře Poupě od hudebního skladatele Otakara Ostrčila., Miloš Zapletal., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 394, anglický abstrakt na s. 365.
According to John Broome, akrasia consists in a failure to intend to do something that one believes one ought to do, and such akrasia is necessarily irrational. In fact, however, failing to intend something that one believes one ought to do is only guaranteed to be irrational if one is certain of a maximally detailed proposition about what one ought to do; if one is uncertain about any part of the full story about what one ought to do, it could be perfectly rational not to intend to do something that one believes one ought to do. This paper seeks to remedy this problem, by proposing an anti-akrasia principle that covers cases of uncertainty (as well as cases of such complete certainty). It is argued that this principle is in effect the fundamental principle of practical rationality., Podle Johna Broome, akrasia spočívá v selhání v úmyslu udělat něco, co člověk věří, kdo by měl dělat, a takové akrasia nutně iracionální. Ve skutečnosti se však nedaří v úmyslu něco, co člověk věří, kdo by měl udělat, je zaručeno, že iracionální, pokud je jen jistá o maximálně podrobným tvrzením o tom, co kdo měl dělat; pokud si člověk není jistý, jakou část celého příběhu by měl udělat, mohlo by to být naprosto rozumné, kdybychom neměli v úmyslu dělat něco, co by člověk věřil. Tento dokument se snaží tento problém napravit tím, že navrhne protiarasiizásada, která se vztahuje na případy nejistoty (jakož i případy takové úplné jistoty). Tvrdí se, že tato zásada je ve skutečnosti základním principem praktické racionality., and Ralph Wedgwood
Because greater Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160) phosphorylation has been reported in insulin-stimulated skeletal muscles without improved Akt activation several hours post-exercise, we hypothesized that prior exercise would result in attenuated AS160 dephosphorylation in insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscle. Epitrochlearis muscles were isolated from rats that were sedentary (SED) or exercised 3 h earlier (3 h postexercise; 3hPEX). Paired muscles were incubated with [3H]-2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) without insulin or with insulin. Lysates from other insulin-stimulated muscles from SED or 3hPEX rats were evaluated using AS160Thr642 and AS160Ser588 dephosphorylation assays. Prior exercise led to greater 2-DG uptake concomitant with greater AS160Thr642 phosphorylation and a non-significant trend (P=0.087) for greater AS160Ser588. Prior exercise also reduced AS160Thr642 and AS160Ser588 dephosphorylation rates. These results support the idea that attenuated AS160 dephosphorylation may favor greater AS160 phosphorylation post-exercise., E. B. Arias, H. Wang, G. D. Cartee., and Seznam literatury
Considerable evidence demonstrates that phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is influenced by aging and hypertension. During phenotypic switching, VSMCs undergo a switch to a proliferative and migratory phenotype, with this switch being a common pathology in cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to explore the joint influence of age and hypertension on thoracic aortic smooth muscle phenotypic switching and the balance of Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling during this switch. Different ages of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were used to establish hypertension and aging models. The phenotypic state was determined by detecting the marker proteins α-SM-actin, calponin, and osteopontin (OPN) via immunohistochemical staining and Western blot. Signaling proteins associated with the Akt and MAPK pathways were detected in rat thoracic aorta using Western blot. Both aging and hypertension caused a decrease in contractile (differentiated) phenotype markers (α-SM-actin and calponin), while the synthetic (proliferative or de-differentiated) phenotype maker was elevated (OPN). When combining hypertension and aging, this effect was enhanced, with Akt signaling decreased, while MAPK signaling was increased. These results suggested that VSMCs phenotype switching is modulated by a balance between Akt and MAPK signaling in the process of aging and hypertension., Lin Zhang, Zhaoxia Xu, Ying Wu, Jingwen Liao, Fanxing Zeng, Lijun Shi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Řada studií prokázala, že aktivace určitého sociálního stereotypu může ovlivnit následující výkon. Cílem naší studie bylo zjistit, zda aktivace stereotypu posluchače určitého hudebního žánru může ovlivnit mentální výkon, učení cizích slov. V prvním experimentu bylo zjištěno, že preference žánru klasická hudba je stereotypně spojena s představou vyšší inteligence a výkonnosti ve srovnání se stereotypem posluchače techna. V druhém experimentu byl před testem učení cizích slov aktivován stereotyp posluchače klasické hudby nebo techna. Výsledky ukázaly, že aktivace stereotypu posluchače klasické hudby vede k mírně lepším výsledkům testu ve srovnání se stereotypem posluchače techna. and Musical fan’s stereotypes activation and mental performance
Objectives. The goal of the study was to investigate an effect of activation of musical fans stereotypes on a mental performance – learning words in a foreign language. In Experiment 1 stereotypical association of fans of classical music, jazz, techno, heavy metal, rap, and punk with the traits intelligence and efficiency were investigated. In Experiment 2 an effect of stereotype activation of fans of certain musical genres on mental task was studied.
Subjects and setting. 63 subjects (32 females) aged 20-22 years took part in Experiment 1. They were asked to indicate on 7-point Likert scale the level of perceived intelligence and efficacy of listeners of particular musical genres. 88 subjects (56 females) aged 19-22 years took part in Experiment 2. First, slides with typical forms of behaviors of classical music or techno musicians and listeners in a course of a concert were presented. Further, subjects were asked to write down a short report about these typical forms of behavior. Next, during six minutes period subjects were asked to learn twenty Latin words. Finally, they were tested from their knowledge.
Hypotheses. Since the stereotype of classical music listener use to be associated with intelligence we supposed that activation of this stereotype prior to the mental task would result in a better performance in contrast to activation of techno music fan stereotype. Statistical analysis. In the first experiment 6 (musical genre) x 2 (gender) ANOVA revealed the significant effect of musical genre on perceived intelligence and efficiency. In the second experiment 2 (stereotypes of classical music vs. techno) x 2 (gender) ANOVA revealed the significant effect of the type of stereotype activation, on performance in the mental task. Results. Experiment 1 showed that the highest scores of perceived intelligence were associated with listeners of classical music and jazz, while the lowest score with fans of techno. In perceived efficiency the highest scores were combined with listeners of classical music and jazz, while fans of techno and rap had the lowest scores. Thus, in Experiment 2 the stereotypes of listeners of classical music and techno were employed. Results indicated that the activation of stereotype of classical music listeners prior to mental task resulted in a slightly better score in the test of learning foreign words compared to activation of the stereotype of techno fans.
Study limitation. The differences between various forms of stereotype priming and their effects on performance were discussed.