The paper concerns mining data lacking the uniform structure. The
data are collected from a riumber of objects during repeated measurenients, all of which are tagged by a corresponding time. No attribute-valued machine learning algorithm can be applied directly on such data since the number of measurements is not fixed but it varies. The available data háve to be transformed and preprocessed in such a way that a uniform type of Information is obtained about all the considered objects. This can be achieved, e.g., by aggregation. But this process can introduce anachronistic variables, i.e., variables containing Information which cannot be available at the moment when a prediction is needed. The paper suggests and tests a method how to preprocess the considered type of data without falling into a trap of introducing anachronistic attributes. The method is illustrated on a čase study baaed on STULONG data.
This paper deals with the problem of semantic analysis of contexts involving so-called anaphoric chain. The notion of anaphoric chain is explained by way of an example. Afterwards, a semantic analysis of sentences containing anaphora established in Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is examined. It is demonstrated that it is not adequate for texts including anaphoric chains. An alternative method using TIL that is capable to deal with all kinds of anaphora is proposed. Anyway, one may raise doubts as to whether both approaches are really analyses of anaphorically used expressions., Článek se zabývá problematikou sémantické analýzy kontextů zahrnujících tzv. Anaforický řetězec . Pojem anaforický řetězec je vysvětlen na příkladu. Následně je zkoumána sémantická analýza vět obsahujících anaforu vytvořených v transparentní intenzivní logice (TIL). Je prokázáno, že není vhodný pro texty obsahující anaforické řetězce. Navrhuje se alternativní metoda používající TIL, která je schopna se vypořádat se všemi druhy anafor. V každém případě lze pochybovat, zda jsou oba přístupy skutečně analýzou anaforicky používaných výrazů., and Miloš Kosterec
Vibration of engineering structures results in time variable displacements functions. For realistic structures modes of vibration are determined by exciting frequency and the natural frequencies of the structure. Hence, the components of stress tensor are time function too. In the presented paper the general idea of method of cycle-counting based on the FFT analysis for engineering structures is discussed and analytically verified for the case vibrating beam excited by series pulse-type force with no damping. and V názvu článku je jazyková chyba/překlep - analitical - správně = analytical
An analytical method od determination of luni-solat perturbations of the satellite motion is described here. The motion of perturbing body is described by trigonometrical series with the necessary accuracy. The determination of perturbations is made by numerous analytical transformations of the series by means of computer. As a result of these transformations the original accuracy is lost because of the limitation of the number of terms in series. The loss of accuracy is subjected to analysis by means of numerical tests and intotal accuracy of original series is estimated for fixed required accuracy of the calcualtion of satellite coordinates.
The effects of some non-gravitational perturbations on the intermediate coordinates *, *, * of the artificial earth´s satellites were investigated. The analytical theory used is based on the asymmetrical method of two fixed centres and powers of regularized time *. and Použity 4x * na místě nesrozumitelných (ručně psaných) znaků
The formulations and interpretations of some formally analogous expressions of the single-particle scalar quantum wave equations of electrons and photons, propagated in adequate isotropic static media under weak signals and interaction phenomena, are presented in this article. and V prezentovaném článku jsou obsaženy formulace a interpretace některých formálně analogických tvarů jednočásticových skalárních kvantových vlnových rovnic šířících se elektronů a fotonů v přiměřených izotropních statických prostředích při slabých signálech a interakčních jevech.
The work deals with design and implementation of an analogue electro-optic transmission system convenient to solve some specialized tasks in the field of diagnostics and measurements. The proposed system is designed to solve several requirements that are beyond the limits of conventional metallic transmission medium. Especially it is the case of broadband transmission, extreme length of the transmission medium and high galvanic barrier between input and output that have to be achieved simultaneously. and Práce popisuje vývoj a realizaci analogového elektro-optického přenosového systému použitelného v některých speciálních případech diagnostiky a měření. Navržený přenosový systém řeší několik vzájemně se limitujících požadavků, které není možné standardním metalickým propojením splnit. Jde zejména o současné dosažení velké šířky frekvenčního pásma, délky přenosového média a dostatečné galvanické bariéry mezi vstupem a výstupem.
This paper describes experimental work done on a prototype of in-pipe bristled minimachine, which locomotes in pipe with inner diameter under 40 mm. The principle of minimachine locomotion is based on difference friction force between bristle tip and pipe wall. The new bristle design and its mathematical and graphical model will be presented. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article introduces some activities on Child Neurology Clinic in
evaluation and utilisation of analyses of EEG recordings concerning diagnostic support and research works in epileptology, autism and other indications. This activity is also a base of our contribution in the project ME701 “Neuroinformatics Bases Creation and Knowledge Data Mining”. A short description of the main approaches, utilised sources, used methods and technical means is presented.