s reality a ''Ready-Made World'' or an entity constructed by individuals and social activity? The concept of the environment seems to be the boundary that clearly shows how we can simultaneously adhere to our apparently contradictory intuitions— that is, those about the external and autonomous features of reality independent of human intervention, and those about its undeniably constructed character. The environment, then, seems to be a concept that shows how non-epistemic and epistemic notions of reality (i.e. respectively seeing reality as independent from and dependent on us) can be understood cohesively., Je realita ,,Ready-Made World'' nebo subjekt vytvořený jednotlivci a sociální činností? Pojem životního prostředí se zdá být hranicí, která jasně ukazuje, jak můžeme současně dodržovat naše zdánlivě protichůdné intuice - to znamená ty, které se týkají vnějších a autonomních rysů reality nezávislé na lidském zásahu, a těch, které mají nesporně postavený charakter. Zdá se tedy, že životní prostředí je pojmem, který ukazuje, jak lze soudržně chápat neepistemické a epistemické představy o realitě (tj. Vidět realitu jako nezávislou na nás a závislou na nás)., and Salvatore Italia
Assuming that music can be expressive, I try to answer the question whether musical expressiveness has epistemic value. The article has six parts. In the first part, I provide examples of what music can express. I suggest that it can express inner states with phenomenal character. In the second part, I build up an argument in favor of the claim that, granted its expressiveness, music can convey conceptual content which is not verbal, and which cannot be expressed verbally. This conclusion is limited to concepts like lyrical, nostalgic, melancholy, joyful, distressful etc. In the third part, I explain what musical expressive content is, in contrast and by analogy to, propositional content. In the fourth part, I apply Mitchell Green’s multi- space model of artistic expression to music. I argue that Green’s theory of expression provides a powerful explanation of how a musical sequence can express states with phenomenal character. In the fifth part, I use that model to define adequacy conditions for musical expressive ascriptions. In the last part, I attempt to explain musical knowledge by combining Green’s multi-space model with Sosa-style virtue epistemology.
The paper is a reflection on the role of practical wisdom in ethics. By explaining and trying to understand the essence of practical wisdom, the author has endeavoured to determine whether it can be treated as a central ethical category, and if so, then why. In these analyses, author has referred to the concept of Aristotle, universally acknowledged as the classical one. Characterizing and describing that concept, she tries to answer three questions: 1) What is practical wisdom? 2) What function does it perform in ethics? 3) What is the relationship between practical wisdom and other ethical categories? The article is divided into four parts. Each of them concerns different aspects of the analysis of practical wisdom. As a result, the author has come to several important conclusions: Practical wisdom 1) enables appropriate action, i.e. success in action; 2) refers not only to the means-to-ends relationship, but refers to the end itself; 3) is imperative, because it tells what to do; 4) referring to the unusual situation, it allows to understand that every general principle is limited; 5) it is the intellectual ability to recognize how to achieve happiness., Příspěvek je úvahou o úloze praktické moudrosti v etice. Vysvětlením a pokusem o pochopení podstaty praktické moudrosti se autor snažil určit, zda může být považován za centrální etickou kategorii, a pokud ano, pak proč. V těchto analýzách se autor zmiňuje o pojetí Aristotela, všeobecně uznávaném jako klasický. Charakterizuje a popisuje tento koncept a snaží se odpovědět na tři otázky: 1) Co je praktická moudrost? 2) Jakou funkci plní v etice? 3) Jaký je vztah mezi praktickou moudrostí a ostatními etickými kategoriemi? Článek je rozdělen do čtyř částí. Každá z nich se týká různých aspektů analýzy praktické moudrosti. V důsledku toho autor dospěl k několika důležitým závěrům: Praktická moudrost 1) umožňuje vhodné kroky, tj úspěch v akci; 2) odkazuje nejen na vztah mezi prostředky, ale odkazuje na samotný konec; 3) je nezbytné, protože říká, co má dělat; 4) s odkazem na neobvyklou situaci umožňuje pochopit, že každý obecný princip je omezen; 5) je to intelektuální schopnost rozpoznat, jak dosáhnout štěstí., and Karolina Rozmarynowska
In this paper I wish to discuss so-called principles of inheritance and the familiar claim that it leads to deontic paradoxes. By combining two such paradoxes it will be shown that inheritance amounts to a principle of explosion: supposing that in the actual world there is at least one thing that one ought to do, almost anything is something one ought to do. I will then attempt to qualify the principle of inheritance so as to avoid this and other paradoxical results., V této práci chci diskutovat o tzv. Principech dědictví a známém tvrzení, že vede k deontickým paradoxům. Spojením dvou takových paradoxů se ukáže, že dědictví se rovná principu exploze: za předpokladu, že ve skutečném světě existuje alespoň jedna věc, kterou by člověk měl udělat, téměř cokoliv by mělo být. Pak se pokusím o to, aby se princip dědičnosti kvalifikoval tak, aby se tomuto a dalším paradoxním výsledkům vyhnul., and David Botting
HPx is a multicomponent reactive transport model which uses HYDRUS as the flow and transport solver and PHREEQC-3 as the biogeochemical solver. Some recent adaptations have significantly increased the flexibility of the software for different environmental and engineering applications. This paper gives an overview of the most significant changes of HPx, such as coupling transport properties to geochemical state variables, gas diffusion, and transport in two and three dimensions. OpenMP allows for parallel computing using shared memory. Enhancements for scripting may eventually simplify input definitions and create possibilities for defining templates for generic (sub)problems. We included a discussion of root solute uptake and colloid-affected solute transport to show that most or all of the comprehensive features of HYDRUS can be extended with geochemical information. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate how HPx, and similar reactive transport models, can be helpful in implementing different factors relevant for soil organic matter dynamics in soils. HPx offers a unique framework to couple spatial-temporal variations in water contents, temperatures, and water fluxes, with dissolved organic matter and CO2 transport, as well as bioturbation processes.
The ice jam in a river can significantly change the flow field in winter and early spring. The presence of bridge piers further complicates the hydraulic process by interacting between the ice jam and bridge piers. Using the data collected from experiments in a laboratory flume, the evolution of an ice jam around bridge piers having three different diameters has been investigated in this study. Compared to results without-pier, it was found that the formation of an ice jam in the downstream of bridge pier is faster than that in the upstream. The thickness distribution of the ice jam shows clearly different characteristics in front and behind of bridge piers at different stages of the ice jam.
The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of hysteresis of soil hydraulic properties on model predictions of soil water movement in a variably saturated soil. The model predictions are generated by the S1D model, which is based on numerical solution of one-dimensional Richards’ equation. The analysis is made for a loamy sand soil located in a small headwater catchment. The model is used to simulate the development of soil water pressure during three successive vegetation seasons. Three major simulation scenarios are formulated: the first scenario assumes no hysteresis in soil hydraulic properties, the second scenario involves a predefined hypothetical hysteresis, while the third scenario is based on optimized hysteresis, determined through the inverse modeling procedure. The analysis of the simulation results suggests that, in our case, ignoring hysteresis does not lead to any significant deviation of the model predictions from the observed soil water system responses. and Možnosti efektivně matematicky modelovat proudění vody v přirozených půdních formacích omezuje komplikovanost určení půdních hydraulických charakteristik, a to nejen s ohledem na jejich prostorovou a časovou variabilitu, ale také hysterezi. Příspěvek je zaměřen na testování vlivu hystereze na výsledky simulací proudění půdní vody v podmínkách malého horského povodí. Numerický model S1D, řešící Richardsovu rovnici v jednorozměrném tvaru, byl použit k výpočtu sezónního vývoje tlaku půdní vody. V simulacích byla alternativně uvažována hystereze retenční křivky. Odchylky mezi odezvami modelu a měřeními byly minimalizovány optimalizací scaling faktorů. Rozsáhlý srovnávací soubor uskutečněných optimalizací umožnil posoudit rozdíly modelové odezvy dvou hysterezních a jedné nehysterezní varianty a kvantifikovat dopad zanedbání hystereze na přesnost předpovědi modelu. Neuvažování hystereze v našem případě nezhoršuje schopnost modelu popsat změny půdní vlhkosti.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of products from a municipal wastewater treatment plant on the H2O and CO2 effluxes from two soils. The net H2O and CO2 effluxes were measured at the surface of nine beds with two different soils (Cambisol and Arenosol) and two crops (maize or vegetables). Soils in some beds were amended with stabilized sewage sludge (bed with Cambisol and maize) or composted sewage sludge (two beds with Cambisol and both crops) or were irrigated with treated wastewater (two beds with Cambisol and both crops, and one bed with Arenosol and vegetable). Remaining beds were irrigated with tap water (two beds with Cambisol and both crops, and one bed with Arenosol and vegetable). While stabilized and composted sewage sludge positively affected the CO2 emission, the effect of treated wastewater was not confirmed. Different treatments had negligible effect on the water efflux, which was mainly affected by the plant canopy that influence the temperature of the soil surface. Statistical analyses showed that trends of the CO2 efflux with respect to various scenarios measured on different days changed during the season. No significant correlations were found between the average H2O and CO2 effluxes and measured soil properties.