The social-psychological Hindi play Narmedh (1970), written by Girirāj Kiśor, has as its main character a woman wnose husband and sons break with tradition in regard to marriage. Because of her own experiences. she wisches to maintain her family but at the same time she feels guilty about those efforts, and tries to commit suicide. Besides its content, the play is interesting because it is a tragedy, a genre that is more common in European than in Indian literature. The article analyses the techniques of the play and their contribution to the effect of tragedy, and uses especially the method of dialogue anylysis. In the interprearion argued here, the play suggests that after 1947 the old norms ruling personal relationships have been abandoned in favor of an attitude of self-interest or in some cases idealism, without new ones immediately replacing them. The effect is that these relationships may be ruled by indifference, which harms and to some extent immobilizes those who are sensitive.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two Archimedean vector lattices and let $( A^{\prime }) _n'$ and $( B') _n'$ be their order continuous order biduals. If $\Psi \colon A\times A\rightarrow B$ is a positive orthosymmetric bimorphism, then the triadjoint $\Psi ^{\ast \ast \ast }\colon ( A') _n'\times ( A') _n'\rightarrow ( B') _n'$ of $\Psi $ is inevitably orthosymmetric. This leads to a new and short proof of the commutativity of almost $f$-algebras.
When compared to satellite detector measurements of dust particles of mass < 10^-6 g and optical meteor observations for mass > 10^-2 g, the flux of the interstitial radar meteors is discrepant: the radars render fluxes which seem too small by a factor of about 20-30. This has usually been explained as being due to the majority of the flux being held in low-velocity meteors which produce little ionization and hence have limited radar detectabilities. We propose an alternative hypothesis: that the discrepancy is due to wavelength-dependent effects, implying that conventional meteor radars {f > 20 MHz) only detect the lower-altitude underdense meteors. To test this we have determined the height distribution of radar meteors at 2 and 6 MHz, at which frequencies the echo ceilings are much higher than the 100-105 km limits of VHP radars. We find that the distributions peak at “105 km, fully 10 km above the peaks of VHP radars, with many meteors occurring to at least 140 km altitude. Additional observations using the powerful Jindalee radar in central Australia confirm these results, and show that the cumulative flux of particles of mass > 10"-6 g is about 9 x 10^-8 m^-2 sec^-1; this is consistent with satellite data and is over an order of magnitude larger than derived in previous radar meteor experiments.
According to possibilism, or non-actualism, fictional characters are possible individuals. Possibilist accounts of fiction do not only assign the intuitively correct truth-conditions to sentences in a fiction, but has the potential to provide powerful explanatory models for a wide range of phenomena associated with fiction (though these two aspects of possibilism are, I argue, crucially distinct). Apart from the classic defense by David Lewis the idea of modeling fiction in terms of possible worlds have been widely criticized. In this article, I provide a defense of a possibilist account against some lines of criticism. To do so, I assume that names for fictional characters are directly referential and a possible-worlds model that accommodates transworld identity. On this background, I argue, it is possible to construct an elegant model of fictional discourse using familiar models of information exchange in ordinary discourse, and I sketch how this model can be used to i) make a natural distinction between fictional and counterfactual discourse, ii) account for creativity, and iii) sustain a natural definition of truth-in-fiction that avoids certain familiar objections to possibilism. Though I set aside questions about the metaphysical commitments of a possible-world interpretation here, there is accordingly reason to think that the battle over possibilist treatments of fiction will have to be fought over metaphysical foundations rather than technical shortcomings., Podle možnosti, nebo non-realismus, smyšlené znaky jsou možné jednotlivci. Potenciální účty beletrie nejenže přiřazují intuitivně správné pravdivostní podmínky věcem ve fikci, ale mají potenciál poskytovat silné vysvětlující modely pro širokou škálu jevů spojených s fikcí (ačkoli tyto dva aspekty possibilismu jsou, jak tvrdí, zásadně odlišné). Kromě klasické obrany Davida Lewise byla myšlenka modelování beletrie z hlediska možných světů široce kritizována. V tomto článku poskytuji obhajobu možného účtu proti některým kritikám. Abych tak učinil, předpokládám, že jména pro smyšlené postavy jsou přímo referenční a možný světový model, který přizpůsobuje transworld identitu. Na tomto pozadí argumentuji, je možné vytvořit elegantní model fiktivního diskursu za použití známých modelů výměny informací v běžném diskursu a načrtám, jak lze tento model využít k tomu, aby i) rozlišoval mezi fiktivním a protikladným diskurzem, ii) odpovídal za kreativitu a iii) udržovat přirozenou definici fikce pravdy, která se vyhýbá některým známým námitkám proti možnosti., Ačkoli jsem odložil otázky týkající se metafyzických závazků interpretace možného světa, je proto důvod domnívat se, že bitva o možnostech léčby beletrie se bude muset bojovat spíše na metafyzických základech než na technických nedostatcích. a načrtám, jak lze tento model využít k tomu, aby i) rozlišoval mezi fiktivním a kontrafaktuálním diskurzem, ii) odpovídal za kreativitu a iii) udržoval přirozenou definici pravdy-fiction, která se vyhýbá některým známým námitkám proti možnosti. Ačkoli jsem odložil otázky týkající se metafyzických závazků interpretace možného světa, je proto důvod domnívat se, že bitva o možnostech léčby beletrie se bude muset bojovat spíše na metafyzických základech než na technických nedostatcích. a načrtám, jak lze tento model využít k tomu, aby i) rozlišoval mezi fiktivním a kontrafaktuálním diskurzem, ii) odpovídal za kreativitu a iii) udržoval přirozenou definici pravdy-fiction, která se vyhýbá některým známým námitkám proti možnosti. Ačkoli jsem odložil otázky týkající se metafyzických závazků interpretace možného světa, je proto důvod domnívat se, že bitva o možnostech léčby beletrie se bude muset bojovat spíše na metafyzických základech než na technických nedostatcích., and Fredrik Haraldsen
BACKGROUND: The presence of several risk factors (genetic and non-genetic) has greater impact on the risk of premature coronary artery disease (CAD) than single risk factor. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to establish possible relations between genotypes and alleles of 677C>T polymorphism of MTHFR gene and some traditional risk factors e.g. elevated levels of lipid parameters and smoking in development of premature CAD. METHODS: The groups comprised 152 patients with angiographically documented premature CAD (aged 42.9 +/- 5.5) and 121 age-matched blood donors (aged 42.3 +/- 6.5) were studied. The MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism was genotyped with Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. RESULTS: Patients with TT genotype who simultaneously smoked had increased risk of premature CAD compared to non-smoking cases with CC genotype (OR = 24.62). We also found that individuals with TT genotype and elevated LDL-cholesterol (LDL-chol.) level had significantly higher risk of CAD (OR = 9.92) than individuals with normal LDL-chol. level and CC genotype. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that simultaneous presence of MTHFR TT genotype and smoking or elevated levels of LDL-chol. influences the risk of premature CAD. This findings give interesting contribution to gene-environment interaction problem that may have clinical implications in the future. and B. Sarecka-Hujar, I. Zak, J. Krauze
Od začátku 21. století roste vědomí, že software je slepou skvrnou teorie nových médií. Vzrůstající zájem o software ovlivnil také tezi předkládaného příspěvku. Vychází z předpokladu, že koncept univerzálního stroje Alana M. Turinga je jedním z mládeneckých strojů (Carrouges). Předchozí texty založené na podobné hypotéze (Daniels, Baudrillard, Turkle, Ascott) se zaměřily buď na srovnání univerzálního stroje a mládeneckého stroje na základějejich strukturálních podobností, nebo užívaly mládenecký stroj jako metaforu člověka nebo počítače (umělé inteligence). Na rozdíl od nich, tento příspěvek zdůrazňuje význam kontextu (imitační hry Turingova testu), který je klíčem k interpretaci univerzálního Turingova stroje jako mládeneckého stroje a potenciálně jako autoportrétu., Since the beginning of the twenty-first century there has been an increasing awareness that software represents a blind spot in new media theory. the growing interest in software also influences the argument in this paper, which sets out from the assumption that Alan M. Turing’s concept of the universal machine, the first theoretical description of a computer program (software), is a kind of bachelor machine (Carrouges). Previous writings based on a similar hypothesis (Daniels, Baudrillard, Turkle, Ascott) have focused either on a comparison of the universal machine and the bachelor machine in terms of the similarities of their structural features, or they have taken the bachelor machine as a metaphor for a man or a computer (artificial intelligence). Unlike them, this paper stresses the importance of the context (the imitation game of the Turing test) as a key to interpreting the universal Turing machine as a bachelor machine and, potentially, as a self-portrait., and Jana Horáková.
The predatory lacewing Dichochrysa prasina Burmeister can feed and reproduce on various aphid species. However, other species such as the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch may serve as an alternative prey for this predator in the field in periods when the population density of aphids is low. In peach orchards in Northern Greece D. prasina larvae are often found during the summer months on leaves infested with T. urticae. The development and reproduction of D. prasina fed on T. urticae at a series of different constant temperatures were studied. The percentages of D. prasina larvae that completed their development when fed on T. urticae ranged from 12 to 60% depending on the temperature over the range from 20 to 30°C, whereas at temperatures above 33°C no larvae survived. Longevity and egg production of D. prasina females fed during the larval stages on T. urticae were also determined and certain demographic parameters such as the intrinsic rate of increase (rm), mean generation time and net reproductive rate were estimated. Over the range of temperatures from 20 to 27°C, the rm values were not significantly different and varied from 0.06629 to 0.07030. Based on the results of the present study, the possible effect of the availability of T. urticae as prey for D. prasina during summer, when its main prey species is scarce, is discussed.
Let $\varphi _1,\dots ,\varphi _n$ be real homogeneous functions in $C^\infty (\mathbb R^n-\lbrace 0\rbrace )$ of degree $k\ge 2$, let $\varphi (x) =(\varphi _1(x),\dots ,\varphi _n(x))$ and let $\mu $ be the Borel measure on $\mathbb R^{2n}$ given by \[ \mu (E) =\int _{\mathbb R^n}\chi _E(x,\varphi (x))\, |x|^{\gamma -n}\mathrm{d}x \] where $\mathrm{d}x$ denotes the Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb R^n$ and $\gamma >0$. Let $T_\mu $ be the convolution operator $T_\mu f(x)=(\mu *f)(x)$ and let \[ E_\mu =\lbrace (1/p,1/q)\:\Vert T_\mu \Vert _{p,q}<\infty ,\hspace{5.0pt}1\le p, \,q\le \infty \rbrace . \] Assume that, for $x\ne 0$, the following two conditions hold: $\det ({\mathrm d}^2\varphi (x) h)$ vanishes only at $h=0$ and $\det ({\mathrm d} \varphi (x)) \ne 0$. In this paper we show that if $\gamma >n(k+1)/3$ then $E_\mu $ is the empty set and if $\gamma \le n(k+1)/3$ then $E_\mu $ is the closed segment with endpoints $D=\bigl (1-\frac{\gamma }{n(k+1)},1-\frac{2\gamma }{n(k+1)}\bigr )$ and $D^{\prime }=\bigl (\frac{2\gamma }{n(1+k)},\frac{\gamma }{n(1+k)}\bigr )$. Also, we give some examples.