Cílem této recenze je shrnout hlavní aspekty knihy autora Neala C. Hogana Unhealed wounds: medical malpractice in the twentieth century, která vyšla v roce 2003 v New Yorku. Jak název napovídá, kniha se zabývá chronologickým vývojem problematiky profesního pochybení lékařů v USA v minulém století. Tato recenze stručně informuje o autorovi, nicméně její podstatná část se zabývá obsahem publikace. Recenze se zabývá popisem jednotlivých kapitol ve stejném pořadí, jak jsou uvedeny v knize. Zdůrazněny jsou hlavní historické milníky problematiky profesního pochybení lékařů. V závěru je recenzentem provedeno zhodnocení publikace a zamyšlení nad případnou aplikací americké právní doktríny týkající se profesního pochybení lékaře v českém právním systému., The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book Unhealed wounds: medical malpractice in the twentieth century written by Neal C. Hogan, published in 2003 in New York. As the title suggests the book itself is focused on chronological development of medical malpractice in the USA in previous century. This review briefly informs about the author but it´s mainly concentrated on the publication´s content. Paper itself descripts component chapters in the same order as it is written in the book. Break points of malpractice history are highlighted. In conclusion of the review author evaluates the book and presents his own reflection about application of the American legal doctrine of medical malpractice in the Czech legal system., and Jan Kotula
In Abelmoschus esculentus L. uniconazole brought about a marked decrease in cadmium-induced loss of chlorophyll and Hill reaction activity, but it did not completely prevent cadmium toxicity. and S. Purohit, V. P. Singh.
A graph is nonsingular if its adjacency matrix $A(G)$ is nonsingular. The inverse of a nonsingular graph $G$ is a graph whose adjacency matrix is similar to $A(G)^{-1}$ via a particular type of similarity. Let $\mathcal{H}$ denote the class of connected bipartite graphs with unique perfect matchings. Tifenbach and Kirkland (2009) characterized the unicyclic graphs in $\mathcal{H}$ which possess unicyclic inverses. We present a characterization of unicyclic graphs in $\mathcal{H}$ which possess bicyclic inverses., Swarup Kumar Panda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In this paper significant challenges are raised with respect to the view that explanation essentially involves unification. These objections are raised specifically with respect to the well-known versions of unificationism developed and defended by Michael Friedman and Philip Kitcher. The objections involve the explanatory regress argument and the concepts of reduction and scientific understanding. Essentially, the contention made here is that these versions of unificationism wrongly assume that reduction secures understanding.
Terminology for microtriches, the surface features both unique to and ubiquitous among cestodes, is standardised based on discussions that occurred at the International Workshops on Cestode Systematics in Storrs, Connecticut, USA in 2002, in České Budějovice, Czech Republic in 2005 and in Smolenice, Slovakia in 2008. The following terms were endorsed for the components of individual microtriches: The distal, electron-dense portion is the cap, the proximal more electron-lucent region is the base. These two elements are separated from one another by the baseplate. The base is composed of, among other elements, microfilaments. The cap is composed of cap tubules. The electron-lucent central portion of the base is referred to as the core. The core may be surrounded by an electron-dense tunic. The entire microthrix is bounded by a plasma membrane, the external layer of which is referred to as the glycocalyx. Two distinct sizes of microtriches are recognised: those <= 200 nm in basal width, termed filitriches, and those >200 nm in basal width, termed spinitriches. Filitriches are considered to occur in three lengths: papilliform (<= 2 times as long as wide), acicular (2-6 times as long as wide), and capilliform (>6 times as long as wide). In instances in which filitriches appear to be doubled at their base, the modifier duplicated is used. Spinitriches are much more variable in form. At present a total of 25 spinithrix shapes are recognised. These consist of 13 in which the width greatly exceeds the thickness (i.e., bifid, bifurcate, cordate, gladiate, hamulate, lanceolate, lineate, lingulate, palmate, pectinate, spathulate, trifid, and trifurcate), and 12 in which width and thickness are approximately equal (i.e., chelate, clavate, columnar, coniform, costate, cyrillionate, hastate, rostrate, scolopate, stellate, trullate, and uncinate). Spiniform microtriches can bear marginal (serrate) and/or dorsoventral (gongylate) elaborations; they can also bear apical features (aristate). The latter two modifiers should be used only if the features are present. The terminology to describe the overall form of a spinithrix should be used in the following order: tip, margins, shape. Each type of microthrix variation is defined and illustrated with one or more scanning electron micrographs. An indication of the taxa in which each of the microthrix forms is found is also provided.
This paper concerns with the finite volume scheme for nonlinear tensor diffusion in image processing. First we provide some basic information on this type of diffusion including a construction of its diffusion tensor. Then we derive a semi-implicit scheme with the help of so-called diamond-cell method (see \cite{Coirier1} and \cite{Coirier2}). Further, we prove existence and uniqueness of a discrete solution given by our scheme. The proof is based on a gradient bound in the tangential direction by a gradient in normal direction. Moreover, the proofs of L2(Ω) - a priori estimates for our discrete solution are given. Finally we present our computational results.
This paper is devoted to studying the effects of a vanishing structural damping on the controllability properties of the one dimensional linear beam equation. The vanishing term depends on a small parameter $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$. We study the boundary controllability properties of this perturbed equation and the behavior of its boundary controls $v_{\varepsilon }$ as $\varepsilon $ goes to zero. It is shown that for any time $T$ sufficiently large but independent of $\varepsilon $ and for each initial data in a suitable space there exists a uniformly bounded family of controls $(v_\varepsilon )_\varepsilon $ in $L^2(0, T)$ acting on the extremity $x = \pi $. Any weak limit of this family is a control for the beam equation. This analysis is based on Fourier expansion and explicit construction and evaluation of biorthogonal sequences. This method allows us to measure the magnitude of the control needed for each eigenfrequency and to show their uniform boundedness when the structural damping tends to zero.
It is a classical problem in Fourier analysis to give conditions for a single sine or cosine series to be uniformly convergent. Several authors gave conditions for this problem supposing that the coefficients are monotone, non-negative or more recently, general monotone. There are also results for the regular convergence of double sine series to be uniform in case the coefficients are monotone or general monotone double sequences. In this paper we give new sufficient conditions for the uniformity of the regular convergence of sine-cosine and double cosine series, which are necessary as well in case the coefficients are non-negative. The new results also bring necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniform regular convergence of double trigonometric series in complex form.