Using the so-called embeddedness perspective, this article highlights the importance of context (time, space and institutions) for the direction of current research on the gender structure of entrepreneurship. The authors focus mainly on the effects of institutional context, namely tax and family policies, on business couples (copreneurs). The emphasis is on how these factors and formal institutions, which are reflected in informal gender norms, influence the work-life balance strategies of copreneurs. Based on a qualitative analysis of 24 in-depth interviews, the authors identify three strategies of achieving work-life balance and using welfare state measures: individualistic, adapting and innovating. Based on separate in-depth interviews with these business and life partners, we are also able to analyse the dynamics of communication between them. We draw attention to the finding that the strategies identified are not exclusive and may change during one’s life course and business career. Despite their differences, in some respects all these strategies preserve and reproduce gender inequality because it is embedded in the social context and institutional framework for economic activity and work-life balance in the Czech Republic., Marie Dlouhá, Nancy Jurik, Alena Křížková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Pracovná flexibilita je považovaná za efektívny nástroj zvyšovania rovnováhy pracovného a privátneho života. Miera, do akej pracovná flexibilita prináša výhody, však súvisí so sebaorganizáciou zamestnanca. Tento predpoklad bol skúmaný v dvoch separátnych štúdiách. Výskumný súbor v Štúdii 1 tvorili osoby pracujúce na flexibilnom pracovnom mieste, výskumný súbor v Štúdii 2 osoby pracujúce na štruktúrovanom pracovnom mieste. V podmienkach flexibilného pracovného miesta dosahovali osoby s vysokou tendenciou k prokrastinácii (t.j. zlyhanie v sebaorganizácii) nízku mieru rovnováhy životných oblastí. V podmienkach štruktúrovaného pracovného miesta sa osoby s vysokou a nízkou tendenciou k prokrastinácii v úrovni rovnováhy nelíšili. Pracovná flexibilita je tak vhodná len pre osoby s nízkou tendenciou k prokrastinácii., Job flexibility has been found to support balance between work and personal life. Its effectiveness, however, is expected to depend on individual self-control. Procrastination (i.e., self-control failure) was therefore hypothesized to moderate the relationship between job flexibility and work-life balance. Employees with either flexible (Study I) or non-flexible (Study 2) job reported on their procrastination and work-life balance. Under flexible job condition, non-procrastinators benefited whereas procrastinators lost their balance. Under non-flexible job condition, however, no difference was found. The results suggest that job flexibility may support work-life balance but only by individuals who do not procrastinate., Peter Gröpel, Klaudia Dovičovičová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article provides a detailed insight into a critical stage in the life course of young women. It focuses on the transition to first-time motherhood among women with tertiary education in heterosexual dual-earner couples in the Czech Republic. The plans of pregnant women regarding their working lives following the birth of their first child are compared with the subsequent realities of their lives (the first eighteen months of their motherhood). The study is based on longitudinal qualitative research conducted between 2011 and 2014. The research revealed that pregnant women did not consider motherhood and paid work as contradictory and that most of them anticipated working before their child´s third birthday. Due to the reality of motherhood and the chances of combining childcare and work, a number of the women in the sample changed their plans, did not return to work once their children reached eighteen months of age and did not expect to return to work in the near future. The lack of available non-maternal childcare or the unwillingness to take advantage of it were found to be the key factors in their decision not to work, coupled with a shortage of part-time work and flexible working arrangements (working hours and place of work). Conversely, the offer of flexible working conditions, the prospect of good financial rewards and a positive relationship between the woman and her work constituted the key reasons for women to return to work during the first eighteen months of their child’s age. With regard to the fulfilment of their plans, structural conditions and constraints were identified as being of greater importance than personal preferences.
Článek vychází ze širšího výzkumného projektu „Práce a rodina“. Hlavním cílem prezentované fáze výzkumu bylo zjistit rozdíly mezi otci a matkami v hodnocení rodinného fungování, v jejich životní spokojenosti a zvládání pracovních a rodinných nároků. Výzkumný soubor tvoří 127 manželských párů z různých regionů České republiky (254 respondentů). Oba rodiče jsou pracující, vychovávají spolu vlastní děti a nemají děti z předchozích vztahů. Hypotézy nebyly vzhledem k explorativní povaze výzkumu stanoveny. Byly použity dvě metody rodinné diagnostiky (Škála rodinného prostředí, Family Hardiness Index), dvě metody na mapování styčných bodů mezi prací a rodinou (Škála konfliktu práce-rodina a konfliktu rodina-práce, Škála rovnováhy životních oblastí) a Dotazník životní spokojenosti. Při statistickém zpracování získaných dat byl použit Studentův dvouvýběrový t-test a korelační analýza. Výsledky ukázaly signifikantní rozdíly mezi otci a matkami v subjektivně vnímané rodinné nezdolnosti (hardiness), v přijímání výzev a aktivitě, ve zvládání pracovního stresu zasahujícího do výkonu rodičovské role, v rovnováze mezi oblastí práce a rodiny a ve spokojenosti s vlastní osobou. Dále poukazujeme na některé zajímavé odlišnosti mezi muži a ženami, které vzešly z korelační analýzy. Nakonec jsou uvedeny a analyzovány statisticky významné rozdíly v rámci jednoho pohlaví podle počtu dětí. Omezení výzkumu vyplývá z kvantitativní metodologie, z použití sebehodnotících metod a z malého zastoupení rodin s jedním dítětem. and Differences between fathers and mothers in the view of family functioning, in life satisfaction and balance between work and family
Objectives. The article starts from a larger research project “Work and family”. The main aim of the presented research phase was to identify differences between fathers and mothers in the assessment of family functioning, in their life satisfaction, and managing work and family demands.
Subjects and setting. The research group consists of 127 couples from different regions of the Czech Republic (254 respondents). Both parents are working, raising their children together and have no children from previous relationships. Two methods of family diagnostics were used (Family Environment Scale, Family Hardiness Index), two methods for mapping the interface between work and family (Work-family conflict and family-work conflict scale, Work-life balance scale), and the Life satisfaction questionnaire.
Hypotheses. Hypotheses have not been formulated due to the exploratory nature of this research.
Statistical analysis. Student’s t-test and correlation analysis were used in the statistical processing of data.
Results. The results showed significant differences between fathers and mothers in the subjective perception of family hardiness, in accepting challenges and activity, in managing work stress which affects the performance of parental roles, in the balance between work and family areas, and in satisfaction with their own personality. Further, some interesting diversities between men and women which emerged from the correlation analysis are pointed out. Finally, statistically significant differences within one sex by the number of children are listed and analyzed.
Study limitation. Limitations of this study imply from the quantitative methodology, usage of self-report measures, and small representation of families with one child.
This article focuses on the situation of parents of children aged 0-7 in the Czech labour market according to findings from the Labour Force Survey in 2007. The author discusses the model of changes to the economic position of parents typical for the Czech Republic and shows that mainly mothers are affected by the interruption to labour market participation. They found a strong homogeneity of preferences for home care until a child reaches the age of 3, a fact that could also be influenced by structural/institutional conditions. Working mothers of smaller children are significantly at risk of unemployment and at risk of being required to work on a fixed-term contract, and they have a smaller chance of reaching management positions. Fathers are not affected as much by parenthood, but they are more at risk of having to working long hours and evenings. Some of the results (especially on mothers’ unemployment) require further research and political attention., Ondřej Hora., 2 grafy, 6 tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper deals with the relationship between working and private, family and partnership life in the contemporary Czech society. It is based on the main findings from the representative sample survey ''Connections between the changes in the labour market and forms of private, family, and partnership life in the Czech society'' conducted in the 2005. The aim of this paper is to put these findings into an international context. The comparison of selected European countries is done from the point of the level of conflict experienced between working and private life. These findings are also connected to the family policies and the labour market arrangements in particular countries. The international comparison is based on data from the second round of European Social Survey conducted 2004/2005. The findings indicated that the Czech Republic (along with Great Britain, Spain, Poland and Slovakia) counted among the countries with relatively higher level of experienced work-family/private life conflicts, unlike the Scandinavia and some particular West European countries (Germany, France and Belgium).