The recently announced results from the ICEP2 experiment are intepreted as an indirect observation of inflation gravitational waves. In this article we briefly discuss the cosmic inflation hypothesis, what is the B-mode, how it was measured, and why the polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation can reveal how strong gravitational waves were present in the universe during this early epoch., Tomáš Ledvinka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Zprávy o sedmi srážkách černých děr, jednoho páru neutronových hvězd a Nobelově ceně za fyziku., The latest observation of gravitational waves has finalized the creation of a "new window into the universe" leading to the Nobel Prize being awarded to leaders of the project. Seven observations of waves produced by black-hole collisions are reviewed as well as one corresponding to the merger of neutron stars. An electromagnetic counterpart was observed and multi-messenger astronomy was born., Tomáš Ledvinka, Jiří Bičák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ve čtvrtek 11. února 2016 na tiskové konferenci ve Washingtonu oznámili vědci z Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) [1], že na dvou detektorech nacházejících se na opačných koncích Spojených států se 14. září 2015 podařilo zaznamenat příchod gravitačních vln. Kromě důležitých astronomických dat toto pozorování představuje přímé potvrzení jedné z klíčových předpovědí Einsteinovy obecné teorie relativity (OTR) a přináší informace o událostech odehrávajících se za extrémních podmínek velmi silné gravitace, kdy se naplno projevuje nelinearita jako zásadní vlastnost této teorie., The existence of gravitational waves is a basic feature of general gravity but even Albert Einstein seriously doubted they actually exist. There is now indirect evidence that there are astrophysical sources, such as Binary pulsars, which generate gravitational waves, but their strength here on Earth was too small to be detected. However, after using advanced technologies to build large laser interferometric detectors (LIGO), detection sensitivity was significantly increased and, recently the profile of the first directly observed gravitational waves emitted by the inspiral and merger of two black holes was detected. It revealed surprisingly massive stellar black holes, which merged together a billion years ago., Tomáš Ledvinka, Jiří Bičák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury