Současná biologie se bouřlivě rozvíjí v oblasti genomiky. Tyto přístupy pronikají stále více do ekologie i evoluční biologie. Vznikl nový obor populační genomika, který propojuje terénní a laboratorní biologii. Využívá nové metodiky sekvenování a bioinformatických analýz, které v tomto článku stručně popisujeme a vysvětlujeme., Genomics is a rapidly developing field of modern biology. Novel genomic approaches are increasingly utilized in ecology and evolutionary biology. Population genomics has been recently established as a new discipline, connecting field and laboratory biology. It uses new sequencing methods as well as bioinformatic analyses, briefly described and explained in this article., and Helena Štorchová.
Genomická a transkriptomická studia u dvou druhů bublinatky (Utricularia gibba a bublinatky obecné - Utricularia vulgaris) přinesla průlomové poznatky. Ukázala, že miniaturní genom Utricularia gibba obsahuje zhruba stejný počet genů jako jiné kvetoucí rostliny a u některých genových rodin došlo k výrazné expanzi. To se týká např. genů zodpovědných za tvorbu kutikuly nebo za reakci na chitin, což souvisí s životním stylem této vodní masožravé rostliny. Současná nepřítomnost genů souvisejících s vývojem a funkcí kořene u obou druhů bublinatky naznačuje ztrátu „kořenových” genů u společného předka těchto druhů., Genomic and transcriptomic studies in Utricularia gibba and U. vulgaris have led to important discoveries. It was found that the miniature genome of U. gibba contained about the same number of genes as other angiosperms and that some gene families even expanded. For example, the genes responsible for cuticle development or the response to chitin are more numerous than in other plants, which may be related to the aquatic carnivorous lifestyle. Coincident absence of the genes associated with root development and function in U. gibba and U. vulgaris indicates the loss of the root genes already in their common ancestor., and Helena Štorchová.
Utricularia stygia Thor and U. intermedia Hayne are aquatic carnivorous plants with distinctly dimorphic shoots. Investment in carnivory and the morphometric characteristics of both types of shoots of these plants were determined in dense stands growing in shallow dystrophic waters in the Třeboň basin, Czech Republic, and their possible ecological regulation and interspecific differences considered. Vertical profiles of chemical and physical microhabitat factors were measured in these stands in order to differentiate key microhabitat factors associated with photosynthetic and carnivorous shoots. Total dry biomass of both species in dense stands ranged between 2.4–97.0 g·m–2. The percentage of carnivorous shoots in the total biomass, which was used as a measure of the investment in carnivory, ranged from 40–59% and that of traps from 18–29% in both species. The high percentage of total biomass made up of carnivorous shoots in both species indicates both a high structural investment in carnivory and high maintenance costs. As the mean length of the main carnivorous shoots and trap number per plant in carnivorous shoots in both species differed highly significantly between sites, it is probable that the investment in carnivory is determined by ecological factors with low water level one of the potentially most important. Marked differences were found only in [O2] between the 1–3 cm deep free-water zone with green photosynthetic shoots of both species and the 10 cm deep loose sediment with chlorophyll-free carnivorous shoots with traps (range 1.7–7.2 vs. 0.0–0.8 mg·l–1). The waters can be characterized as mesotrophic. Though anoxia occurred consistently at a depth of 10 cm in loose sediment at all U. stygia and U. intermedia sites the carnivorous shoots of both species growing in this microhabitat are able to survive and do not avoid this microhabitat.
V návaznosti na naše předchozí články tento příspěvek shrnuje a osvětluje pozoruhodné až rekordní vlastnosti vodních masožravých rostlin bublinatek (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae) na úrovni ekofyziologické, biofyzikální i molekulárně genetické. Patří mezi ně velice rychlý vrcholový růst prýtu, rekordně vysoká rychlost fotosyntézy a velmi účinná reutilizace N a P ze starých prýtů, ale nikoliv K. Byl prokázán velmi rychlý průběh spuštění pastí, jejich spontánní spouštění bez mechanického podnětu po určité době, rozsáhlé vylučování organických látek do tekutiny pastí k podpoře pasťových mikrobních komenensálů i komplexní regulace tvorby pastí., As a follow-up to our previous papers, this paper summarises and elucidates remarkable and record-breaking eco-physiological, biophysical, and molecular characteristics of aquatic carnivorous bladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae). These include the very rapid apical shoot growth, record high photosynthetic rate, and very effective N and P (but not K) reutilization in old shoots. Moreover, an extremely rapid time-course of trap firing, their spontaneous firing without any mechanical stimulus after certain time periods, extensive secretion of organic substances to the trap fluid to support microbial trap commensals, and a complex regulation of trap production are shown and discussed here., and Lubomír Adamec, Dagmara Sirová, Jaroslav Vrba, Jiří Bárta, Jiří Šantrůček, Karel Šimek.