A new plant-genomics laboratory was opened on 23rd April in Olomouc as part of the Institute of the Experimental Botany ASCR. The festive visitation of the lab was completed by Triticeae Genomics - Current Status and Utility of the Chromosome Based Strategies seminary. In the coming years, the new research establishment will be a part of an international wheat-genome-reading team, a prestigious task that can aid the understanding of one of the main crop-plants. and Jaroslav Doležel, Jan Kolář.
Současná biologie se bouřlivě rozvíjí v oblasti genomiky. Tyto přístupy pronikají stále více do ekologie i evoluční biologie. Vznikl nový obor populační genomika, který propojuje terénní a laboratorní biologii. Využívá nové metodiky sekvenování a bioinformatických analýz, které v tomto článku stručně popisujeme a vysvětlujeme., Genomics is a rapidly developing field of modern biology. Novel genomic approaches are increasingly utilized in ecology and evolutionary biology. Population genomics has been recently established as a new discipline, connecting field and laboratory biology. It uses new sequencing methods as well as bioinformatic analyses, briefly described and explained in this article., and Helena Štorchová.
Genomická a transkriptomická studia u dvou druhů bublinatky (Utricularia gibba a bublinatky obecné - Utricularia vulgaris) přinesla průlomové poznatky. Ukázala, že miniaturní genom Utricularia gibba obsahuje zhruba stejný počet genů jako jiné kvetoucí rostliny a u některých genových rodin došlo k výrazné expanzi. To se týká např. genů zodpovědných za tvorbu kutikuly nebo za reakci na chitin, což souvisí s životním stylem této vodní masožravé rostliny. Současná nepřítomnost genů souvisejících s vývojem a funkcí kořene u obou druhů bublinatky naznačuje ztrátu „kořenových” genů u společného předka těchto druhů., Genomic and transcriptomic studies in Utricularia gibba and U. vulgaris have led to important discoveries. It was found that the miniature genome of U. gibba contained about the same number of genes as other angiosperms and that some gene families even expanded. For example, the genes responsible for cuticle development or the response to chitin are more numerous than in other plants, which may be related to the aquatic carnivorous lifestyle. Coincident absence of the genes associated with root development and function in U. gibba and U. vulgaris indicates the loss of the root genes already in their common ancestor., and Helena Štorchová.
Vznik a progrese plicních karcinomů je stejně jako u ostatních solidních nádorů provázena celou řadou poruch (mutací) genomu. Tyto často charakteristické poruchy představují molekulární markery a jejich vyšetřování se stalo dnes již neodmyslitelnou součástí diagnosticko-terapeutického procesu. Doplnění klasické histopatologické klasifikace založené na morfologii o informaci o molekulárním profilu se stává zcela klíčovým nástrojem pro predikci úspěšnosti protinádorové léčby i odhadu prognózy onkologických pacientů. Novým směrem v moderní patologické diagnostice je metoda tzv. tekuté biopsie, neboli vyšetřování nádorových buněk a nádorové DNA uvolněných do periferního oběhu pacienta., As in other solid tumours, the development and progression of lung cancer is accompanied by a whole number of genome disorders (mutations). These often characteristic disorders represent molecular markers and their investigation has now become an inseparable part of the diagnostic-therapeutic process. Supplementing the conventional morphology-based histopathological classification with information on the molecular profile is becoming a completely crucial tool for predicting the success rate of anticancer treatment as well as estimating the prognosis of cancer patients. A new trend in modern pathological diagnosis is the method of so-called liquid biopsy, or the investigation of cancer cells and tumour DNA released into the patient’s peripheral circulation., Marek Minárik, and Literatura
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) amount in cells as the basis for mitochondrial energy generating system, which produces ATP, plays an important role in the fetal development and postnatal morbidity. Isolated human cord blood leukocytes (HCBL) contribute very little to the overall metabolic turnover, but they may serve as easily available marker cells for the study of the mtDNA amount changes in cord blood during fetal development. The aim of our study was to analyze the mtDNA amount in HCBL. HCBL were isolated from cord blood samples of 107 neonates born between the 25th and 41st week of gestation. The mtDNA amount was analyzed by the real-time PCR method. The significant negative correlations were found between the relative mtDNA amount in HCBL and gestational age (r = -0.54, p<0.01) and birth weight (r = -0.43, p<0.01), respectively. The results revealed that the mtDNA content per cell decreases in HCBL with progressing fetal development. This may be explained by gradual shift of the hematopoiesis from fetal liver to bone marrow during the second half of pregnancy presumably accompanied by decreasing cell volume of HCBL as it was shown similarly in red blood cells., M. Pejznochová, M. Tesařová, T. Honzík, H. Hansíková, M. Magner, J. Zeman., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Thyroid hormones (TH) are powerful modulators of heart function, but their arrhythmogenic effects are less elucidated. We have examined both acute and long-term action of TH on the heart susceptibility to the ventricular fibrillation (VF) and on the heart ability to terminate VF and restore a sinus rhythm. Triiodothyronine (T3) was applied in the range of 10-9-10-6 mol/l in acute experiments using isolated perfused aged (14-month-old) guinea pig hearts. L-thyroxine (T4) was applied in the dose of 50 μg/100g/day to young (3-month-old) and aged (20-month-old) rats for 2 weeks. The T4 treatment resulted in an increased susceptibility of young, but not adult rat hearts to a hypokalemia induced VF and facilitated a spontaneous sinus rhythm (SSR) restoration in the latter group. The acute T3 administration in the range of 10-9-10-7 mol/l significantly decreased the susceptibility of an isolated heart to an electrically induced VF and also facilitated the sinus rhythm restoration. The SSR restoration was, however, not affected by 10-6 mol/l concentration of T3, which also led to an increased VF susceptibility. Results indicate that TH can affect the susceptibility of the heart to VF and its ability to restore the sinus rhythm via acute (non-genomic) and long-term (genomic) actions. Furthermore, an anti- and pro-arrhythmic potential of TH appears to be age- and dose-dependent., V. Knezl, T. Soukup, Ľ. Okruhlicová, J. Slezák, N. Tribulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy