This paper presented a new image encryption algorithm. The algorithm includes two steps: first, by using Cubic map and wavelet function to produce the 2D chaotic sequences to scramble the location of pixel points from the image, then using DNA sequence and chaotic sequence produced by Logistic chaotic map to disturb the gray of the pixel points from image. The experimental results and security analysis show that our algorithm can get good encryption effect, has widest secret key's space, strong sensitivity to secret key, and has the ability of resisting exhaustive attack and statistic attack.
Multimedia social networks (MSNs) provide great convenience to users, while privacy leaks issues are becoming prominent. The studies on relationship-based access control have been widely used in social networks. However, with the dynamic development of social networks and rapid growth of user information, the access control does not completely meet the current system's need. In this paper, an attribute-based access control model called ABAC{MSN is proposed for MSNs. This model comprehensively considers user attributes, environment attributes and resource attributes, not only including relationships among users. In this model, users can set multimedia usage control policies based on three categories of user-defined attributes. A formal theoretical model is established, which includes constraint rules, data ow rules, policy conflict resolution mechanism, and applied to, a multimedia social-network-platform prototype systems. The deployment and application denote that this method effectively and exibly addresses use-case scenarios of multi-attribute-based media access control, and improves the access security of social media platforms and resources.
This paper presents a new model for computing optimal randomized security policies in non-cooperative Stackelberg Security Games (SSGs) for multiple players. Our framework rests upon the extraproximal method and its extension to Markov chains, within which we explicitly compute the unique Stackelberg/Nash equilibrium of the game by employing the Lagrange method and introducing the Tikhonov regularization method. We also consider a game-theory realization of the problem that involves defenders and attackers performing a discrete-time random walk over a finite state space. Following the Kullback-Leibler divergence the players' actions are fixed and, then the next-state distribution is computed. The player's goal at each time step is to specify the probability distribution for the next state. We present an explicit construction of a computationally efficient strategy under mild defenders and attackers conditions and demonstrate the performance of the proposed method on a simulated target tracking problem.
Resilience has become a policy and practical framework for addressing a range of threats from natural disasters and extreme weather events to political conflicts and terrorism. Focusing on the context of cities, this paper offers a conceptualisation of urban resilience, critically interrogating its use for urban governance and the political implications it has for individual agency. The paper also seeks to contribute to the existing critical literature on urban resilience. The second part of the paper focuses on the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities programme as implemented in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. Empirical data obtained through fieldwork and interviews with representatives of the public sector and civil society suggest that while creating an illusion of inclusiveness and empowerment, the ‘resilience approach’ has largely ignored the structural conditions of extreme social and spatial inequality in Santiago. Local political realities and private sector interests play an important part in this equation. The case study points to a general tendency to treat city resilience as a technical question, thereby downplaying its deeply political nature. It highlights the disconnection between the topography of risk on the one side and technological interventions on the other.
In this paper, we report on experiments in which we used neural
networks for statistical anomaly intrusion detection systems. The five types of neural networks that we studied were: Perceptron; Backpropagation; Perceptron-Backpropagation-Hybrid; Fuzzy ARTMAP; and Radial-Based Function. We collected four separate data sets from different simulation scenarios, and these data sets were used to test various neural networks with different hidden neurons. Our results showed that the classification capabilities of BP and PBH outperform those of other neural networks.
The paper describes a new approach for treatment security issues in reconfigurable grids used for computing or communication, in particular, in the semantic web environment. The proposed strategy combines a convenient mathematical model, efficient combinatorial algorithms which are robust with respect to changes in the grid structure, and an efficient implementation. The mathematical model uses properties of weighted hypergraphs. Model flexibility enables to describe basic security relations between the nodes such that these relations are preserved under frequent changes in connections of the hypergraph nodes. The algorithms support construction of a grid with embedded security concepts on a given set of nodes. The proposed implementation makes use of the techniques developed for time and space-critical applications in numerical linear algebra. Our combination of the mentioned combined building blocks is targeted to the emerging field of the semantic web, where the security seems to be very important. Nevertheless, the ideas can be generalized to other concepts describable by weighted hypergraphs. The paper concentrates on explaining the model and the algorithms for the chosen application. The consistency of the proposed ideas for security management in the changing grid was verified in a couple of tests with our pilot implementation SECGRID.
Reakciou spoločnosti na akty terorizmu dochádza k spochybneniu neotrasiteľného postavenia zásad a princípov právneho štátu. Po 11. septembri spoločnosť veľmi citlivo vníma bezpečnostné riziká spojené s leteckou prepravou. Autor príspevku sa zamýšľa nad zákonnými oprávneniami štátu zostreliť teroristami unesené lietadlo s nevinnými cestujúcimi na palube. Komparáciou nemeckej, poľskej a slovenskej
právnej úpravy a aplikáciou záverov a postrehov Spolkového ústavného súdu Nemecka a Ústavného súdu Poľska formuluje kritické závery spočívajúce v nesúhlase s akcentovaním bezpečnosti na úkor slobody, ako aj nesúhlase s kauzistickou rýchlou normotvorbou, ktorá bez dostatočnej predchádzajúcej evaluácie účinnosti vytvára len dojem eliminácie bezpečnostných rizík, no predstavuje spoľahlivý základ pre porušenie elementárnych pravidiel západnej právnej kultúry demokratických právnych štátov ako je napr. ochrana ľudskej dôstojnosti. Natíska sa však otázka, či je demokratický právny štát v sebaobrane proti terorizmu schopný dodržiavať princípy a hodnoty, na ktorých je postavený. Štát by ale nemal poľavovať
zo snahy, aby bol človek účelom a nie prostriedkom.Rovnako netreba zabúdať, že väčšia moc štátu, znamená väčší potenciál pre jej nesprávne použitie alebo zneužitie. and In response to acts of terrorism comes to the challenge of unshakeable principles of the rule of law. After 11 September the society is very sensitive to the security threats associated with air traffic. Author of the article examines legal powers of the state to shoot down an aircraft hijacked by terrorists with innocent passengers on board. Comparing German, Polish and Slovak legislation applying findings and observations of the Federal Constitutional court of Germany and the Constitutional Court of Poland formulates critical conclusion and disagreement with emphasis of security at the expense of freedom, as well as disagreement with casuistic law-making without adequate prior evaluation of the effectiveness. These legal measures create only impression of elimination of security risks but a reliable basis for the violation of elementary values of western democratic states such as
protection of human dignity. It is worth to consider the question, if state of rule of law in its self-defense against terrorism is able to follow the principles and values on which it is built.