This study deals with a controversy between Leibniz and Clarke concerning the relativity of space. Although substantivalism, i.e. an approach treating space as a substance, is to be indicated as the main target of Leibniz’s attack, it has usually been replaced by Newtonian absolutism instead, as a proper opposition to Leibniz’s relationalism. However, such absolutism has not been defined ontologically, but dynamically, as if the difference between their conceptions consisted of a different approach to the inertiallity of motion. However, this would mean that while Leibniz intended to reduce all motion to an inertial one, Newton reduced it to a noninertial one instead, or that only one of them acknowledged the existence of noninertial motion at all. Nevertheless, none of them actually denied the existence of noninertial motion, and although all motion indeed seemed noninertial to Newton, Leibniz never responded to such a challenge in the course of their correspondence. and Předmětem této studie je polemika mezi Leibnizem a Clarkem ohledně relativity prostoru. Přestože za cíl Leibnizova útoku by se v kontextu této polemiky patřilo označit v prvé řadě substantivalismus, tj. přístup nakládající s prostorem jako se substancí, obvykle bývá do opozice vůči Leibnizovu relacionalismu kladen spíše newtonovský absolutismus. Vzhledem k tomu, že takto pojatý absolutismus nebývá vymezován ontologicky, nýbrž dynamicky, musel by v takovém případě rozdíl mezi jejich pojetími spočívat v odlišném přístupu k inercialitě pohybu. To by tudíž jinými slovy znamenalo, že zatímco Leibniz veškerý pohyb redukoval na inerciální, Newton jej redukoval naopak na neinerciální, případně, že pouze jeden z nich uznával existenci neinerciálních pohybů. Existenci neinerciálních pohybů však ve skutečnosti nepopíral žádný z nich, a přestože Newtonovi se neinerciálním jevil být vskutku veškerý pohyb vůbec, Leibniz na takovou výzvu v rámci clarkovské korespondence již nereagoval.
Similar to other advanced semiotic systems, we differ three aspects in the magic fairy-tale - creation of information, its transfer and retaining in memory. The creation and retaining of an information can be based on more sources and show a different nature.
We proceed on the assumption that folklore works reflect the reality to a certain extent, but it is necessary to understand its limits. The language provides / acknowledges importance to the described world in a strange way, if formed in the environment in which the narrator and the audience live. The language, we use even today for usual communication, includes features of particular stages of development. Therefore, while taking into account the historical, social and cultural context, it is possible to approximate to the paradigm where these stories captured vivid ideas of the world. In this way, the texts fix a set of convictions, values, knowledge and ideas about the world, shared by members of a certain community, which in a specific way allowed them to explain the world to themselves and to understand it.
Dispersal of the sevenspotted lady beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, was measured in a series of mark-release-recapture experiments in Utah alfalfa. In three experiments, samples were taken in a radial pattern around the release point. Released beetles for the most part left the 0.36 ha (68 m diameter) sample area within 24 hours, and their average residence time in the sample area was calculated as 12, 6 and 1.6 h in the three experiments, respectively. The spatial distribution of beetles around the point of release could be described with normal distributions whose variance increased linearly in time with 3.8, 1.1 and 0.34 m2 per hour. In three additional field experiments the departure of marked beetles was compared between sugar-sprayed plots and control plots. Residence time was 20-30% longer in sugar-sprayed plots than in control plots, with mean residences of 5.3, 3.6, and 2.9 h in the sugar-sprayed plots in the three experiments, respectively, and means of 4.4, 2.7, and 2.4 h in the control plots. The density of unmarked beetles rose by a factor of 10-20 in the sugar sprayed plots during the first 4 to 6 hours following early morning spraying of sugar. This rapid and substantial increase in density cannot be explained by the slightly longer residence time in sugar-sprayed plots. We hypothesize that the aggregation in sugar-sprayed plots is mostly due to greatly increased immigration into those plots, in response to volatiles produced by the plant-pest-predator assembly.
The cosmologies of the pre-Socratics are usually considered to be independent, distinctive conceptions. Within the framework of these cosmologies, however, David J. Furley was able to differentiate “linear” and “centrifocal” conceptions, while Daniel W. Graham distinguished “meteorological” and “lithic” models; by way of these, they pointed out the common features of individual cosmologies and at the same time showed how they had evolved. It is, however, possible to conclude that they are both discussing the same thing. Pre-Socratic cosmologies, that is to say, experienced a significant development that was based on a change in the concept of the space of the universe. While in the Ionian archaic cosmologies of the 6th century BCE the space of the universe usually extended only between the flat Earth and the heaven, in the following century it was already being extended around the entire Earth. This led to a change not only in the concept of celestial bodies and their orbits, but in additional cosmological aspects as well. The cause of this development was Parmenides’ conception of the space of the universe, consisting of a spherical heaven with a spherical Earth in its center. and Kosmologie předsokratiků se obvykle považují za nezávislé osobité koncepce. David J. Furley však v jejich rámci odlišil „lineární“ a „centrifokální“ pojetí, zatímco Daniel W. Graham „meteorologický“ a „lithický“ model. Poukázali tím na společné rysy jednotlivých kosmologií a zároveň naznačili jejich vývoj. Lze ovšem soudit, že oba vypovídají o stejné události. Předsókratovské kosmologie totiž prošly výrazným vývojem, který vycházel ze změny v pojetí prostoru univerza. Zatímco se v iónských archaických kosmologiích 6. století př. n. l. prostor univerza zpravidla rozpínal pouze mezi plochou Zemí a nebem, v následujícím století byl již akcentován kolem celé Země. Tím došlo ke změně nejen v pojetí nebeských těles a jejich oběhů, ale i dalších kosmologických aspektů. Příčinou tohoto vývoje byla Parmenidova koncepce prostoru univerza, sestávajícího ze sférického nebe s kulovou Zemí v jeho středu.