We report on the first field season at the Gravettian site Hošťálkovice II. Hošťálkovice II is an important site in the region of Ostrava situated at a strategic position above the confluence of Odra and Opava Rivers. Previous surface prospections and a small test pit excavated in 1995 found evidence for a Gravettian industry, as well as younger (Neolithic?) occupation. Two archaeological layers were detected in 1995 and the documented profile was 1.3–1.5 m thick. An excavation conducted in 2019 approx. 30 m away from the 1995 test pit showed significant differences in stratigraphy. The maximum thickness of the sediments does not exceed 30 cm. Both Palaeolithic (patinated) and post-Paleolithic (non-patinated) artefacts were situated throughout the profile. In this contribution, we present all previous knowledge about the site, discuss the stratigraphy and the possibility of several occupation events at the site during the Palaeolithic/post-Palaeolithic period.
In this note, we construct some integer matrices with determinant equal to certain summation form of Liouville's function. Hence, it offers a possible alternative way to explore the Prime Number Theorem by means of inequalities related to matrices, provided a better estimate on the relation between the determinant of a matrix and other information such as its eigenvalues is known. Besides, we also provide some comparisons on the estimate of the lower bound of the smallest singular value. Such discussion may be extended to that of Riemann hypothesis.
The article documents the history and problems of Greek-Old Church Slavonic Dictionary and sums up attempts and steps taken in compiling a dictionary of this type up to now. The study reveals the progressive development of views of the prepared Greek-Old Church Slavonic Lexicon-index conception, which is based on the same tenets as the Old Church Slavonic Dictionary.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for healthcare workers and patients dealing with the physical and emotional toll of this disease. Patients suffering from the effects of COVID-19 pneumonia often experience dyspnoea, or breathlessness, which has increased the prevalence of respiratory anxiety among these cases. The symptoms of pulmonary disease and anxiety overlap, and the effects of these elements exacerbate one another. Drawing from the clinical psychological treatment of 68 COVID-19 patients in the acute phase of disease in standard- and intensive-care units, as well as those post-COVID, this study describes targeted interventions applied over 178 sessions during 3.5 months at the University Hospital in Pilsen, Czech Republic. This study outlines a three-step treatment process designed to address COVID-19-related respiratory anxiety using emotion- and breathing-focused techniques. As part of this brief review, two case studies are offered to illustrate the physiological and psychological experiences common among these patients. The presented three-phased approach may offer targeted and effective treatment for COVID-related respiratory anxiety. and Pandemie covidu-19 představuje mnoho výzev pro zdravotnické pracovníky a pacienty, kteří se potýkají s fyzickými a emocionálními následky této nemoci. Pacienti trpící následky pneumonie covidu-19 často pociťují obtíže s dýcháním, což zvýšilo prevalenci respirační úzkosti v těchto případech. Příznaky onemocnění plic a úzkosti se překrývají, v jejich vzájemné interakci dochází ke zhoršení stavu. Tato studie, čerpající z klinicko-psychologické léčby 68 pacientů s covidem-19 v akutní fázi onemocnění na jednotkách standardní a intenzivní péče po onemocnění covidem, popisuje cílené intervence aplikované na 178 sezeních realizovaných v průběhu 3,5 měsíce ve Fakultní nemocnici v Plzni. Tato studie nastiňuje třístupňový léčebný model určený k řešení respirační úzkosti související s covidem-19 pomocí technik zaměřených na emoce a dýchání. V rámci stručného přehledu jsou nabízeny dvě kazuistiky, které ilustrují fyziologické a psychologické zkušenosti běžné u těchto pacientů. Prezentovaný třífázový přístup může nabídnout cílenou a účinnou léčbu respirační úzkosti související s covidem-19.
Stomatal responses of attached bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves to changing spectral composition ("white" - WL., blue - BL, or red - RL radiation), air humidity (100 % or about 4 % RH), and water potential of the root medium (close to 0 or -1.2 MPa) were determined by air flow porometer. Opening of stomata always increased under BL and decreased under RL. In response to decline in air humidity, leaf conductance showed transient increase before it reached lowered steady state. BL enhanced and RL diminished this response. and S. Maleszewski ... [et al.].