Mohelno-Plevovce was repeatedly occupied during the Late Upper Paleolithic. Two paved stone structures constructed from local stones have been excavated thus far. These structures are characterized by a high density of lithic artifacts within the paved area and a rapidly decreasing density away from the paved area - this is interpreted as a result of the "barrier-effect" of the covered area. The lithic tools are characterized by abundant splintered pieces, steeply retouched end scrapers, and tiny microlithic tools produced on carenoidal blanks. Utilized raw material types indicate good knowledge of local rocks including rock crystal and weathering products of serpentinite, as well as broad raw material networks including erratic flint imported from northern Moravia and Szentgál radiolarite imported from Balaton Lake area., Petr Škrdla, Jaroslav Bartík, Jan Eigner, Tereza Rychtaříková, Pavel Nikolajev, Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, Ladislav nejman, Michaela Polanská, Jan Novák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Lokalita Mohelno-Plevovce leží pod úrovní hladiny Mohelenské údolní nádrže. V průběhu posledních dvou let jsme realizovali povrchový průzkum břehu nádrže. Objevili jsme také tři místa, kde artefakty dosud spočívají v intaktních sedimentech. V rámci koncentrace 3 jsme navíc zachytili struktury vyskládané z plochých kamenů. Díky odstávce přečerpávací elektrárny byla v září 2013 hladina přehrady po tři dny na minimální úrovni. Během krátkého výzkumu jsme zdokumentovali šestihrannou strukturu vyskládanou z plochých kamenů, která měla průměr 3 m. Zatímco v rámci struktury hustota nálezů výrazně vzrostla, vně struktury výrazně klesala, a to až na úroveň jednotlivých kusů, což interpretujeme jako vliv bariéry podél hranice dlažby. Industrie, která je datována ke konci LGM, je charakteristická strmě retušovanými škrabadly a specifickými drobnými otupenými mikrolity, které mají nejbližší analogie v oblasti severně od Černého moře. and The site of Mohelno-Plevovce is situated below the water line of the Mohelno water reservoir. Over the last two years we conducted surface surveys along the edges of the reservoir which yielded a collection of stone artifacts. We discovered three areas with in situ artifacts within intact sediments. In addition, we identified 3 structures consisting of flat stones within area 3. During September 2013, the hydroelectric power plant underwent maintenance and for a period of three days the water level was at its minimum. We documented a hexagonal flat stone pavement 3 m in diameter. Within the paved area the artifact density was relatively high. Outside the paved area the density of finds decreases rapidly, which indicates a strong barrier-effect along the pavement boundary. The industry has been dated to terminal LGM and is characterized by steeply retouched end scrapers and specific tiny backed microliths with the closest analogy in the North Black Sea Region.
The present paper describes a method for identification of reflected waves on the seismogr ams from a cluster of quarry blasts. These reflections are used for determination of the Moho depth. Only one seismic station is sufficient, but a cluster of seismic sources is needed. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio of reflected waves, several techniques are applied, such as filtering, polarisation analysis and stacking of seismograms. Th e method was tested on seismic data from the central part of the Ore Mountains region, Czech Republic. Seismic waves were generated by strong quarry blasts at the Tušimice open-pit coal mine, and recorded at the Přísečnice (PRI) temporal seismic station at an epicentral distance of about 16 km. As the station was equipped with a three-component seismograph, also S-wave onsets could be determined. Although Pg, Sg and surface waves dominate the seismograms, weak Moho reflections of P and S waves could also be recognized at travel times of 9.7 s and 17.3 s, respectively. From these times we found the mean ratio of the P- to S-wave ve locities in the crust to be 1.78. Considering P-wave velocity model of Beránek (1971), the observed travel times of the reflections yield a crustal thickness of 29.5 -n31.5 km, which agrees with recent receiver function studies. These agreements indicate that the proposed method of reflected seismic waves, generated by quarry blasts, could represent a simple way for mapping the Moho discontinuity., Hana Kampfová, Jiří Málek and Oldřich Novotný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The reported research in Malżyce, site no. 30, situated on one of the of the vast loess-covered elevations of the Małopolska Upland has brought valuable data on the Funnel Beaker (TRB) and the Corded Ware (CWC) cultures in West Małopolska. The central grave of the TRB barrow was accompanied by five chronologically younger graves of the CWC and three graves of the Early Bronze Age Mierzanowice culture. In the TRB grave two vessels and a flint trapezium were found. In its size and constructional traits the Malżyce TRB barrow is analogous to various CWC features of this type. But becouse of its dating – the TRB tumulus in Malżyce cannot be regarded as a valid argument for deriving CWC burial mounds from TRB structures., Krysztof Tunia, Piotr Włodarczak., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek představuje výsledky komplexního výzkumu ojedinělé nálezové situace z prostředí únětické kultury ve středních Čechách – pohřební mohyly v areálu současného sídliště. V Brandýse nad Labem – Vrábí byl v kulturní vrstvě odkryt téměř neporušený kamenný věnec a do podloží zahloubená hrobová jáma vytvořená ze sekundárně upraveného sídlištního objektu. Hrob obsahoval dva kostrové pohřby nad sebou, uložené zřejmě s určitým časovým odstupem. Úprava obou hrobů, jejich výbava (včetně botanických a zoologických nálezů) a následné manipulace s ostatky ukazují na specifické praktiky pohřebního ritu starší doby bronzové. Chronologické zařazení celku, podpořené radiokarbonovými daty, odpovídá podobným nálezům např. v Německu nebo Polsku, nicméně je v rozporu s konvenčním datováním keramiky únětické kultury v Čechách. Na závěr je diskutovaná otázka pohřebních mohyl starší doby bronzové v severní polovině Čech. and The article presents the results of the comprehensive research of a remarkable Únětice culture find situation in central Bohemia – a barrow burial. An almost undisturbed stone ring and a burial pit from former settlement feature were found in a cultural layer in Brandýs nad Labem – Vrábí. The grave contained two inhumation burials one above the other and buried probably separately in time. The character of graves, their inventories (including botanical and zoological finds) and the later treatment of the human remains show the specific practices of the Early Bronze Age burial rite. Supported by radiocarbon dating, the chronological identification of the unit corresponds to similar finds in Germany and Poland, however, it is in contradiction to the conventional dating of pottery in Bohemia. The final part of the article discusses the issue of burial barrows in the Early Bronze Age in the northern half of Bohemia.