Direct interpolation of daily runoff observations to ungauged sites is an alternative to hydrological model regionalisation. Such estimation is particularly important in small headwater basins characterized by sparse hydrological and climate observations, but often large spatial variability. The main objective of this study is to evaluate predictive accuracy of top-kriging interpolation driven by different number of stations (i.e. station densities) in an input dataset. The idea is to interpolate daily runoff for different station densities in Austria and to evaluate the minimum number of stations needed for accurate runoff predictions. Top-kriging efficiency is tested for ten different random samples in ten different stations densities. The predictive accuracy is evaluated by ordinary cross-validation and full-sample crossvalidations. The methodology is tested by using 555 gauges with daily observations in the period 1987-1997. The results of the cross-validation indicate that, in Austria, top-kriging interpolation is superior to hydrological model regionalisation if station density exceeds approximately 2 stations per 1000 km2 (175 stations in Austria). The average median of Nash-Sutcliffe cross-validation efficiency is larger than 0.7 for densities above 2.4 stations/1000 km2 . For such densities, the variability of runoff efficiency is very small over ten random samples. Lower runoff efficiency is found for low station densities (less than 1 station/1000 km2 ) and in some smaller headwater basins.
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a disorder of liver function, commonly occurring in the third trimester but sometimes also as soon as the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. Symptoms of this disorder include pruritus, plus abnormal values of bile acids and hepatic transaminases. After birth, symptoms disappear and liver function returns to normal. Though ICP is relatively non-complicated and often symptomatically mild from the point-of-view of the mother, it presents a serious risk to the fetus, making this disease the subject of great interest. The etiology and pathogenesis of ICP is multifactorial and as yet not fully elucidated. Hormonal factors likely play a significant role, along with genetic as well as exogenous factors. Here we summarize the knowledge of changes in steroid hormones and their role in the development of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. In addition, we consider the role of exogenous factors as possible triggers of steroid hormone changes, the relationship between metabolic steroids and bile acids, as well as the combination of these factors in the development of ICP in predisposed pregnant women., A. Pařízek, M. Dušková, L. Vítek, M. Šrámková, M. Hill, K. Adamcová, P. Šimják, A. Černý, Z. Kordová, H. Vráblíková, B. Boudová, M. Koucký, K. Malíčková, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The role of stony soils in runoff response of mountain catchments is rarely studied. We have compared simulated response of stony soils with measured catchment runoff for events caused by rains of small and high intensities in the mountain catchment of the Jalovecký Creek, Slovakia. The soil water response was simulated for three sites with stoniness 10–65% using the Hydrus-2D single porosity model. Soil hydraulic parameters employed in the modelling, i. e. the saturated hydraulic conductivity and parameters of the soil water retention curves, were obtained by two approaches, namely by the Representative Elementary Volume approach (REVa) and by the inverse modelling with Hydrus-1D model (IMa). The soil water outflow hydrographs simulated by Hydrus-2D were compared to catchment runoff hydrographs by analysing their skewness and peak times. Measured catchment runoff hydrographs were similar to simulated soil water outflow hydrographs for about a half of rainfall events. Interestingly, most of them were caused by rainfalls with small intensity (below 2.5 mm/10 min). The REV approach to derive soil hydraulic parameters for soil water outflow modelling provided more realistic shapes of soil water outflow hydrographs and peak times than the IMa approach.
Dental management behavior problems are thought to be both multifactorial and multidimensional, consisting of physiological, behavioral and cognitive components. The stress response to pain or even the anticipation of distress initiates activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and causes an increase of cortisol and catecholamines. The literature on the role of hormones in dental management behavior problems comprises about one hundred papers, which have mainly been focused on this activation of the HPA axis in various situations in dental care. They have generally used salivary cortisol as a marker of the activity of the HPA axis, sometimes combined with salivary alpha amylase. Here we summarize the literature data on the role of stress hormones in dental management behavior problems., M. Dušková, J. Vašáková, J. Dušková, J. Kaiferová, Z. Broukal, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The brassica leaf beetle, Phaedon brassicae Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), one of the pests infesting cruciferous vegetables in China and Japan, is a multivoltine species that oversummers and overwinters as an adult. The effects of both temperature and photoperiod on reproductive diapause induction were systematically investigated in this beetle. Under 16L : 8D, most of the beetles entered reproductive diapause at 12-30°C, indicating that photoperiod played a crucial role in estivation diapause induction. Under 12L : 12D, all adults developed without diapause at 28 and 30°C; less than 25% of the individuals entered reproductive diapause at 16-24°C; however, 46.1% of the individuals entered diapause at 12°C, suggesting that low temperature also had a relatively important influence on the determination of diapause. The photoperiodic response curves indicate that this species is a typical short-day species. The critical day-lengths at 20, 24 and 28°C were 13.2, 13.6 and 13.8 h, respectively. Transferring them from 16L : 8D to 12L : 12D or vice versa at different ages and/or stages during their development revealed that the photoperiod experienced by adults during the first 11 days might be important for diapause determination, even though an effect of photoperiod on the larval and pupal stages can not be excluded. Transferring individuals kept at a photoperiod of 12L : 12D from 25°C to 12°C or vice versa at different ages and/or stages during their development revealed that the temperature cue for diapause is mainly perceived by the late instar larvae and pupae.
In this paper, I use Wittgenstein’s private language argument for reflecting on some folk-linguistic misconceptions. In Section 1, I show that elements of the private language semantics inform common ways of looking at some situations referred to as ''misunderstandings''. I suggest that it would be appropriate to conceive of the alleged misunderstandings as practical attitudes of mistreatment. This suggestion is explored in Section 2, which is devoted to a commonly assumed prominent example of the problem: the so-called inter-gender misunderstanding. It is believed that men and women use language in systematically different ways, as a result of which they do not understand each other properly, because they miss what their interlocutors ''mean''. The conceptual apparatus of mentalist semantics presumed here is abused in order to advocate morally reprehensible actions against women. In Section 3, I suggest that the Wittgensteinian accounts of language and mind offer arguments for denying private conceptions of understanding on the grounds of both philosophy of language and ethics., V tomto příspěvku používám argument Wittgensteinova soukromého jazyka, který reflektuje některé lidově-lingvistické mylné představy. V části 1 ukazuji, že prvky sémantiky soukromého jazyka informují o běžných způsobech, jak se podívat na některé situace označované jako ''nedorozumění''. Navrhuji, aby bylo možné považovat údajné nedorozumění za praktické postoje ohledně špatného zacházení. Tento návrh je zkoumán v části 2, která se věnuje běžně předpokládanému příkladnému problému: tzv. Nedorozumění mezi pohlavími. Předpokládá se, že muži a ženy používají jazyk systematicky různými způsoby, v důsledku čehož se správně nerozpoznávají, protože jim chybí to, co jejich partneři ''znamenají''. Konceptuální aparát mentalizované sémantiky, který se zde předpokládá, je zneužíván, aby obhajoval morálně odsouzené činy proti ženám. V sekci 3 navrhuji, aby Wittgensteinovské popisy jazyka a mysli nabízely argumenty pro popření soukromých koncepcí porozumění na základě filozofie jazyka a etiky., and Ondřej Beran
In the following paper, authors describe glycans present on cell membranes as they affect the folding, the spatial arrangement, the behavior and the interaction with the substrate of some membrane proteins. Authors describe the synthesis and assembly of a glycan on a protein, the formation of N-glycans, the maturation of an N-glycan in different cellular compartments, the structure of the glycocalyx and how it interacts with any pathogens. The study of the E-cadherin and the potassium channel to demonstrate how glycans affect the spatial arrangement, the stability and activity of the glycoproteins on the membranes. Subsequently, authors analyze the correlation between disorder glycosylation and human health. Authors define glycosylation disorders as a genetic defect that alter the structure or biosynthesis of glycans (sugar chains) in one or more biosynthetic pathways. Human glycosylation disorders reflect the disruption of early steps in the pathways of glycan biosynthesis. More in details, authors analyze the role of glycoprotein in tumor cell adhesion, in particular, in cells MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 on zeolite scaffold. In the same time, the role of metalloproteinase is described in the mobilization of cancer cells and in metastasis., P. Sprovieri, G. Martino., and Seznam literatury
The Self-Organizing Map model considers the possibility of 1D and 3D map topologies. However, 2D maps are by far the most used in practice. Moreover, there is a lack of a theory which studies the relative merits of 1D, 2D and 3D maps. In this paper a theory of this kind is developed, which can be used to assess which topologies are better suited for vector quantization. In addition to this, a broad set of experiments is presented which includes unsupervised clustering with machine learning datasets and color image segmentation. Statistical significance tests show that the 1D maps perform significantly better in many cases, which agrees with the theoretical study. This opens the way for other applications of the less popular variants of the self-organizing map.
Fluorite mineralization is controlled by the multiple geological processes such as structural control, geochemical characterization of hydrothermal fluids, temperature and depth. The mineralization associated with the alteration of the host rocks and trapping of fluid in the host rock crystallographic defects. Alteration in the host rocks due to circulation of hydrothermal fluids and several techniques were applied to discriminate the associated alterations in fluorite deposition using the ASTER images. The resulting images indicated that the fluorite mineralization in the studied area accompanied by propylitic and phyllic alterations. The results of micro-thermometry analysis of the fluorite hosted fluid inclusions indicated that the maximum homogenization temperature was 253 C°. These data implies that the temperature of hydrothermal fluids probably had an essential role in the propagation of the alteration zones. The depth versus homogenization temperature diagram for fluorite mineralization in the studied district revealed that the depth of fluorite mineralization varies between 33 to 256 m. Two fluorite generations were distinguishing in the study district. The first generation is characterized by high salinity (18-25 wt% NaCl) which developed on the deeper level and along the fault zone. The second generation is characterized by low salinity (6-13 wt% NaCl) on shallow depth and deposited in the fractures. The results revealed that fluorite deposition was not contemporaneous with host rock deformation and deposited in the late-stage deformation phase.
Circellium bacchus is a flightless telecoprid (ball-rolling) dung beetle, endemic to the afrotropical region, where it is found in a few restricted populations in the eastern Cape of South Africa. Its apterous condition and large size (mass ranges from 6 to 12 g) are considered to be adaptations to a semi-arid habitat. This beetle is active in the sun for long periods, walking between widely scattered dung pats, thus is under selection pressure to reduce water loss.
C. bacchus has eight spiracles on each side of the body. The metathoracic spiracle and six abdominal spiracles open into the subelytral cavity, which is closed. The mesothoracic spiracle is the largest and most exposed, occurring ventrally in the membrane connecting the prothorax and mesothorax.
When at rest a cyclic form of respiration, known as discontinuous gas exchange cycle, is used by C. bacchus, releasing a burst of carbon dioxide approximately once an hour when the spiracles open for about 33 minutes. Flow-through respirometry was used to measure water loss from the thorax (being the head, prothorax and mesothorax) and elytral case (containing the metathorax and abdomen) separately. The total water loss of C. bacchus could be divided up as 65% cuticular water loss from the thorax, 35% cuticular water loss from the elytral case, 4% respiratory water loss from the thorax and no measurable respiratory water loss from the elytral case. 1.51 µg of water is lost for every µl of CO2 emitted during respiration in the thorax. Thus, the main avenue for both respiration and respiratory water loss is via the mesothoracic spiracles, suggesting that the primary function of the subelytral cavity is not to reduce respiratory water loss.