Wound healing is a complex physiological process important for tissue homeostasis. An acute injury initiates massive cell migration, proliferation and differentiation, synthesis of extracellular matrix components, scar formation and remodelling. Blood flow and tissue oxygenation are parts of the complex regulation of healing. Higher organisms utilize molecular oxygen as a terminal oxidant. This way of gaining energy for vital processes such as healing leads to the production of a number of oxygen compounds that may have a defensive or informatory role. They may be harmful when present in high concentrations. Both the lack and the excess of reactive oxygen species may influence healing negatively., Jiří Kanta, and Literatura 6
Rubber dam is considered an ideal device for tooth isolation. Nevertheless, its usage is quite rare in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study was: firstly, to gather and evaluate information regarding the use of rubber dam by dentists in the Czech Republic and to compare it with other countries; secondly to find out whether there are any influencing factors as to rubber dam usage; and finally to find out frequency of rubber dam use separately in endodontic treatment and in placing fillings of different materials. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted. Dentists filled in the questionnaires during dental conventions, educational events, conferences and congresses. Rubber dam was routinely used by less than eight per cent of the respondents (n = 35); less than twenty-two per cent of the respondents (n = 97) used rubber dam occasionally, and more than seventy per cent of the respondents (n = 317) has never use it. The results showed that rubber dam is not used frequently in the Czech Republic. If rubber dam is used, then it is typically for endodontic treatment or composite fillings. There were several factors with a statistically significant influence on the usage of rubber dam, such as gender, length of professional career, percentage of direct payments, previous experience in using rubber dam, and undergraduate training in rubber dam use., Martin Kapitán, Zdeňka Šustová, and Literatura 22
Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) in Bulgaria shows increasing severity, especially in patients over sixty years. As T lymphocytes are the primary effector cells in MSF and are altered by the ageing process we aimed to specify the changes in their numbers in elderly patients. We performed a clinicoepidemiological study, haematological and biochemical analysis of 132 patients of 60+ and 30 patients between 19 and 57 years with MSF. We investigated the cell immunity of 20 patients of 60+ using immunofluocytometry. The control group consisted of 10 younger patients and 10 healthy individuals of 60+. MSF showed more unfavourable course in the elderly.We found T-lymphocytes depletion in all patients with MSF. Activated T lymphocytes were increased in elderly patients with MSF. We found significant differences between the number of activated T lymphocytes in elderly patients and healthy elderly persons. The observed T-lymphocytes depletion in MSF corresponded to the disease severity. The increase in the activated T lymphocytes in patients over 60 years contributes to an adequate immune response., Margarita Gospodinova, and Literatura
Cieľom prehľadového článku je zdôrazniť najnovšie trendy v chirurgickom tréningu nielen v odbore gynekológia a pôrodníctvo, ale vo všetkých operačných špecializáciách. Bezpečnosť pacientov musí byť najvyššia priorita. V súčasnosti sa kladie veľký dôraz na využívanie simulátorov a na mentálny tréning. Gynekologickí operatéri v 21. storočí by mali ovládať klasickú, vaginálnu, laparoskopickú a robotickú operatívu. Vypracovaný systém vzdelávania v centrách s veľkým počtom operácií a pozitívna pracovná atmosféra sú zásadné faktory v priebehu tréningu., The aim of the review article is to point out the latest trends in the surgical training not only in gynecology and obstetrics but also in all surgical specialties. The safety of the patients must be the highest priority. One of the important areas is the utilization of simulation and mental training in the surgical education. The gynecologic surgeons in the 21st century should be able to perform open, vaginal, laparoscopic and robotic surgical procedures. The established system of education in the high volume centres and positive working climate are crucial factors during surgical training., Miloš Mlynček, and Lit.: 38
Výbor ze šesti básnických sbírek, vydaných v letech 2006-2011, jejichž autor se skrývá pod pseudonymem Elsa Aids., Básně Elsy Aids jsou plné pochmurné noční atmosféry, v níž nehybné, znavené, mnohdy jakoby i ranami osudu ubité tělo člověka dává nahlédnout do svého života a podává o sobě zprávu, koncipovanou v temných obrysech a náznacích. Jsou to zjitřené obrazy samoty, která vytrvale, až zběsile útočí a neustále nahlodává lidské obranné reflexe. Noční tma není pro autora proto žádným konejšivým pojmem, ale právě naopak tou nejtemnější kategorií, z níž k němu promlouvají úzkostné stíny a vidina blahodárného či posilujícího spánku je téměř navždy vzdálenou chimérou. Básník v těchto hodinách viditelně trpí a patrně z tohoto jeho neklidu pak vznikají i tyto verše, které vypovídají o stavu jednoho lidského nitra uprostřed bezhvězdně plynoucího času., and Poezie v češtině pro dospělé, mládež a starší děti.