Insulin resistance associated with dyslipidemia enhances cardiovascular risk. Several atherogenic indexes have been suggested to give more precise information about the risk. The aim of our study was to estimate, which atherogenic index correlates better with parameters of insulin resistance. Furthermore, we compared the parameters of lipid metabolism and insulin resistance between smokers and non-smokers. In our cross-sectional study we enrolled 729 patients with dyslipidemia which were divided into two groups - non-smokers (586) and smokers (143). We measured lipid profile, parameters of insulin resistance (fasting glycemia, insulin, HOMA-IR, C-peptide, proinsulin) and calculated atherogenic indexes - atherogenic index of plasma (log (TAG/HDL-C), AIP), ApoB/ApoA1 index and nonHDL-C. AIP was found out to show stronger correlations with parameters of insulin resistance (p<0.001, correlation coefficients ranging between 0.457 and 0.243) than other indexes (ApoB/ApoA1 or nonHDL cholesterol). AIP correlated with parameters of insulin resistance both in smokers and nonsmokers, but after adjustment (for age, body mass index, waist circumference) persisting only in non-smokers. Smokers had a wider waist circumference and a proatherogenic lipid profile. Smoking increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. AIP can be used in daily praxis for predicting insulin resistance in patients with dyslipidemia, predominantly in non-smokers., L'. Cibičková, D. Karásek, K. Langová, H. Vaverková, J. Orság, J. Lukeš, D. Novotný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
a1_Focal cerebral contusion can be dynamic and expansive. It has been proved that subsequent expansive contusion is caused by brain parenchyma damage, especially BBB damage. We investigated a group of patients with traumatic brain injury. The patients (n=18) were divided in to group I (n=7) of patients submitted to neurosurgery due to expansive contusion, and group II (n=11) of patients without surgery. Serum concentrations of NSE and S-100B protein were measured by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, interleukin-6 (IL-6) was measured by chemiluminescent sequential immunometric assay and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-9, MMP-2) were measured by immunoassays. Cortical biopsy specimens of brain were investigated by electron microscopy in patients with trauma brain injury submitted to neurosurgery. Biochemical investigation from first day up to third day after traumatic brain injury proved increased values of IL-6 (302.2±119.9 vs. 59.6±11.9 ng/l, p<0.02) and S-100B protein (3.064±1.064 vs. 0.649±0.182 μ g/l, p<0.05) in patients with expansive lesion compared to patients without expansive contusion. Significantly higher levels of MMP-9 (150.4±28.46 vs. 74.11±13.16 ng/l, p<0.05) and of MMP-2 (814.5±126.3 vs. 523.1±25.28 ng/l, p<0.05) were found during first 3 days after admission in group I compared to group II. MMP-9 has also elevated in group II from lower values after admission (74.11±13.16 ng/l) up to high levels on the 10th day of hospitalization (225.1±49.35 ng/l )., a2_Ultrastructural investigation of endothelial cells and surrounded tissue revealed perivascular hemorrhage, increased pinocytic activity of endothelial cells, and cytotoxic edema of astroglial cells. Multivesical bodies were disclosed inside the endothelial cells. Higher levels of serum protein S-100B and IL-6 correlated with ultrastructural changes of endothelial cells, and with inflammatory response following TBI, respectively., D. Vajtr ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Komolení (překrucování) slov je v etymologických oddílech hesel některých anglických slovníků používáno ve smyslu změny formy provázející nebo vyvolávající vznik nové lexikální jednotky. L. Bauer v práci o vývojových změnách v současné angličtině (Watching English Change, 1994) dokonce explicitně zařazuje ,zkomoleniny1 mezi slovotvorné typy. Studie srovnává konzistentnost užívání pojmu ,zkomolenina4, ^komolený4 atd. ve třech elektronických slovnících. Dále z různých aspektů rozebírá soubor všech slov v Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995), jejichž etymologie obsahuje toto označení. Ze srovnání vyplývá, že slovníky se v jeho užívání podstatně liší. Rozbor »zkomolenin4 v COD pak ukazuje, že i v rámci jednoho slovníku je tento soubor do té míry heterogenní, že pojem »komolení4 nemá žádnou informační hodnotu, navíc je zatížen negativně hodnotící konotací. Zdá se proto vhodnější nahradit ho neutrálním obecným označením i v případech, kdy pro daný proces chybí specifický výraz. Termín »komolení‘ je smysluplný pouze tehdy, je-li dostatečně vymezen tak, jako to v české literatuře činí V. Šmilauer (nepravidelná slovotvorná změna s eufemizační funkcí).
Morphological, anatomical, and physiological leaf traits of Corylus avellana plants growing in different light conditions within the natural reserve "Siro Negri" (Italy) were analyzed. The results highlighted the capability of C. avellana to grow both in sun and shade conditions throughout several adaptations at leaf level. In particular, the more than 100% higher specific leaf area in shade is associated to a 44% lower palisade to spongy parenchyma thickness ratio compared with that in sun. Moreover, the chlorophyll (Chl) a to Chl b ratio decreased in response to the 97% decrease in photosynthetic photon flux density. The results highlighted the decrease in the ratio of Chl to carotenoid content, the maximum PSII photochemical efficiency, and the actual PSII photochemical efficiency (ΦPSII) associated with the increase in the ratio of photorespiration to net photosynthesis (PN) in sun. Chl a/b ratio was the most significant variable explaining PN variations in shade. In sun, PN was most influenced by the ratio between the fraction of electron transport rate (ETR) used for CO2 assimilation and ETR used for photorespiration, by ΦPSII, nitrogen content per leaf area, and by total Chl content per leaf area. The high phenotypic plasticity of C. avellana (PI = 0.33) shows its responsiveness to light variations. In particular, a greater plasticity of morphological (PIm = 0.41) than of physiological (PIp = 0.36) and anatomical traits (PIa = 0.24) attests to the shade tolerance of the species., R. Catoni, M.U. Granata, F. Sartori, L. Varone, L. Gratani., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aim of this study was to evaluate myofibrillar creatine kinase (EC activity on the background of the effect of substrate channeling by myosin ATPase and to compare it with creatine kinase (CK) activity of whole skinned fibers. In order to assess CK activity, skinned fibers were prepared from the rat psoas major muscles defined by light microscopy. The activity in permeabilized fibers after treatment with saponin, Triton X-100 and Ca2+-free medium reached 2.80, 6.97 and 3.32 m mol ATP min-1 mg-1 protein, respectively, when a coupled enzyme assay system with external hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was used. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed a possible interference among activities of sarcolemmal, sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar and mitochondrial CK from persisting structures. For evaluation of the myofibrillar CK itself, a pure myofibrillar fraction was prepared. Fraction purity was confirmed by TEM and by enzymatic assays for marker enzymes. Two procedures, i.e. the coupled enzyme assay and the evaluation of phosphocreatine (Pcr) concentration before and after the CK reaction, were used for measurement of CK activity in this fraction. The procedures resulted in 3.2 nmol ATP min-1 mg-1 protein and 7.6 nmol PCr min-1 mg-1 protein, respectively. These alternative approaches revealed a discrepancy between the reacting portions of Pcr by more than 50 % , which provides information about the size of the effect, generally described as substrate channeling., M. Gregor, J. Mejsnar, A. Janovská, J. Žurmanová, O. Benada, B. Mejsnarová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek přibližuje botanickou exkurzi do Brazílie na horu Corcovado (710 m n. m.), nacházející se u pobřeží Atlantského oceánu, na vrcholu se sochou Krista Vykupitele (Cristo Redentor). Území leží v národním parku Tijuca, který byl zřízen na ochranu tropického deštného lesa, zde nazývaného mata atlântica (atlantský les). Autor představuje některé významné skupiny zdejší flóry, vybrané endemické taxony či rostliny se zajímavou životní strategií., This article presents a botanical excursion up Mount Corcovado (710 m a. s. l.) on the Atlantic coast of Brazil, with the statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) at the top. The territory belongs to the Tijuca National Park, established to protect the tropical rain forest - called mata atlântica (Atlantic forest). Several important groups of local flora, selected endemic taxons and also plants with interesting life strategies are presented here., and Miloslav Studnička.