Zákon č. 373/2011 Sb. ukládá poskytovateli zdravotních služeb, jejichž součástí je lékařské ozáření, řadu povinností, mimo jiné: vypracovat místní radiologické standardy (MRS) a zajistit jejich dodržování, provádět interní klinický audit, zajistit provedení externího klinického auditu a provést opatření za účelem odstranění zjištěných nedostatků, příp. prošetřit důvody neodhalení těchto nedostatků při interním auditu a přijmout příslušná opatření. Poskytovatel je povinen uzavřít smlouvu na provedení externího klinického auditu na všech svých pracovištích poskytujících lékařské ozáření do 1 roku ode dne uveřejnění seznamu oprávněných osob na webových stránkách MZČR. Externí klinický audit se provádí nejméně jedenkrát za 5 let. Interní audit MRS se provádí každý rok. Zodpovědné provedení tohoto auditu pracovišti přinese dobrou zpětnou vazbu, zda je jeho dokumentace a MRS úplná a smysluplná. Nemělo by se jednat pouze o formální tvorbu a kontrolu dokumentace, ale hlavně o funkční standardy, které svým provedením budou dobrým manuálem pro lékaře i obsluhující personál., x, Petra Mihalová, and Literatura
There are at least two significantly different approaches to the conceptualisation of social capital. Advocates of the most influential stream define social capital primarily as an attribute of societies, as an innate characteristic of the social environment based on the high degree of interpersonal and institutional trust facilitating people's co-operation. Adherents of the other stream define social capital in terms of mutually beneficial exchanges based on social connections and informal networks allowing individuals to achieve their own particular goals. The former approach prevails in 'western' countries, while the latter one prevails in the study of social change in post-communist societies where social capital drawing from interpersonal trust seems to be rather low. The aim of this article is to contribute to the conceptualisation and measurement of social capital, with a special emphasis on its role in post-communist societies. The authors attempt to develop a measurement model for the two distinct dimensions of social capital mentioned above. The measurement model for the two dimensions of social capital is developed and tested by confirmatory factor analysis. The authors proceed by testing the hypothesis that social capital defined as trust is only weakly linked to social stratification, while social capital defined as a person's involvement in mutually beneficial exchanges shows significant variation between groups defined by relevant stratification variables. The analysis was performed on the data from the Social Networks survey carried out in the Czech Republic in 2001 under the International Social Survey Programme.
Let $\theta\in(0,1)$, $\lambda\in[0,1)$ and $p,p_0,p_1\in(1,\infty]$ be such that ${(1-\theta)}/{p_0}+{\theta}/{p_1}=1/p$, and let $\varphi, \varphi_0, \varphi_1 $ be some admissible functions such that $\varphi, \varphi_0^{p/{p_0}}$ and $\varphi_1^{p/{p_1}}$ are equivalent. We first prove that, via the $\pm$ interpolation method, the interpolation $\langle L^{p_0),\lambda}_{\varphi_0}(\mathcal{X}), L^{p_1),\lambda}_{\varphi_1}(\mathcal{X}), \theta\rangle$ of two generalized grand Morrey spaces on a quasi-metric measure space $\mathcal{X}$ is the generalized grand Morrey space $L^{p),\lambda}_{\varphi}(\mathcal{X})$. Then, by using block functions, we also find a predual space of the generalized grand Morrey space. These results are new even for generalized grand Lebesgue spaces., Yi Liu, Wen Yuan., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The right to end an unwanted pregnancy as an integral part of the full citizenship of women has been influenced, reinfluenced, and questioned by different actors in the Czech Republic since the 1950s. Until 1986 the right to abortion was not viewed as a woman’s personal right, but depended upon the decision of abortion commissions and was influenced by the current demographic and political situation. The decision-making process was a very embarrassing experience for many women, who in fact had no other means of contraception available to them. In this paper, I analyse the legal and political regulation of abortion from the perspective of Foucault´s theory of governmentality and biopower. Abortion regulation is an example of how state power influences and disciplines the bodies of its subjects, how it regulates the population and shapes it according to the government’s needs. Through the regulation of abortion, the state not only attempted to restrict a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, but also defined which of its citizens should or should not become a parent and under what circumstances, and who should or should not have the right to be born. In the text I first present the theory of governmentality, then I analyse the periods of the regulation of abortion in socialist Czechoslovakia, and finally I show how this regulation can be understood as an instrument of a specific form of governmentality typical of totalitarian communist regime., Radka Dudová., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
The aim of this study was to investigate the spectral characteristics of Purkinje cell interspike background activity caused by the occurrence of particular action potentials or by electrically induced enhancement of cerebellar inhibitory and excitatory input drive. Spontaneously active Purkinje neurons were extracellularly recorded in anesthetized rats before and after cessation of stimulation from the inferior olive (IO) or locus coeruleus (LC). After A/D conversion (30 kHz), direct spectral analysis of extracted interspike background activity was done. Our results have shown that, in contrast to simple spikes, the occurrence of complex spikes induces changes in the spectra of interspike background activity. The different spectral changes of interspike background activity induced by LC and IO stimulation also indicated the importance of this extracellularly recorded phenomenon., J. Šaponjic, M. Culic, B. Jankovic, A Jovanovic., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tento přehledový článek vychází z kurzu prezentovaného na kongresu Americké urologické asociace v červnu 2014, který byl zaměřen na problematiku intersticiální cystitidy a syndromu bolestí v močovém měchýři. Autoři uvádějí nejnovější úpravy v taxonomii a názvosloví těchto syndromů včetně aktuálních definic a nabízejí pohled na bolestivé syndromy z gynekologické i urologické perspektivy. Článek je doplněn přehlednými diagramy a algoritmy uznávaných mezinárodních společností, které mohou sloužit jako vodítko při diagnostice a léčbě těchto komplexních syndromů., This review is based on the course presented on AUU meeting held in July 2014 focusing on the conditions known as interstitial cystitis and bladder pain syndrome. The authors are introducing last updates in taxonomy and nomenclature of these syndromes, including current definitions and offering an overview of painful syndromes from both gynaecologic and urologic perspective. The article is accompanied with detailed flow charts from accepted international associations, which may serve as a guideline for diagnostics and treatment of these complex syndromes., and Hanno P., Burks D., Cervigni M., Nordling J., Van Ophoven A.
Běžný variabilní imunodeficit (CVID) patří k nejběžnějším primárním imunitním deficitům a je charakterizován poruchou tvorby imunoglobulinů. Hypogamaglobulinemie se u CVID manifestuje v každém věku, obvykle ale v dospělosti, a není známa závislost výskytu nemoci na pohlaví. Prevalence se odhaduje na 1 : 25 000–1 : 50 000. Patogeneze CVID není plně známa. Základním klinickým respiračním příznakem CVID jsou opakující se infekce dýchacích cest, převážně bakteriální: sinusitidy, bronchitidy, pneumonie, se vznikem bronchiektázií a plicní fibrózy. Intersticiální plicní procesy a granulomatózy se obvykle manifestují již v době diagnózy CVID a jsou většinou špatným prognostickým faktorem onemocnění., Common variable immunodeficiency disorder belongs to the most common primary human immunodeficiencies and it is characterized by primary defective immunoglobulin production. Hypogammaglobulinemia manifests in every age, usually in adult people. There is no gender predisposition. The prevalence is 1 : 25 000–1 : 50 000. The ethiopathogenesis of the majority of CVIDs is unknown. The main clinical respiratory symptoms include recurrent respiratory infects, especially bacterial etiology, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, leading to bronchiectasis and lung fibrosis. Interstitial lung fibrosis and granulomatosis often manifest at diagnosis of CVID and they are negative prognostic factors of the disease., and Martina Doubková, Mojmír Moulis, Jana Skřičková