Prezentujeme kazuistiku 69letého muže s atypickým průběhem demence s parkinsonizmem a progredujícími závažnými poruchami chování. Klinický obraz evokoval demenci s Lewyho tělísky nebo frontotemporální demenci s parkinsonizmem. Poněkud atypický průběh a rychlý vývoj nemoci lze vysvětlit neuropatologickým nálezem komorbidity dvou neurodegenerativních entit. V popředí byla plně vyvinutá forma demence s Lewyho tělísky, v mozkové tkáni byly přítomny i markery Alzheimerovy nemoci, ale vyvinuty v menší míře a difúzněji. To mohlo korelovat s absencí klinické manifestace progresivní amnestické demence, která je pro Alzheimerovu nemoc typická. Post mortem se podařilo shromáždit dostatek informací a kompletně zmapovat průběh onemocnění od prvních příznaků až k definitivní neuropatologické diagnóze., We describe a case of a 69-year-old man with an atypical course of dementia with Parkinsonism and progressive severe behavioral abnormalities. Clinical presentation was compatible with dementia with Lewy bodies or frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism. The rapid and atypical progression was related to neuropathological findings of two co-morbid neurodegenerative entities. Fully developed dementia with Lewy bodies predominated, while markers of Alzheimer’s disease were also present in the brain tissue. However, their less expressed and more widespread distribution was probably related to the absence of clinical manifestations of progressive amnestic dementia, a typical symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. We retrospectively completed missing data and retraced the clinical course from the first disease manifestations to the definite neuropathological diagnosis. Key words: delirium – dementia with Lewy bodies –Alzheimer’s disease – frontotemporal dementia – differential diagnosis – parkinsonism The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and V. Franková, R. Matěj, R. Rusina
Progresívna multifokálna leukoencefalopatia (PML) je závažnou oportúnnou infekciou centrálneho nervového systému, ktorá sa typicky vyvíja u ťažko imunokompromitovaných jedincov (s infekciou HIV, hematologickými malignitami, po transplantácii orgánov), ale v poslednej dobe aj u chorých s rôznym typom autoimunitných ochorení, liečených biologickou liečbou. V liečbe pacientov s vysoko aktívnou relapsujúcou/remitujúcou sclerosis multiplex používame už niekolko rokov natalizumab-rekombinantnú humanizovanú monoklonovú protilátku proti alfa reťazcu - ?4?1 integrínu. Úspech terapie natalizumabom komplikuje riziko vzniku PML, v patogenéze ktorej je kľúčovým hráčom John Cunninghamov vírus (JCV). Riziko PML stúpa s prolongovaným užívaním lieku (viac ako 24 mesiacov), predovšetkým u chorých s pozitívnym dôkazom protilátok proti JCV v sére a v minulosti liečených imunosupresívami. Takýto rizikový pacient vyžaduje prísne klinické a rádiologické sledovanie. Nálezy PML na magnetickej rezonancii (MR) pacientov so sclerosis multiplex (SM) liečených natalizumabom sú rôznorodé a veľmi menlivé, v úvodných fázach niekedy ťažko detekovateľné a úplne iné, než sú MR nálezy PML u HIV pozitívnych pacientov. Po ukončení natalizumabu boli pozorované klinické a/ alebo MR dôkazy reaktivácie SM, v niektorých prípadoch aj syndróm zápalovej rekonštitúcie imunitného systému (immune reconstitution inflammatory syndróm - IRIS), ktorý nedokážeme klinicky od samotnej PML odlíšiť a môže komplikovať priebeh už potvrdenej PML po použití plazmaferézy Pri interpretácii MR nálezov treba na tieto skutočnosti myslieť., Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a serious opportunistic infection of the CNS, which typically develops in severe immunocompromised individuals (HIV infection, haematological malignancy, organ transplant), but recently also in patients with various types of autoimmune diseases, treated by biological treatment. Natalizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against the cell adhesion molecule - ?4?1 integrin, is used in the treatment of high active relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis for several years. The success of therapy with natalizumab complicates risk of PML, depends on treatment duration (more than 24 months), anti-JCV antibody serology status, and prior administration of immunosupressive drugs. MRI findings of PML in multiple sclerosis patients treated with natalizumab are heterogenous an highly variable, in the early stages sometimes difficult to detect and completely different from PML of HIV patients. After natalizumab discontinuation, there were observed clinical and/or MRI evidence of reactivation of multiple sclerosis, in some cases IRIS-syndrome - which one we are unable to distinguish clinically from PML and it may complicates the treatment of PML after plasma exchange. These facts must be taken into account when interpreting MRI findings., Monika Daňová, Eleonóra Klímová, and Literatura
In this paper, studies on zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) are reviewed that were performed during the last ten years largely by scientists of the Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine. New data on the taxonomy of Leishmania circulating in populations of Rhombomys opimus, their main host, and the results of field and laboratory studies allowed revision of certain concepts generally accepted in epidemiology and epizootology of ZCL in Central Asia.
Underground mining hard coal in the area of Walbrzych ended in the late 90-ties of the last Century. Its effects on the state of heterogeneous rock mass (complicated geology and tectonics) is still evident and not known precisely. Analysis of levelling measurement results carried out after the end of mining activity (1997-2008) for part of the former “Thorez” mine indicates increased rock mass surface activity in tectonic zones. With the aim to continue monitoring of the rock mass surface movements on the area of former mining grounds a research satellite GPS network (7 points) has been established and supplemented with new precise levelling lines linked to the existing 2nd class levelling network. Location of these points takes into consideration, among other things geology and tectonics of the Walbrzych Basin and areas of underground mining activity. In this paper work on the design and construction of the research satellite GPS and levelling networks has been described and the first measurement campaign carried out in September 2009 has been presented. Its results will form foundation for complex studies of rock mass surface in the next measurement epochs., Jan Blachowski, Wojciech Milczarek and Stefan Cacoń., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Projekt Kruh prstenu: Světové dějiny sexuality, erotiky a lásky od počátků do současnosti v reálném životě, krásné literatuře, výtvarném umění a dílech českých malířů a sochařů inspirovaných obsahem této knihy vznikl počátkem devadesátých let minulého století. Představuje vytvoření reprezentativní trojsvazkové publikace a sbírky erotik českých malířů a sochařů. V jednotlivých číslech časopisu Anthropologia integra jsou uveřejňovány medailony zúčastněných výtvarníků a reprodukovány některé z jejich artefaktů vytvořených pro projekt Kruh prstenu (Malina 2010). Dnes: malíř Vladimír Svoboda., The Project The Circle of the Ring: Th e World History of Sexuality, Eroticism and Love from the Beginnings up to the Present Day in Real Life, Belle-Lettres, Visual Art and in the Works of Czech Painters and Sculptors Inspired by the Content of this Book arose at the beginning of the 1990s. It presents the formation of the representative publication in three volumes and a collection of erotica of Czech painters and sculptors. Particular volumes of the journal Anthropologia integra will include short profi les on the participating artists as well as reproductions of some of their artefacts created for the project Th e Circle of the Ring (Malina 2010). Today: painter, graphic artist and sculptor Vladimír Svoboda., Jaroslav Malina, and Literatura
Pestrá škála kosmologických testů ukazuje, že různé vlastnosti našeho vesmíru lze přesvědčivě vysvětlit, pokud je dominantní složkou jeho současného energetického obsahu rovnoměrně rozptýlená substance, jež dostala název temná energie. Jejím základním rysem je kosmická repulze způsobující zrychlené rozpínání prostoru, přičemž hustota temné energie zůstává neměnná; v Einsteinových rovnicích pole ji velmi dobře reprezentuje kosmologická konstanta Λ. Přirozeně, kosmologická konstanta se musí projevovat nejen v evoluci vesmíru, ale též v astrofyzikálních procesech. Představíme některé její astrofyzikální projevy studované opavskou relativistickou skupinou - vliv na pohyb hvězd v gravitačním poli supermasivních černých děr, na pohyb trpasličích galaxií na periferii obřích galaxií, na tvar a vlastnosti toroidálních konfigurací hmoty obíhajících supermasivní černé díry nebo sférických polytropických konfigurací modelujících hala temné hmoty., A wide range of cosmological tests indicates that various properties of the Universe can be well explained by the presence of a uniformly dispersed dominant part of the current energetic content, i.e. so-called dark energy. Its basic feature is expressed by cosmic repulsion, causing an accelerated expansion of space, whereas the density of dark energy remains unchanged; in Einstein field equations, dark energy is well described by the cosmological constant (Λ). Clearly Λ must be defined not only in Universe evolution, but also in astrophysical processes. Here we introduce some of the astrophysical phenomena of Λ studied by the relativistic group in Opava, e.g. its influence on the motion of stars in the gravitational field of supermassive black holes, on the motion of dwarf galaxies at the peripheries of giant galaxies, on the form and properties of toroidal configurations of fluid circling around supermassive black holes, or on polytrophic configurations modelling dark matter halos., Zdeněk Stuchlík, Petr Slaný, Jiří Kovář., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This study examines changes in narrative approaches in Czech, Moravian and (German-written) Silesian belles lettres from 1770-1790. In its examination of historical poetics and changes in narrative methods, it draws on the structuralist studies of Lubomír Doležal (his "narrative text transformation" model) and Daniela Hodrová (fictive novel vs. reality novel). Instead of the idea that prose evolves in relation to a fixed "linguistic substrate" in an immanent, autonomous way, the author inclines to the notion of a plurality of poetic codes on various linguistic levels (from stylistic registers, "narrative methods" and narrative structures to individual genres and the comprehensive aesthetic that shapes entire epochs). The study starts with an outline the socio-historical background to the emergence of literary periodicals in the Czech Lands in the early 1770s and their authors’ publishing strategies. It then considers the transformational impact these periodicals had on the literary prose of the day. The third part examines how the belles lettres of literary periodicals reacted to impulses from Enlightenment poetics such as the sentimentalism of Laurence Sterne and the Sturm und Drang movement, with illustrative interpretations of the novellas Der Philosoph in der Suppe (The Philosopher in the Soup) by Johann Ferdinand Opitz, Die neue Sapfo (The New Sappho) by Christian Heinrich Spiess and Der sonderbare Kupler (The Peculiar Pimp) by Josef Herbst and Josef Kirpal., Václav Smyčka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Příspěvek popisuje souvislost požadavků na denní osvětlení a oslunění budov s urbanismem v průběhu posledních desetiletí, včetně současných trendů. Diskutuje možnosti odpovědi preventivního zdravotnictví na nové trendy stavby měst v oblasti světelné techniky., This paper describes the relationship of requirements for daylighting and solar access of buildings with urban planning over the past decades including current trends. Discussed are options of the response of preventive health care to the new trends in urban design in the field of lighting technology., Jan Kaňka, and Literatura
Recently, we have established a model of severe stepwise normovolemic hemodilution to a hematocrit of 10 % in rats employing three different colloidal volume replacement solutions (Voluven, Volulyte and Gelafundin) that are routinely used in clinical practice at present. We did not see severe dilutional acidosis as to be expected, but a decline in urinary pH. We here looked on further mechanisms of renal acid excretion during normovolemic hemodilution. Bicarbonate, which had been removed during normovolemic hemodilution, was calculated with the help of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. The urinary amount of ammonium as well as phosphate was determined in residual probes. The absolute amount of free protons in urine was obtained from the pH of the respective samples. The amount of protons generated during normovolemic hemodilution was approximately 0.6 mmol. During experimental time (5.5 h), distinct urinary ammonium excretion occurred (Voluven 0.52 mmol, Volulyte 0.39 mmol and Gelafundin 0.77 mmol). Proton excretion via the phosphate buffer constituted 0.04 mmol in every experimental group. Excretion of free protons was in the range of 10-6 mmol. The present data prove that the prompt rise in urinary ammonium excretion is also valid for acute metabolic acidosis originating from severe normovolemic hemodilution., J. K. Teloh, I. N. Waack, H. de Groot., and Obsahuje bibliografii