Spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon were studied in the digenean Mesocoelium monas Rudolphi, 1819 (from the toad Bufo sp. in Gabon). An ultrastructural study revealed that spermiogenesis follows the usual pattern found in digeneans, i.e. proximo-distal fusion of axonemes with a median cytoplasmic process followed by elongation. The spermatozoon has two fully incorporated axonemes with the 9 +“1” trepaxonematan pattem. Indirect immunofluorescence localization of tubulin and fluorescent labelling of the nucleus were used to obtain additional information on the structure of the spermatozoon. It was thus shown that one of the axonemes is slightly shorter than the other (190 versus 220 pm) and that the filiform nucleus (65 pm in length) is located at the distal extremity of the spermatozoon (220 pm in length). Various monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, specific to alpha, beta, acetylated-alpha, or general tubulin, were used and produced similar labelling.
Sphingolipids are a diverse and ubiquitous group of lipids. They are widely distributed in parasites and a number of novel forms have been described. Sphingolipid synthesis has been investigated in the malarial parasite, cestodes, digencans and nematodes. Although there are differences in detail, the synthetic pathways involved are similar to those found in mammals.
Gluteal muscle contracture (GMC) is a chronic fibrotic disease of gluteal muscles due to multiple etiologies. The main pathologic process is characterized by proliferation of fibroblasts and excessive accumulation of collagen in the extracellular matrix of the muscle. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive sphingolipid and has been reported to be associated with various fibrotic diseases. However, the role of S1P in GMC remains unknown. Here in this articl e, High-perform ance liquid chromatography and immunohistochemistry were applied to evaluate S1P localization and expression in clinical samples from patients with GMC, Quantitative real time PCR, Western blot, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assa y were used to explore the link between transforming growth factor-β 1 (TGF- β 1), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and S1P. The results showed that S1P was enhanced in contraction band (CB) tissues. Studies using the cell proliferation and transformation assay indicated that exogenous S1P stimulated CB fibroblast proliferation in a time-depen dent manner and in higher concentration also in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, we demonstrated that S1P not only promoted collagen type I production, but also up-regulated mRNA and protein expression of transforming growth factor-β 1 and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. These findings suggest that S1P may regulate increased synthesis of collagen and other fibrogenic factors, and significantly contributes to the process of gluteal muscle scarring in patients with GMC., C. G. Zhao ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Plasma endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels are elevated in spinal cord injury (SCI), and ET-1 may be involved in the pathophysiology of this condition. However, its effects on contractile function of the heart of SCI rats are still unknown. To define more clearly the possiblel role of ET-1 following SCI, we investigated the effect of ET-1 on the contraction, calcium transients and L-type calcium current (ICa,L) in the cardiomyocytes of control and SCI rats. Sixteen Sprague-Dawley male rats aged 80-100 days and weighing 250-350 g were randomized into control and SCI groups. Fourteen days following compression injury to the spinal cord, effects of ET-1 on the contraction, calcium transients and ICa,L were studied in the cardiomyocytes of control and SCI rats by the technique of simultaneous measurement of intracellular Ca2+ and contraction and by whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. In myocytes from control rats, ET-1 significantly increased contraction, the magnitude of Ca2+ transients and the peak amplitude of ICa,L. However, ET-1 had little effect on the amplitude of contraction, calcium transients and ICa,L in myocytes from SCI rats. These results suggest that the positive inotropic effects of ET-1 on control myocardial contraction may be altered in pathological states such as SCI., Y.-F. Guo ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Spinální arteriovenózní malformace jsou skupina vzácných onemocnění, jejichž klinické projevy mohou být velmi rozmanité. Optimální léčebný postup je nutno vždy volit individuálně a pacienty směřovat do specializovaných center. Cílem sdělení je uvést přehlednou klasifikaci SAVM, jejich diferenciální diagnostiku a terapii a dále prezentovat dvě kazuistiky. První kazuistika se zmiňuje o případu 27letého muže, u kterého se rozvinuly silné bolesti bederní páteře s dominující meningeální symptomatikou v klinickém obraze. Na MR hrudního úseku páteře (Th11/12) byla nalezena AVM zásobovaná hypertrofickou radikulopiální tepnou. Na specializovaném pracovišti byla provedena úspěšná embolizace AV zkratu. Druhá kazuistika uvádí případ 41leté ženy, které vznikla při lyžování náhlá prudká bolest za krkem. V neurologickém obraze došlo k rozvoji inkompletní léze míšní s kvadruparézou s levostrannou akcentací do těžkého stupně s hranicí čití ve výši C1. Na provedeném MR a MRAG krční míchy a následně na DSA vertebrálních tepen byla detekována AVM zásobovaná levou arteria spinalis posterior. Terapeuticky byla indikována elektivní endovaskulární embolizace a pacientka byla ošetřena na specializovaném pracovišti ve Francii., Spinal arteriovenous malformations are a group of rare diseases with highly diverse clinical manifestations. The optimal therapeutic practice should always be selected individually and patients should be sent to specialized centres. The objective of this paper is to provide a structured classification of spinal AVMs, their differential diagnosis and therapy, and to present two case reports. The first report is concerned with a case of a 27-year-old man who developed severe pain in the lumbar spine with predominantly meningeal symptomatology. An AVM fed by a hypertrophic radiculopial artery was found on the thoracic spine (Th11/12) MR. A specialized centre performed successful embolization of an arteriovenous shunt. The second report presents a case of a 41-year-old woman, who felt sudden sharp pain in the neck while skiing. Neurologically, she developed an incomplete spinal cord lesion with quadriparesis with left-sided accentuation of severe intensity and sensation threshold at C1. The MR and MRAG of the cervical spinal cord and the following DSA of vertebral artery detected AVM fed by the left posterior spinal artery. Elective endovascular embolization was indicated and the patient was treated at a specialized institute in France., and T. Andrašinová, B. Adamová, A. Krajina, T. Andrašina
Spinální epidurální lipomatóza (SEL) je stav, při kterém dochází k patologickému nahromadění tuku v epidurálním prostoru páteřního kanálu. Za možnou příčinu bývá považováno užívání kortikosteroidů, obezita, endokrinologické onemocnění (nejčastěji endogenní nadprodukce kortizolu), u části případů však zůstává příčina neobjasněna. SEL se stává symptomatickou zřídka, a to ve chvíli, kdy způsobí kompresi míchy nebo nervových kořenů. Klinická manifestace závisí na úrovni postižení páteřního kanálu. Pro terapii SEL je určující závažnost komprese nervových struktur a tomu odpovídající tíže klinického syndromu. Při hodnocení šíře epidurálního tuku na zobrazovacích vyšetřeních, při volbě terapeutického postupu a při stanovení prognózy mohou být nápomocné nové klasifikace, které vytvořili Borré (pro bederní páteř) a Quint (pro hrudní páteř). Terapeutické možnosti zahrnují konzervativní terapii (redukce tělesné hmotnosti, redukce dávky kortikoidů, léčba endokrinologického onemocnění, analgetika, rehabilitace) a chirurgickou dekompresi. Samotná SEL je však velmi vzácná. U pacientů se často vyskytuje v koincidenci s jinými, hlavně degenerativními změnami páteře. V naší práci uvádíme tři kazuistiky, na kterých demonstrujeme možnou příčinu, průběh a terapii tohoto onemocnění. U prvního pacienta se lipomatóza manifestovala syndromem kaudy, v druhém případě radikulárním syndromem a u třetího pacienta SEL způsobila kompresi hrudní míchy., Spinal epidural lipomatosis (SEL) is a condition associated with pathological fat accumulation in the epidural area of the spinal canal. The disorder is likely caused by the use of corticosteroids, obesity, endocrinal disorders (especially endogenous overproduction of cortisol), although, in some cases, no cause is immediately evident. SEL rarely becomes symptomatic unless it leads to compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots. Clinical manifestation depends on the level at which the spinal canal is affected. Severity of compression of nerve structures and the corresponding intensity of clinical syndrome are the most important factors in the choice of SEL therapy. Recent classifications for evaluation of epidural fat layer on radiographic images by Borré (for lumbar spine) and Quint (for thoracic spine) can help in guiding the diagnostic and treatment approaches. Therapeutic options include conservative therapy (reduction of body weight, reduction of any corticoid dosage, treatment of the endocrinal disorder, analgesics, rehabilitation) and surgical decompression. However, SEL itself is rare and is frequently found together with other (e.g. degenerative) spinal changes. We report three cases from our own patient base through which we demonstrate possible causes, course and therapy of this disorder. Lipomatosis manifested as cauda equina syndrome in the first patient, as radicular syndrome in the second, and SEL led to compression of the thoracic spinal cord in the third. Key words: spinal epidural lipomatosis – epidural fat – spinal canal – stenosis The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and T. Andrašinová, B. Adamová, J. Stulík, J. Beck, K. Starý, S. Voháňka, Z. Bálintová
Spinocerebelární ataxie typu 6 (SCA6) je relativně vzácné hereditární neurodegenerativní onemocnění patřící do skupiny autozomálně dominantních spinocerebelárních ataxií. Příčinou je expanze nestabilních CAG tripletů v genu kódujícím podjednotku napěťově řízeného kalciového kanálu na 19. chromozomu. Onemocnění je charakteristické postupným rozvojem paleo- a neocerebelární symptomatiky s počátkem ve středním a vyšším věku. V následujícím textu prezentujeme případ nyní 63leté pacientky s náhlým rozvojem nespecifických potíží při chůzi, zprvu hodnocených jako stav po proběhlé cévní mozkové příhodě, s postupným vývojem klinického obrazu do výrazné trupové ataxie a instability chůze při zcela němé rodinné anamnéze. Po vyloučení častějších příčin obtíží byla na základě genetického vyšetření diagnostikována SCA6. Kazuistika ukazuje na nutnost pomýšlet i na možnost výskytu vzácné diagnózy, což v tomto případě přináší ukončení opakovaných vyšetření a v neposlední řadě i možnost prediktivního testování u příbuzných v riziku., Spinocerebellar ataxia 6 (SCA6) is a rather rare neurodegenerative disorder, one of autosomal dominant spinocerebelar ataxias. It is caused by expansion of unstable CAG triplet repeats in the gene responsible for the voltage-dependent calcium channel mapped to the chromosome 19. The disease is characterized by progressive paleo- and neocerebellar symptomatology. The onset of the disease is typically in middle- and older-age. The authors describe a case of 62-year-old women with sudden development of gait deterioration. This was first diagnosed as a post-ischemic stroke state. However, clinical symptoms progressed into gait ataxia. No analogical case was found in family history. Genetic testing, performed after all other potential causes of the condition were excluded, indicated SCA6. Our case report emphasises the importance of considering rare conditions as part of differential diagnosis. In this case, this protected the patient from further diagnostic testing as well as, importantly, enabled predictive testing in relatives in risk. Key words: spinocerebellar ataxia – cerebellar syndrome – hereditary spinocerebellar degenerations The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and K. Krakorová, J. Polívka, F. Šlauf
Spirocamallanus rebecae sp. n. is described from freshwater cichlids in some lakes of Southeast Mexico. It has 14 spiral bands in the buccal capsule, similar unequal spicules 503-544 and 281-297 long, 3 precloacal and 6 postcloacal pairs of papillae, vulva situated in the middle part of the body. An updated list of the species of the genus is presented.
Aldosterone receptor antagonist, spironolactone, has been shown to prevent remodeling of the heart in several models of left ventricular hypertrophy. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the treatment with spironolactone can prevent hypertension, reduction of tissue nitric oxide synthase activity and left ventricular (LV) and aortic remodeling in NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertension. Four groups of rats were investigated: control, spironolactone (200 mg/kg), L-NAME (40 mg/kg) and L-NAME + spironolactone (in corresponding dosage). Animals were studied after 5 weeks of treatment. The decrease of NO-synthase activity in the LV and kidney was associated with the development of hypertension and LV hypertrophy, with increased DNA concentration in the LV, and remodeling of the aorta in the L-NAME group. Spironolactone prevented the inhibition of NO-synthase activity in the LV and kidney and partially attenuated hypertension and LVH development and the increase in DNA concentration. However, remodeling of the aorta was not prevented by spironolactone treatment. We conclude that the aldosterone receptor antagonist spironolactone improved nitric oxide production and partially prevented hypertension and LVH development without preventing hypertrophy of the aorta in NO-deficient hypertension. The reactive growth of the heart and aorta seems to be controlled by different mechanisms in L-NAMEinduced hypertension., F. Šimko, J. Matúšková, I. L'upták, T. Pinčíková, K. Krajčírovičová, S. Štvrtina, J. Pomšár, V. Pelouch, L'. Paulis, O. Pecháňová., and Obsahuje bibliografii