Reactive dicarbonyls stimulate production of advanced glycation endproducts, increase oxidative stress and inflammation and contribute to the development of vascular complications. We measured concentrations of dicarbonyls - methylglyoxal (MG), glyoxal (GL) and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG) - in the heart and kidney of a model of metabolic syndrome - hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats (HHTg) and explored its modulation by metformin. Adult HHTg rats were fed a standard diet with or without metformin (300 mg/kg b.w.) and dicarbonyl levels and metabolic parameters were measured. HHTg rats had markedly elevated serum levels of triacylglycerols (p<0.001), FFA (p<0.01) and hepatic triacylglycerols (p<0.001) along with increased concentrations of reactive dicarbonyls in myocardium (MG: p<0.001; GL: p<0.01; 3-DG: p<0.01) and kidney cortex (MG: p<0.01). Metformin treatment significantly reduced reactive dicarbonyls in the myocardium (MG: p<0.05, GL: p<0.05, 3-DG: p<0.01) along with increase of myocardial concentrations of reduced glutathione (p˂0.01) and glyoxalase 1 mRNA expression (p˂0.05). Metformin did not have any significant effect on dicarbonyls, glutathione or on glyoxalase 1 expression in kidney cortex. Chronically elevated hypertriglyceridemia was associated with increased levels of dicarbonyls in heart and kidney. Beneficial effects of metformin on reactive dicarbonyls and glyoxalase in the heart could contribute to its cardioprotective effects., H. Malínská, V. Škop, J. Trnovská, I. Marková, P. Svoboda, L. Kazdová, M. Haluzik., and Seznam literatury
The paper deals with a hydraulic design of an axial propeller in function of pump and in function of turbine as well. A meridional cut of a turbo machine is proposed by classical method following guiding parameters.. Experimental findings about an interaction between parameters of the turbo machine in pump an turbine mode are implemented in this procedure. Blade cuts are proposed following NACA airfoils with using of their aerodynamic characteristics, which are processed numerically. Also Voznesensky diagram, which is used to predict an influence of an airfoil in a blade grid was processed numerically as well. The result is a complete design with text-file output, which is directly capable to be used as an input for 3D environment (e.g. CATIA). and Obsahuje seznam literatury a seznam symbolů
The article describes technology of measurement of size and size-distribution of aggregates formed during agitation using the digital camera. This method may be used in laboratory batch reactors, pilot plants as well as in full-scale water treatment plants. and Článek popisuje technologii digitálního záznamu a následného měření velikostních charakteristik vločkovitých agregátů tvořených při úpravě vody. Použitá metoda je vhodná ke studiu agregace jak v laboratorních podmínkách při použití vsádkového reaktoru, tak i v provozních podmínkách úpraven vody.
We consider the equation $$\label {1} - (r(x)y'(x))'+q(x)y(x)=f(x),\quad x\in \mathbb R \eqno {(*)} $$ where $f\in L_p(\mathbb R)$, $p\in (1,\infty )$ and \begin {gather} r>0,\quad q\ge 0,\quad \frac {1}{r}\in L_1^{\rm loc}(\mathbb R),\quad q\in L_1^{\rm loc}(\mathbb R), \nonumber \\ \lim _{|d|\to \infty }\int _{x-d}^x \frac {{\rm d} t}{r(t)}\cdot \int _{x-d}^x q(t) {\rm d} t=\infty . \nonumber \end {gather} In an earlier paper, we obtained a criterion for correct solvability of ($*$) in $L_p(\mathbb R),$ $p\in (1,\infty ).$ In this criterion, we use values of some auxiliary implicit functions in the coefficients $r$ and $q$ of equation ($*$). Unfortunately, it is usually impossible to compute values of these functions. In the present paper we obtain sharp by order, two-sided estimates (an estimate of a function $f(x)$ for $x\in (a,b)$ through a function $g(x)$ is sharp by order if $c^{-1}|g(x)|\le |f(x)|\le c|g(x)|,$ $x\in (a,b),$ $c=\rm const$) of auxiliary functions, which guarantee efficient study of the problem of correct solvability of ($*$) in $L_p(\mathbb R),$ $p\in (1,\infty ).$.
Brief review on the availability of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and Regional Circulation Models (RCMs) outputs for regional downscaling is presented (more in Melo, 2003; Melo, 2004). Four basic methods of regional climate change scenarios design (1st - Incremental (the simplest), 2nd - Analogue (historical or paleoclimatic), 3rd - Weather generator (artificial or based on real climatic statistics), 4th - GCMs (General Circulation Models) based) are discussed more in details. The additional one - a combined method, usually based on GCMs (mean annual/monthly warming and mean annual/monthly change in precipitation totals) and on historical analogue (statistical structure of daily/monthly data series, including physical plausibility among phenomena), was utilized in Slovakia. Finally some results of different climate change scenarios for Hurbanovo and possible user problems are listed and discussed. Special scenarios of exceptional weather events are also demanded by users, mainly from the Hydrology, Agriculture and Forestry sectors, very concise overview of such scenarios design is presented. and Príspevok prezentuje stručný prehľad dostupných modelov všeobecnej cirkulácie atmosféry (GCMs) ako aj metód na regionálnu interpretáciu výstupov GCMs. V zásade môžeme metódy konštrukcie scenárov klimatickej zmeny (zmien klímy) rozdeliť do 4 skupín: 1. Inkrementálne (prírastkové) scenáre; 2. Analógové scenáre; 3. Stochastický generátor počasia; 4. Dowscaling výstupov GCMs s regionálnou interpretáciou a využitím experimentálnych časových radov. Za piatu môžeme považovať metódu kombinovanú, ktorá využíva spoľahlivejšie scenáre na báze GCMs (zväčša teplotné a zrážkové) a pre zvyšné klimatické prvky sa pripravujú scenáre ako analógy korelačnou alebo regresnou metódou. V príspevku sú uvedené tiež príklady vybraných scenárov pre Hurbanovo.