This article presents some manuscript texts that shed new light on the protests against the indulgence campaign connected to the promulgation of Pope John XXIII’s crusade against King Ladislas of Naples in 1412. Thanks to the sources in the University Archives in Vienna, the arrival of indulgence preachers to Prague is set to early April 1412. This new dating suggests that abstrakty a period of negotiations predated the start of the campaign (possibly on 22 May 1412). These negotiations were accompanied by public controversy. Among evidence of it are the first version of Jan Hus’s polemic Contra cruciatam II and a fragment of a sermon possibly from 12 May 1412, both of which are edited in the appendix. Also edited is a statement on indulgences by a Prague Hospitaller John. This text lets emerge a hitherto unnoticed controversial indulgence campaign that ran parallel to that of John XXIII. The sources suggest that the conflict in Prague in 1412 was escalated not so much by a shock caused by the sale of indulgences but rather by a premeditated Wycliffite counter-campaign. and Pavel Soukup.
Nekonečno ve fyzice občas vystupuje, ačkoli se přímo nejeví - není jevem. Jeho existence závisí na použitých matematicky formulovaných fyzikálních zákonech, tedy idealizovaných modelech, pomůckách k pochopení. Tyto "pomůcky" byly odvozeny ze zkušností s konečným světem a jejich rozšíření na nekonečno je riskantním podnikem. Je tedy nekonečno pojmem ontologickým, vyjadřuje něco skutečně jsoucího?, Infinity plays some role in physics although it is not a phenomenon, so it is not directly apparent in physical world. Its existence depends on our idealised mathematically formulated models, hypotheses, theories. i.e. on our instruments for understanding. These instruments were derived from our experience with a finite, limited world. Their extension to infinity is therefore a risky business. So, is infinity an ontological concept, does infinity exist in reality?, Peter Zamarovský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article discusses an unconventional mandrel fabrication employing the magnetic abrasive finishing technology. Using statistical tools the relevant experiments are described. We demonstrate an achieved surface roughness obtained by reproduced treatments, and verification and validation treatments, respectively. This method has been manifested as reproducible on applied device and usable for the complete manufacturing processes (both ground surface and burnished finish). The best recorded surface roughness Ra was 80 nm. and Motivaci užití rentgenové optiky v rentgenových přístrojích lze hledat zejména v dosažení výrazně lepšího poměru signál/šum a rozšíření funkcionality oproti těm přístrojům, jež jsou koncipovány bez optiky. Současné způsoby výroby jsou však nákladné, je tedy na místě hledat alternativní řešení umožňující snížení výrobních nákladů a zvýšení dostupnosti těchto optik. Jednou z možných nekonvenčních výrobních technologií je metoda magnetického abrazivního finišování (MAF) v kombinaci sreplikační technologií.
(Summary) Using published results of the international centres BIH IPMS and some publications by a number of authors in connection with the investigation of the Earth rotation irregularities, the present work treats some comparisons and analyses of the qualities of the classical and space methods for determining the Earth rotation irregularities underlining our point of view concerning the use of methods in the process of research.
The origin, development and strengthening of our identity - that is our Self - is an important part of human life. Stability and variability of such Self are both aspects necessary to preserve the integrity and status of a person as psychological and social being. The mastering of our own Self is related to some interesting phenomena, discussed by current philosophy of mind and cognitive science. These research strategies deal with issues such as naturalization of Self (Dennett, Strawson), building up a theory of mind (Baron-Cohen) and the disconnective syndrome and its interpretation (Gazzaniga) among many others. This article reflects our current understanding of the Self, and takes into account some philosophical approaches, as well as some knowledge of modern cognitive science to show how the Self as a natural phenomenon can be understood. In its conclusion two conceptual levels of the Self are introduced: primitive Self and conceptual Self. These terms are intended to be the basis for the study of the Self as a natural phenomenon. and Michal Polák